• Here’s Your Passion and Your Virtue, Based On Your Enneagram Type
    Have you ever wondered if you were susceptible to one of the 7 deadly sins? Do you ever wonder if you’ve got everyone fooled into thinking you’re a “good” person, when deep down you’re aware of some faults you’d never want anyone to know? Today we’re going to look at the “passions” of the 9…

Discover More About Who You Are, What Makes You Tick, and How to Improve Your Relationships

Susan Storm Psychology Junkie
Susan Storm, Founder of Psychology Junkie

Here at Psychology Junkie, I want you to experience the joy and confidence of knowing your personality and your unique gifts as an individual. As an MBTI® certified practitioner and Enneagram coach I want to support you as you play to your strengths, create positive connections with others, and enjoy a more meaningful life. Find out more about me on my About Page.

Find your personality type
Find your Ennegram type
A look at the INFJ "Mystic" Personality Type
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