10 Things You Should Never Say to an ESTP
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10 Things You Should Never Say to an ESTP

Have you ever found yourself in a conversation with someone and inadvertently said something that made them squirm or get insulted? Today we’re looking at the ESTP personality type and ten things they detest hearing. If you’re trying to foster a friendship with this type, avoid saying these ten things! Not sure what your personality…

What is Extraverted Feeling?
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What is Extraverted Feeling?

Have you ever been reading type-related articles online and come across the term “Extraverted Feeling”? Perhaps you’ve wondered what this means. Maybe you’ve even seen the term “Fe” and scratched your head in confusion. Extraverted Feeling is one of the eight cognitive functions or processes that we use when we think, decide, and form judgments….

The Emotion Each Myers-Briggs® Personality Type Struggles to Express
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The Emotion Each Myers-Briggs® Personality Type Struggles to Express

Are there certain emotions that you express with ease that others seem to conceal with every possible effort? Or is it the reverse? Maybe you feel like concealing emotions that others have no issue showing! Everyone experiences emotions. It doesn’t matter what your personality type is, the whole gamut of emotions is there for everyone…

Why You Should Defy Your Personality Type
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Why You Should Defy Your Personality Type

“I’m an INTJ.  I don’t belong at social events.” Since learning type theory, I have thought this to myself many times during social events.  I look around, watching others laughing and happily engaging in conversations about sports, the state of friends and family, or other small talk.  My narrow interests rarely happen to be conversation…

10 Reasons Why ESTPs Make Amazing Friends
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10 Reasons Why ESTPs Make Amazing Friends

ESTPs are one of the least talked about types in the Myers-Briggs community. Why? Probably because they’re out doing things in the real world instead of hanging around on their computers talking about personality theories (how dare they?!!). Regardless, today we’re taking a look at ten reasons why you should befriend someone with this personality…