How Different Personality Types Use Intuition (Ne or Ni)
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How Different Personality Types Use Intuition (Ne or Ni)

Ne vs. Ni: Which cognitive function do you use? This is one of the questions I get every day as an MBTI® practitioner! Intuition is one of the hardest functions to explain in words; some people describe it as a “sixth sense”. Unlike sensing, which is focused on the concrete and physical world that we…

The Childhood Struggles of Every Myers Briggs® Type
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The Childhood Struggles of Every Myers Briggs® Type

Did you ever feel misunderstood as a kid? Like once, or maybe constantly, people just didn’t “get you”? Unless you’re raised in a family of people who are very similar to you (and even that can create some issues) you’re likely to be misunderstood at one point or another, or often. Everyone feels misunderstood in…

The Magic and Mystery of Introverted Intuition
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The Magic and Mystery of Introverted Intuition

Have you ever wondered how Introverted Intuition works? I have to admit, as an INFJ I sometimes find myself at odds with this mysterious function. If you look online, you’ll describe it as so many things: Foresight Pattern-recognition “Psychic powers” Regardless of how it’s described, Introverted Intuition (or “Ni” as type geeks like me call…

What is Personality Typing? An Intro for Beginners

Have you ever wanted to know yourself better? What about your spouse, or your children? Do you find yourself confused by the way people communicate with you, or find it hard to relate to certain people? Knowing about personality type can take you leaps and bounds in your understanding of yourself and others. I’ve spent…