Uncovering the Childhood Wounds of Every Enneagram Type
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Uncovering the Childhood Wounds of Every Enneagram Type

The childhood wounds of each Enneagram type can leave a lasting impact far into adulthood if they’re not properly tended to. As an Enneagram coach, I get a lot of questions about childhood and how it influences the types as they grow, and thankfully there’s a lot of research on this topic. Whether you had…

21 Signs That You’re an Enneagram 2 Type
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21 Signs That You’re an Enneagram 2 Type

Have you taken an Enneagram questionnaire and gotten a Two as a result? Enneagram Twos, or “the Helpers” as they are described, enjoy making a difference in the lives of people. If you’re trying to confirm that this is your true type, then read through this list of 21 common traits! Not sure what your…

The Enneagram 2 Child

The Enneagram 2 Child

Known as “The Helpers,” Enneagram Twos make an impact on the world with their generosity and personable natures. Twos enjoy helping people, being needed and stepping in when someone unfortunate needs a protector or confidante. But what’s it really like to be a Two child? What strengths and weaknesses follow them through life? Let’s take…