The Teenage Versions of Every Extroverted Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
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The Teenage Versions of Every Extroverted Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Today we’re going to explore the unique struggles and joys of each of the extroverted Myers-Briggs® personality types. If you are interested in finding out about the introverted personality types, click here. Not sure what your personality type is? Take our new personality questionnaire! The ESFP As teens, ESFPs enjoy the freedom and adventure that…

The Teenage Versions of Every Introverted Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
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The Teenage Versions of Every Introverted Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Not sure what your personality type is? Take our new personality questionnaire here. Or you can take the official MBTI® here. The ISFP Teen ISFPs yearn for independence and autonomy. Though deeply tied to their families, they retreat more into their quiet places during this time of life. They hate having their privacy intruded upon,…

Here’s What You’d Tell Your 13-Year-Old Self, Based on Your Personality Type
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Here’s What You’d Tell Your 13-Year-Old Self, Based on Your Personality Type

Have you ever wished that you could go back in time and give yourself some much-needed life lesson or advice? Do you ever wish you could have a “do-over” and avoid some of the embarrassments that life inevitably hurls your way in adolescence? I asked each personality type what they would tell themselves at thirteen-years-old…

The Teen Struggles of Each Personality Type
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The Teen Struggles of Each Personality Type

Have you ever looked back on your teenage years and felt confused by the way you behaved or by different problems that plagued you? Perhaps you’re in the midst of your teenage years and you feel overwhelmed by all the decisions, stressors, pressures, and expectations weighed upon you. Each Myers-Briggs® personality type has a different…