Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type and Condescension
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Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type and Condescension

Do you ever feel like the people around you keep talking down to you rather than respecting your perspective? Sometimes people are condescending intentionally. Other times, people get condescending without even realizing they are doing so. This is especially true when it comes to contrasting personality types. Understanding how we might be inadvertently condescending to…

12 Songs That INFJs Will Relate To
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12 Songs That INFJs Will Relate To

Have you ever wondered if your music taste might have something to do with your personality type? One thing I’ve noticed while researching the hobby series I’m writing for Psychology Junkie is that every personality type lists music as one of their favorite hobbies. Even with that commonality, though, music taste can vary considerably between…

Here’s the Greek God or Goddess You’d Be, Based On Your Personality Type
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Here’s the Greek God or Goddess You’d Be, Based On Your Personality Type

I love using Myers-Briggs® to talk about fictional characters, but I’ve never used it to type mythological figures before and I was excited when Susan suggested this topic to me. Greek mythology is a fairly recent interest of mine sparked in part by Lore Olympus, part by my obsession with the Hadestown musical, and part…

12 Fictional Characters You’ll Relate to if You’re an INTP
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12 Fictional Characters You’ll Relate to if You’re an INTP

Curious, analytical, and independent – INTPs are often pegged as the “mad scientists” in the world of fiction. However, there’s so much more to these ingenious introverts than the stereotypes you might see on the big screen! That said, here are twelve fictional characters who exemplify some of the greatest strengths and potential weaknesses of…