Are INTJs Manipulative?
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Are INTJs Manipulative?

The evil mastermind INTJ is so common in fiction and so often brought up in Myers-Briggs® discussions that it’s become a sort of dark running joke. It can even be difficult to find fictional INTJs that aren’t portrayed as villains. Worse, that stereotype can support other misconceptions about INTJ personality types. For example, some people…

The Myers-Briggs® Personality Types of the Hunger Games Characters
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The Myers-Briggs® Personality Types of the Hunger Games Characters

The Hunger Games is one of my favorite young adult book series and movie franchises. These books propel your imagination into a world of survival and adventure. But in this world, it is not just physical strength that determines one’s fate—it is also the characters’ mental strengths as well. In today’s article we’re going to…

The Mean Side of Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
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The Mean Side of Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Are some Myers-Briggs® personality types meanner than others? Are some nicer by virtue of their cognitive functions? Today I saw a graphic a major typology dating company had made listing the types most likely to be mean or “not mean.” This graphic, though probably meant to be a little funny, didn’t really make sense to…

The Dark Side of the ENFP Personality Type
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The Dark Side of the ENFP Personality Type

For the ENFP, life is a series of exciting adventures, possibilities, and discoveries. Curious and imaginative, they enjoy exploring new and novel ideas. When in the ENFP’s presence, you may feel like you’re surrounded by light and enthusiasm. However, ENFPs can become unhealthy and cause harm to themselves or those around them when they are…