INFJ Compatibility with Every Personality Type
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INFJ Compatibility with Every Personality Type

INFJ compatibility is one of the subjects I get the most questions about on a daily basis as an MBTI® practitioner. Today I really wanted to dive into the different potential pairings of the INFJ type and give an idea of the strengths and weaknesses of specific romantic relationships. Let’s get started! Not sure what…

The Relationship Kryptonite of Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
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The Relationship Kryptonite of Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

In the world of relationships, personality clashes can create mind-boggling conflicts. When we can’t mentally get into our partner’s shoes we may inadvertently say or do something that triggers them or makes them lash out at us in an unexpected way. It’s all too easy to offend or misunderstand each other. So what can we…

Are INFJs and ISFJs Compatible? An In-Depth Look
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Are INFJs and ISFJs Compatible? An In-Depth Look

Are INFJs and ISFJs Compatible? An In-Depth Look Yes. End of article. Kidding. INFJs (Ni-Fe-Ti-Se) and ISFJs (Si-Fe-Ti-Ne) will find they have quite a lot in common due to their shared judging axis (Fe-Ti), conveniently located in the same slot positions. The way INFJs and ISFJs relate to others and analyze information can come off…

An In-Depth Look at the INFJ and ISTP Relationship
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An In-Depth Look at the INFJ and ISTP Relationship

The INFJ and ISTP relationship is one that I’ve seen dozens of times as an MBTI® practitioner. Why do these two types wind up together so often? Well, it all boils down to opposites (sort of) attracting. Let’s take a look at the mental processes of the INFJ and the ISTP: The INFJ and ISTP…