Here’s the Podcast You Should Listen To, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
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Here’s the Podcast You Should Listen To, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Ever wished you could spend all that time when you’re driving to work doing something useful? Or at least a bit more entertaining? That’s one of the reasons I started listening to podcasts. Driving often takes up huge chunks of our days and since it’s vitally important that we keep our eyes on the road…

Here’s the Marvel Character You’d Be, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
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Here’s the Marvel Character You’d Be, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Many of us dream of becoming superheroes. Questions like, “If you could pick any superpower what would it be?” or “Which superhero would you be in real life?” can entertain us for hours. While we might not be getting superpowers any time soon, we all have things in common with superpowered characters. There are characters…

12 Myers-Briggs® YouTubers You Should Be Following
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12 Myers-Briggs® YouTubers You Should Be Following

Would you like to discover more about your personality type in a visual way? I tend to learn best through reading, but some people learn best through audio or visual means. That’s why today I want to shine the light on some YouTube typology experts who make Myers-Briggs® engaging, fun, or even comical. Let’s get…

The INFJ’s Cognitive Functions
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The INFJ’s Cognitive Functions

Have you ever heard someone mention the INFJ’s cognitive functions? Maybe you’re new to type and the term “cognitive functions” fills you with confusion. Maybe you’ve been studying type for years but you still don’t feel like you have a handle on it. Today we’re exploring how the INFJ mind works. One of the ways…

12 Fictional Characters You’ll Relate to if You’re an INFP
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12 Fictional Characters You’ll Relate to if You’re an INFP

Some of the most intriguing fictional characters that I’ve ever read about have been INFPs. Idealistic and filled with imagination, they are filled with a desire to see their values and insights replicated in the real world. Let’s take a look at twelve characters that INFPs strongly relate to (most are INFPs, but some are…