25 Quotes That INFPs Will Instantly Identify With
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25 Quotes That INFPs Will Instantly Identify With

INFPs are the imaginative, introspective idealists in the Myers-Briggs® personality system. These individuals are guided by a deep, internal set of subjective values and ethics and strive to live peaceful and harmonious lives. While on the outside they may seem soft-spoken and gentle, on the inside they have a fiery determination to do what is…

Here’s How You See the World, Based On Your Personality Type
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Here’s How You See the World, Based On Your Personality Type

Each of us takes in data and information differently and in a way that is unique to our personality type. Some people are really in tune with their inner-body sensations, others are more in tune with where they are in space! How do you see the world? How do you collect information? We’ll find out…

Is Your Child an Introvert or an Extrovert? How to Find Out!
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Is Your Child an Introvert or an Extrovert? How to Find Out!

One of the things I LOVE doing as an MBTI® practitioner is helping parents decipher the personality types of their children. Knowing your child’s type can help you in BIG ways when it comes to communication, homework, and just getting along! One of the first steps to discovering your child’s type is finding out where…

The Secrets to Communicating with Sensors and Intuitives
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The Secrets to Communicating with Sensors and Intuitives

A knowledge of personality type can help you navigate the sometimes murky waters of conversation. Each type has a different way they like to communicate, and each type is convinced or intrigued by different things. Here are some quick tips for recognizing intuitives and sensors in conversation, and how you can appeal to both preferences….

Here’s How You Are Clever, Based On Your Personality Type
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Here’s How You Are Clever, Based On Your Personality Type

Each personality type has unique strengths and abilities. Each has a particular brand of intelligence that they use to get through life. Some types have a gift for memory, others understand abstract concepts, and others are gifted with emotional intelligence. What type of cleverness does your personality type have? Let’s find out! Not sure what…