Are You Compatible? INFJs and Relationships
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Are You Compatible? INFJs and Relationships

I’ve been putting off writing about the INFJ and compatibility in relationships for a while. Maybe it’s because I felt like it would be a little conceited to talk about how awesome INFJs are in relationships when I am one. Maybe it’s because pretty much every book out there says that INFJs do best with…

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12 Famous ENTJs And Their Quotes on Life, Love, and Ambition

ENTJs are some of the most highly driven, natural-born leaders in the world. Called “The Fieldmarshalls” by MBTI expert David Kiersey, the ENTJ has always been a much-needed force for progress and innovation. I have a special place in my heart for ENTJs because my dad happens to be one. Growing up I saw him work…

Are you compatible? ISFJs and Relationships
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Are you compatible? ISFJs and Relationships

ISFJs are some of the most naturally generous and caring individuals around. They are highly motivated to care for and defend their loved ones (hence their title “The Defender”). “It is better to give than to receive” is the true motto of the ISFJ. If you’re in a relationship with an ISFJ, be very glad….