10 Signs of an Unhealthy ESFJ
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10 Signs of an Unhealthy ESFJ

Down-to-earth and friendly, ESFJs have rightfully earned the nickname “The Defender” in the type community. Why this nickname? ESFJs are known for defending traditions, their communities, and the values they hold dear. These types are famously loyal, considerate, and helpful. But what if you’re dealing with an unhealthy ESFJ? Unhealthy ESFJs may seem very different…

24 Signs That You’re an ESFJ, the “Defender” Personality Type
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24 Signs That You’re an ESFJ, the “Defender” Personality Type

When it comes to taking care of people in practical ways, ESFJs are some of the best helpers in the world. These personality types make up 12.3% of the U.S. population, making them the second most common type. But even with that in mind, no two ESFJs are alike. Life experience, enneagram type, and so…

Here’s What It’s Like Inside the Mind of an ISFJ, ISTJ, ESFJ or ESTJ
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Here’s What It’s Like Inside the Mind of an ISFJ, ISTJ, ESFJ or ESTJ

Sensing-judging personality types have a unique and very personal way of looking at the world. They see the world around them as if filtered through layers of past experiences and impressions. They are in touch with the natural world, in touch with their inner bodies, and are skilled at storing sensory references and facts. Each…

7 Things That ESFJs Experience as Children
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7 Things That ESFJs Experience as Children

ESFJs are often called “The Protectors,”, “The Caregivers”, and “The Nurturers”, and it’s not hard to see why. Individuals of this type are known for their warmth and genuine interest in the lives and welfare of others. They believe in expressing their values, protecting the less fortunate, and creating a stable, structured life for themselves…