Are You An Intuitive or Sensing Personality Type? How to Find out!
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Are You An Intuitive or Sensing Personality Type? How to Find out!

In the personality community, there are a lot of myths and stereotypes related to both sensors and intuitives. Some people perceive intuitives as wrapped up in fruitless fantasies, and some intuitives perceive sensors to be dull or unimaginative. Let’s take a look at how you can REALLY tell if you’re a sensing or intuitive personality…

How Different Personality Types Use Sensation (Se or Si)
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How Different Personality Types Use Sensation (Se or Si)

How do you take in the world around you? Do you notice brilliant colors and sounds and smells? Do you regard the past with reverie and wonder? The world of sensing is a beautiful and captivating thing. If you’re a sensor, you have a heightened awareness of the physical world around you. You notice the…

What is Personality Typing? An Intro for Beginners

Have you ever wanted to know yourself better? What about your spouse, or your children? Do you find yourself confused by the way people communicate with you, or find it hard to relate to certain people? Knowing about personality type can take you leaps and bounds in your understanding of yourself and others. I’ve spent…