Uncovering the Childhood Wounds of Every Enneagram Type
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Uncovering the Childhood Wounds of Every Enneagram Type

The childhood wounds of each Enneagram type can leave a lasting impact far into adulthood if they’re not properly tended to. As an Enneagram coach, I get a lot of questions about childhood and how it influences the types as they grow, and thankfully there’s a lot of research on this topic. Whether you had…

What You Needed to Hear As a Child, Based On Your Enneagram Type
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What You Needed to Hear As a Child, Based On Your Enneagram Type

According to Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson, authors of “The Wisdom of the Enneagram,” there is a unconscious childhood message each of us received growing up. For some, the message was to trust others but not yourself. For others, the message was not to assert yourself or “get in the way.” These unconscious messages…

What’s My Child’s Enneagram Type? Tips for Finding Out!
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What’s My Child’s Enneagram Type? Tips for Finding Out!

Can the Enneagram Be Used for Kids? Absolutely! When it comes to understanding your children, one of the best tools for doing this is the Enneagram. This in-depth system of typology helps you to determine your childhood wounds, core fears, core desires, and coping mechanisms. Today I’m going to help you identify your child’s type…