The Enneagram Eight Child
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The Enneagram Eight Child

Labeled “The Challenger,” Enneatype 8 children are often recognized for their fiery tempers, impulsive behaviors, or defiance towards control and authority. But is that really all there is to an 8 child? Is bluster and fury the sum of all their parts? While there’s more to any individual than their Enneagram type, today we’re going…

The Decision-Making Style of Every Enneagram Type
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The Decision-Making Style of Every Enneagram Type

Have you ever tried to come to a decision with a friend, spouse, or sibling, only to wind up shaking your head and walking away? Maybe they took too long to decide, or maybe they were too pushy about the option they thought was best. Each of us has a unique way of making decisions,…

Here’s the Animal You’d Be, Based On Your Enneagram Type
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Here’s the Animal You’d Be, Based On Your Enneagram Type

Ever wondered which creature from the animal kingdom has your Enneagram type? Today we’ll be exploring a wide variety of animals and how they symbolize various strengths or weaknesses of each Enneagram type. Unlike my Myers-Briggs® and animal post, this article will focus primarily on animal symbolism rather than actual animal habits. I’m doing this…

Integration, Disintegration and Your Enneagram Type
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Integration, Disintegration and Your Enneagram Type

Have you ever been at the end of your rope and seen your personality shift in dramatic ways? Each of us tends to act out under stress, but the ways that we do it will be different depending on our enneatype.  Today we’re going to look at how each type disintegrates under stress, and what…

Seven Struggles of the Enneagram Eight Type

Seven Struggles of the Enneagram Eight Type

Bold and energetic, Eights are known for their self-reliance and determination. These types crave a life of freedom and enjoyment, but often feel restless. Today we’re going to explore seven unique struggles these types face in day-to-day life, especially when they are at average or unhealthy levels of maturity. Not sure what your enneagram type…