The Driving Force of Every Intuitive Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
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The Driving Force of Every Intuitive Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Today I want to talk about the driving force or guide of every intuitive Myers-Briggs® personality type. Intuitive personality types are marked by the “N” in their personality type code. For example, ENFJ or INTJ. The sensor version of this article will be uploaded on Friday (for all you SJ and SP personality types!). Not…

Here’s How You Use Intuition, Based On Your Personality Type
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Here’s How You Use Intuition, Based On Your Personality Type

Did you know that intuitive personality types aren’t the only ones who use intuition? We all use it. We all value it to some degree. Just as we all value sensing to a degree. Without using both sensing and intuition we would become unbalanced and unable to process the world we live in. This article…