The Enneagram Nine Child
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The Enneagram Nine Child

Often called “The Peacemaker,” the Nine Enneatype is a complex one. While people often write them off as “the easy going” types, there’s more to their calm demeanor than meets the eye. Underneath their good-natured, warm presence is a deeply imaginative, insightful soul. Not sure what your Enneagram type is? Find out in our questionnaire!…

Seven Struggles of the Enneagram Nine Type

Seven Struggles of the Enneagram Nine Type

Nonjudgmental and imaginative, Nines are the quintessential “peacemakers” of the Enneagram. These types often feel a sense of unity with people, animals, and nature. They crave harmony, both internally and externally, and will go to great lengths to maintain that sense of harmony. Sometimes this means helping people sort out their problems, and at other…

Enneagram Type Nine – The Peacemaker

Enneagram Type Nine – The Peacemaker

Enneagram Type Nine – The Peacemaker The Peacemaker (Enneagram Type Nine) is a relaxed and easygoing master of chill who finds purpose in maintaining a mind-body balance. Nines are gentle giants—wise beyond their years—influencing others through genuine kindness. As a result, they can mesh well with almost any group or individual, making them fantastic collaborators….