The ENTJ “Director”

ENTJ personality types are known for their strong intellectual presence and an impressive ability to meet goals and innovate with precision and speed. They make great leaders and entrepreneurs, and are often seen with achievements in the world of politics, business, and physics. Because of their strong use of Extraverted Thinking, they are decisive, logical, and driven to accomplish tasks as quickly as possible. Their auxiliary Introverted Intuition helps them to be incredible strategists with clear insights into the future and the feasibility of various plans. Theyโ€™re not afraid to think outside of the box and take risks to make their ideas come to life. If you look through our history books, youโ€™ll find many ENTJs; people like Napoleon Bonaparte, Julius Caesar, Alexander Hamilton, and possibly even Aristotle.

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The ENTJ Myers-Briggs personality type. Also called "The Director"

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

What Does ENTJ Stand For?

E = Extroversion. โ€œI focus on the outer world of projects, people, and experiences before focusing inwards.โ€
N = iNtuition. โ€œI focus more on the abstract or potential of something than the concrete or existing reality.โ€
T = Thinking. โ€œI focus on the impersonal aspects of a decision (pros and cons, logic, cause and effect) before looking at the personal impact and emotional dynamics.โ€
J = Judging. โ€œI like having things settled, decided and structured. I typically work before I play.โ€

ENTJ Strengths and Weaknesses:

  • Driving Force: To accomplish far-reaching objectives and goals in the most efficient, strategic manner possible.
  • Backup Strength:Insight into the underlying meaning of things and their long-term implications. Fascination with theories and conceptual topics.
  • Weaknesses: May be so focused on tasks and projects that they lose sight of their feelings or the feelings of others. Can be tactless, brusque, or insensitive โ€“ sometimes on purpose, sometimes inadvertently.
  • Stressors: Lack of structure, emotionally turbulent atmospheres, inefficiency, procrastination in themselves or others, not seeing progress on a project, violation of their deeply held values, pointless small talk.

ENTJ Personality Traits:

While people vary based on their experiences and Enneagram types, ENTJs often have the following characteristics:

  • Task-oriented, productive, and focused
  • Take charge of situations that seem disorganized or inefficient
  • Driven towards an inner vision of the future
  • Big-picture thinkers
  • Intellectually curious and skeptical
  • Focus on quick and steady progress towards goals
  • Dislike indecision and are very decisive
  • More focused on the future than the present
  • Strategically minded

ENTJ Careers:

Independence, variety, and creative challenges are all things that inspire ENTJs in the workplace. Because of this, they crave a career that will challenge their mind and curiosity. Working with complex and difficult problems doesnโ€™t overwhelm them, and brainstorming is a welcome activity. They want to improve their workplace by implementing visionary strategies. Setting and meeting goals, competing with other people or businesses, and taking charge are all things that keep them motivated. They enjoy a career that will introduce them to a variety of people and situations and might even allow them to travel abroad. More than anything, they want the freedom to change things, make systems more effective, and propel a business towards higher output and effectiveness.

Career Suggestions:

  • Executive
  • Lawyer
  • Project manager
  • Stockbroker
  • Venture capitalist
  • Business consultant
  • Attorney
  • Surgeon
  • Information and design architect
  • Entrepreneur
  • Networking specialist

ENTJ Cognitive Functions:

A look at the ENTJ's cognitive functions

Dominant Function: Extraverted Thinking (Te)

This decision-making function is what gives the ENTJ their trademark directness and strategic thinking ability. Extraverted Thinking focuses on segmenting, organizing, and systematizing the environment to make it more efficient and effective. Because of this way of thinking, ENTJs often make natural leaders with big-picture instincts that guide them. This function tends to objectify feelings and control impulses so the ENTJ can have a sense of logic and order to the outside world.

Auxiliary Function: Introverted Intuition (Ni)

This is the second most important function for ENTJs and it gives them their insight into the future, deeper meanings, and abstract concepts. Introverted Intuition helps the ENTJ foresee implications, patterns, and likely effects. This function helps the ENTJ perspective-shift and understand the bigger picture of a situation.

Tertiary Function: Extraverted Sensing (Se)

This is the third most important function for ENTJs and it gives them their comfort in physical reality. Extraverted Sensing helps ENTJs stay engaged with the present moment โ€“ noticing details, being in tune with their surroundings, and adapting to changing conditions. It also helps them enjoy sensual experiences such as art, music, and nature.

Inferior Function: Introverted Feeling (Fi)

This function is often poorly developed for ENTJs but still has a significant impact. Introverted Feeling focuses on inner values and considering what is important to the individual in a situation. While ENTJs tend to have strong beliefs, they don’t spend a lot of time introspecting and they might not be as in tune with the nuances of their emotions.  This function helps them form a personal moral code and make decisions that are not solely based on logic. Many ENTJs have emotional sensitivities that they try to avoid considering most times, but might flare up during times of intense stress. You can find out more about this in my article on ENTJs and grip stress.

Famous ENTJs:

  • Alexander Hamilton
  • Garry Kasparov
  • Carl Sagan
  • Karl Rove
  • Al Gore
  • Madeleine Albright
  • Nancy Pelosi
  • David Letterman
  • Michael Douglas
  • Charlize Theron
  • Katharine Hepburn
  • Adele.

ENTJ Characters:

Many books, movies, and television shows feature ENTJ characters. While weโ€™ve written an extensive post on this subject, weโ€™ll give you a list of some of the most prominent fictional ENTJ characters:

  • Lyanna Mormont (Game of Thrones)
  • Number Five (The Umbrella Academy)
  • Tyrion Lannister (Game of Thrones)
  • Lady Mary Crawley (Downton Abbey)
  • Ross Poldark (Poldark)
  • Edward Rochester (Jane Eyre)
  • Octavian (Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
  • Francis J. Underwood (House of Cards)
  • Donald โ€œDonโ€ Draper (Mad Men)
  • Harvey Specter (Suits)
  • Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass)
  • Light Yagami (Death Note)
  • Erwin Smith (Attack on Titan)

How Rare is the ENTJ Personality Type?

According to the most recent MBTIยฎ Manual, ENTJs are the rarest personality type, making up 1.5% of the national population. However, according to, ENTJs are the second rarest type, making up 1.8% of the general population. Either way, it’s safe to say they are extremely unusual to come across in day to day life!

Friendships with ENTJs

ENTJs can make lively, inspiring friends who catalyze people to achieve their goals and live with intention. As extroverts, ENTJs enjoy being around people who have dreams, ambitions, and intellectual curiosity. Many people rely on these friends for guidance when it comes to troubleshooting. And thinking types often appreciate their “say it like it is” honesty. That said, some ENTJs can be overly-blunt to the point of insensitivity. They also have little patience for mundane chit-chat or people who lack ambition or drive. While other types might restrain their judgments, ENTJs can be very pointed in their assessments of people and what they believe people should do to fix their problems. This can come across as arrogant or abrasive to other personalities who are more emotionally sensitive.

To make a friendship work with an ENTJ it’s important to be direct with them. If they say something that seems overly brusque, let them know in a calm way. When you need emotional support rather than a “fix” for a problem, let them know. If they care about you, they will respect your wishes; but they need honesty in order to reach you in the most supportive way. They appreciate directness and many times their friendship struggles stem from misunderstandings rather than actual mean-spiritedness. You can find out more about this in my article about how ENTJs show they care.

ENTJs in Relationships

ENTJs represent a paradox of appearing tough on the outside while harboring a sensitive core. Their love language is unique, often expressed more through actions and insights than verbal affirmations or romantic clichรฉs.

ENTJs embody a certain level of directness and bluntness in their communication, a trait often mistaken for insensitivity. In reality, they view this direct approach as a form of respect, saving the other person’s time and energy by getting straight to the point. They believe in the power of transparency, viewing it as a conduit for meaningful and efficient communication in relationships.

At their core, ENTJs are highly dedicated and loyal individuals. Their quest for love centers around finding partners who possess a depth of understanding and the ability to open their eyes to new insights and perspectives. They are not merely looking for a partner but a “mind mate”, someone who can meet them at their intellectual level.

They thrive in relationships that allow them to explore new ideas, predictions, theories, and concepts. These intellectual exchanges energize them, providing a sense of shared understanding and mutual growth. They envision creating grand plans and pursuing big dreams together with their partners, establishing a shared vision for a successful future.

However, the intense focus on intellectual and practical aspects can sometimes overshadow the emotional nuances of a relationship. It’s crucial to remember that beneath the seemingly tough exterior, ENTJs are deeply sensitive. They value their relationships and invest heavily in them. Authenticity and loyalty mean the world to them.

In essence, the love language of an ENTJ is a blend of intellectual stimulation, action-oriented expressions of love, and a profound capacity for loyalty and dedication. You can find out more in my article, How ENTJs Say “I Love You”

Important Resources:

10 Things Youโ€™ll Relate to if Youโ€™re an ENTJ

The Top 7 Gift Ideas for ENTJs

10 Must-Read Books for ENTJs

10 Things You Should Never Say to an ENTJ

Understanding ENTJ Thinking

10 Things That Terrify ENTJs

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