Here’s the U.S. State You’d Be, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
The Enneagram of Personality, or simply the Enneagram (from the Greek words ἐννέα [ennéa, meaning “nine”] and γράμμα [grámma, meaning something “written” or “drawn”]), is a model of the human psyche which is principally understood and taught as a typology of nine interconnected personality types.
The Enneagram can tell you what your core fears and desires are. It can also help you to explore the childhood struggles you faced and how you learned to cope with them in ways that show up in your adult life.
While typology systems like Myers-Briggs® can tell you how your mind is wired and what information you prioritize, the Enneagram can show you more about your traumas, coping mechanisms, and unconscious fears and desires. Understanding your type (and the types of your loved ones) can help you to grasp the underlying reasons why you’ve made very crucial decisions in life.
Figuring out your type can be shocking, unsettling, and refreshing all at once. When you discover your true type, there’s often a sense of vulnerability. While many other typologies focus on the best of someone’s personality, the Enneagram really digs deep. It can show all of us things about ourselves that we’re ashamed of – as well as things we secretly admire. If you’d like to take an enneagram questionnaire for yourself, you can check ours out here.