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“We must restore hope to young people, help the old, be open to the future, spread love. Be poor among the poor. We need to include the excluded and preach peace.”

Pope Francis – ESFJ


are known for their deep sense of compassion, and their practical kindness and generosity. ESFJs use a combination of Extraverted Feeling (Fe) to empathize and relate to others, as well as Introverted Sensing (Si) to have a proficient memory of details and a knack for utilitarian, down-to-earth knowledge. They are understanding teachers, excellent motivators, and productive and helpful members of their communities. Some famous ESFJs include Pope Francis, Andrew Carnegie, Sam Walton, and Anne Hathaway.

What Does ESFJ Stand For?

E = Extrovert. ESFJs gain energy from the people and things around them. They look to the outer world before looking inward to reflections and subjective ideas.
S = Sensation.  ESFJs focus more on the concrete or existing reality than they focus on theories or conceptual ideas.
F = Feeling. ESFJs apply personal values and empathize in order to make a decision. They want what is best for the group or humanity as a whole.
J = Judging. ESFJs like having things settled, decided and structured. They are typically work-before-play people.

ESFJ Motivations and Weaknesses:

  • Driving Force: To understand and connect with people in meaningful ways. To unify people towards ethical goals.
  • Backup Strength: Strong attention to detail and awareness of lessons learned from past experience.
  • Weakness: Can get so wrapped up in the feelings and needs of other people that they lose sight of the most logical approach to a situation. May have little patience for theories or ideas that detract from what they know.
  • Stressors: Too much time alone, lack of meaningful relationships, conflict or criticism, a disorganized environment, procrastination.

ESFJ Personality Traits:

While people vary based on their background and their Enneagram type, average to healthy ESFJs often have the following characteristics:

  • They enjoy friendly connections with a wide variety of people
  • They prefer an organized, structured lifestyle
  • They dislike not knowing what to expect
  • They are usually good at reading people and knowing what they need
  • You strive to achieve harmony in all their relationships
  • They are usually tactful and considerate
  • They like to discuss their emotions out loud and get feedback from others to help sort things out

ESFJ Careers:

ESFJs crave a job that will allow them to make a real difference in the lives of people and communities. A friendly atmosphere, clear expectations, and a sense of structure help them to feel comfortable and at home. ESFJs are able to do their best work when they know that they’re providing a practical service to people and improving their quality of life. They also feel at their best when they know specifically what’s expected of them, they’re given regular feedback, and they have opportunities to interact with co-workers in an authentic, friendly manner.

Career Suggestions: Teacher, Health care administrator, Athletic coach, Volunteer coordinator, Religious educator, Wilderness adventure leader, Veterinarian, Credit counselor, Travel consultant, Chef.

Famous ESFJs:

Pope Francis, Harry S. Truman, Colin Powell, Andrew Carnegie, Sam Walton, Regis Philbin, Barbara Walters, Anne Hathaway, Penelope Cruz, Jennifer Garner, Jessica Chastain, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Shania Twain, Hugh Jackman, Elton John, Ed Sheeran, Alicia Keys, Selena Gomez, Ariana Grande, Jessica Alba, Gal Gadot, Idris Elba

Your Important ESFJ Links:

24 Signs That You’re an ESFJ, the Defender Personality Type

A Look at the ESFJ Leader

The Flirting Style of the ESFJ Personality Type

7 Things That ESFJs Experience as Children

10 Things You Should Never Say to an ESFJ

10 Stress-Busting Tips for ESFJs

Understanding ESFJ Feeling

The Top 7 Gift Ideas for ESFJs

5 Ways to Annoy an ESFJ

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