26 Memes Any INTJ Will Relate To

Are you an INTJ who needs some solidarity or just a good chuckle? I’ve collected (and created) some memes that I think you’ll strongly relate to!

Disclaimer: I made some of these memes and others I collected from across the internet. Some memes didn’t have references to who created them. If you created any of these memes and would like to be cited let me know in the comments or via the contact form on my site!

Find 26 relatable and hilarious memes about the INTJ experience. #INTJ #Personality #MBTI

Estimated reading time: 11 minutes

26 Memes Any INTJ Will Relate To

INTJs like to have a mental map of how their day is going to unfold. Unexpected surprises or intrusions can make them feel overwhelmed and irritable! Be sure to give them a heads up if you’re going to drop by.

Christmas or birthday around the corner? Now you know what to buy your favorite INTJ!

INTJs tend to gravitate towards subjects that are abstract, philosophical, or complex. Small talk and gossip are typically boring to them and may result in an impromptu nap.

Credit to vinitblizzard

INTJs often feel misunderstood and underestimated by others. Their ability to see the big picture and sense how things will unfold can make them aware of profound changes long before they occur. It can often feel to them that others are walking around with blinders on, only able to see the immediate path in front of them. This meme is funny, but many INTJs will be nodding their heads as they read it!

Dwight from “The Office” is an ESTJ, but many INTJs will relate to this sentiment (although not too seriously).


INTJs do enjoy socializing with the right people (at the right times) but when they’re amongst strangers or shallow acquaintances they tend to be mysterious and “unreadable.” They don’t tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves or show a lot of emotions not their faces unless they are deeply invested in something. This coupled with their distaste of large social gatherings can make them seem intense and intimidating to other people.

This meme communicates the same message as the meme above it. INTJs dislike being stuck in social situations where they’re forced to talk about mundane or trivial topics for long periods of time.

INTJs prefer to stay out of the drama, but that doesn’t mean they’re never are amused by it from a purely analytical perspective.

INTJ females are the second-rarest female personality type and as such are often expected to act like the more common SF personality types. Many INTJ females I’ve spoken with have struggled throughout their lives with the pressure and burden of having to behave more like stereotypical feeling women. Rather than be direct and straightforward they’re expected to be especially tactful or nurturing. Their natural gifts are often appreciated in the male world and dismissed in the female world, but I hope that will change in the near future! You can find out more about this in my article Type Bullying and the NT Girl.

INTJs tend to enjoy a good debate. Truth and understanding are vital to them and they don’t mind ruffling a few feathers to get to the bottom of something or to clear up someone’s foggy perception. This can be alarming or unnerving to some parents!

INTJs make excellent friends, but don’t expect them to open up about their life stories right off the bat! It takes patience and trust before they really open up to others.

INTJs do care. They just don’t tend to show it in superficial ways.

INTJs should definitely check out Sarah Andersen’s artwork and comics because sooo many of them will be relatable to this type. This comic in particular captures one of the most annoying situations INTJs can encounter in public.

This classic meme is definitely relatable to most, if not all, INTJs.

INTJs have a knack for predicting how things will play out in the future. When others refuse to listen then they can derive mild (or not so mild) amusement from seeing the situation unfold exactly as they said it would.

Not a bad life goal.

INTJs prize their personal space. Most were fairly relieved when social distancing rules were enforced and they were able to have a reasonable excuse to stay distanced from strangers at social events.

INTJs usually don’t want to get involved in other people’s personal drama. While other types (we’re looking at you, FJs) enjoy sharing ideas and feelings about relationship troubles, INTJs prefer to tackle the problems directly rather than dwell on them or talk about them.

Most introverts will relate to this one I suspect.

To be fair, most INTJs I’ve met are much better at being empathetic and tactful than this meme would imply. But they’ll still relate to the feeling, whether they express it or not.

INTJs can be suspicious of social niceties and surface-level friendliness at times. That said, they know there’s a time and place for it.

Almost nothing provides more satisfaction to the INTJ than seeing their strategy unfold exactly as they imagined it.

Social events where chit-chat and prolonged social interactions are the norm can make INTJs feel anxious and restless.

This meme is definitely an exaggeration, but it’s also going to be relatable. INTJs have inferior Extraverted Sensing, which means that a lot of sensory stimulation and commotion can make them feel overwhelmed and stressed. While ESxP personality types thrive in unpredictable, exciting situations that demand rapid reactions to unexpected data, INTJs tend to feel anxious in these same situations. You can find out more about this in my article about the inferior functions of every personality type.

24 Signs That You’re an INTJ, the Strategist Personality Type

10 Things You Should Never Say to an INTJ

The Underrated Kindness of the INTJ Personality Type

What Are Your Thoughts?

Did you enjoy these memes? Do you have any thoughts or stories you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments!

Find out more about your personality type in our eBooks, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type, The INTJ – Understanding the Strategist, and The INFP – Understanding the Dreamer. You can also connect with me via FacebookInstagram, or Twitter!

An in-depth eBook about the #INTJ personality type.
Find 26 relatable and hilarious memes about the INTJ experience. #INTJ #Personality #MBTI
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  1. haha as an enneagram 5/INFJ I relate to these quite a bit. The six feet apart meme makes me laugh every single time. That was my exact response to social distancing. Thank goodness! It was truly a dream come true! And thanks to the plague, we now have more options when it comes to avoiding people. Happiness.

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