The Emotional World of Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
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The Emotional World of Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Updated June 24th, 2021 Does your personality type have anything to do with your emotions? Many people, especially those who are new to type, connect emotional expression and discernment with a Feeling preference. But is this really accurate? Are feelers more emotional than thinkers? Absolutely not! Every human feels emotions – every personality type can…

The Hogwarts House of Each Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
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The Hogwarts House of Each Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Have you ever wondered if there was a connection between your Myers-Briggs personality type and your Hogwarts House? Well, today you can wonder no more! We’re exploring the most-likely Hogwarts House for each personality type, focusing on the strengths that both your type and your specific house bring to the table. Keep in mind, these…

Here’s What Gives You a Sense of Magic and Meaning, Based on Your Personality Type
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Here’s What Gives You a Sense of Magic and Meaning, Based on Your Personality Type

Do you ever have those moments that you want to preserve for all time? Those moments that take your breath away and give you a sense of meaning and wonder? Those are the moments we’re going to be exploring in today’s article. We’re going to look at the different things that make life meaningful and…

Not Sure What Their Myers-Briggs® Personality Type Is? Look for These Clues!
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Not Sure What Their Myers-Briggs® Personality Type Is? Look for These Clues!

On any given day you’re bound to meet new people from many different walks of life. Whether you’re at the office and you’re training a new employee or attending a church service and saying hello to a guest – nearly every day brings new individuals into your personal reach. If you’re a big fan of…

Here’s What It’s Like Inside the Mind of an ISFJ, ISTJ, ESFJ or ESTJ
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Here’s What It’s Like Inside the Mind of an ISFJ, ISTJ, ESFJ or ESTJ

Sensing-judging personality types have a unique and very personal way of looking at the world. They see the world around them as if filtered through layers of past experiences and impressions. They are in touch with the natural world, in touch with their inner bodies, and are skilled at storing sensory references and facts. Each…