7 Reasons Why You Need an INFJ Friend in Your Life
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7 Reasons Why You Need an INFJ Friend in Your Life

“A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.” – Saint Basil Each personality type has special gifts to bring to any friendship or relationship. I’ve had a lot of requests to write…

Your Guide to the INFJ and INTJ Relationship
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Your Guide to the INFJ and INTJ Relationship

Over the last couple of years, I’ve received numerous requests for a post about INFJ and INTJ relationships. This pairing is extremely rare, simply because these two types combined only compose 3.6% of the US population! If they are lucky enough to meet each other, they tend to have an instant spark because of their…

10 Things INFJs Look For in a Relationship
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10 Things INFJs Look For in a Relationship

INFJs are known for being perfectionists in relationships. They hold themselves to incredibly high standards, and because they’re content enough being alone they don’t feel a strong urge to settle for anything less than their ideal. Sometimes this can be a good thing, and the INFJ avoids getting involved in dead-end or purposeless relationships. Sometimes…

An In-Depth Look at The INFJ and ISTJ Relationship
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An In-Depth Look at The INFJ and ISTJ Relationship

The INFJ and ISTJ relationship is one that is relatively rare, but I’ve had several requests for an article about this pairing so I thought I’d make an effort to write something helpful about it! When it comes to type and relationships, literally ANY pairing can be successful…OR a trainwreck depending on how open-minded and…

When INFJs and ESTPs Fall in Love – The Joys and Struggles
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When INFJs and ESTPs Fall in Love – The Joys and Struggles

Opposites attract, right? That’s a statement many of us can agree on. While a kindred spirit can be a wonderful thing, there’s something exciting and fascinating about someone who’s personality contrasts our own in intriguing ways. At first glance, ESTPs and INFJs would seem like a terrible match. After all, they have completely different letters,…