The Learning Styles of Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
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The Learning Styles of Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

One of the questions I get asked the most by teachers and parents is if there is any connection between personality type and learning style.  We’re all wired to process information differently. Intuitives prefer conceptual, abstract information whereas sensors prefer concrete, factual information. Extroverted children learn better in groups whereas introverted children generally learn better…

10 Things You’ll Relate to if You’re an ISFP
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10 Things You’ll Relate to if You’re an ISFP

ISFPs are (unfortunately) one of the least discussed Myers-Briggs® personality types. They make up 6% of the U.S. population and are known for their practicality, passion, and creativity. They’re quite an intriguing group of people and if you’re one of them, chances are you’ll relate to most of these 10 ISFP qualities. Not sure what…

What Your Child Needs to Hear Based on Their Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
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What Your Child Needs to Hear Based on Their Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Raising children can seem complicated and confusing on even the best of days. One-size-fits-all parenting is often prescribed by magazines and mommy blogs alike, but that’s just not how life works. Each child has a unique set of needs and a unique way they like to be shown love. For some children, hearing “I appreciate…

The INFJ Workaholic
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The INFJ Workaholic

INFJs are known for their insight, their empathy, and their perfectionism. There are some excellent resources out there for INFJs who are struggling with perfectionism, but today’s article is about a nasty side-effect of perfectionism; being a workaholic. Lots of INFJs (but not all) are workaholics. Why is this so common? What can INFJs do…