10 Things That Terrify ENTPs – According to 300 ENTPs

Ever wondered what the biggest ENTP fears are? Do these dauntless, innovative types seem impossible to startle or worry? In this article, we take a look at what they have to say!

While some fears are universal (things like spiders, heights, and cockroaches) there were certain fears that came up considerably more often among each unique personality type. For example, NT types nearly always mentioned mediocrity as a major fear, whereas this was hardly ever mentioned by the other types. NF types were more afraid of their own moral corruption, which would make sense because their values are so important to them. SJ types were afraid of a loss of security far more than any other temperament group, and SPs hated the idea of losing physical freedom or control.

ENTP Fears

Today we’re going to talk specifically about ENTP fears. I spoke with 300 ENTPs to determine if there were any fears that were particularly relevant to their type. While some ENTPs said they had no fear, or others simply joked around with me instead of giving me any actual answers, I finally was able to get 300 responses by self-confirmed ENTPs.

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A Disclaimer:

Before I get a bunch of ENTPs mad at me, I have to say that just because you’re an ENTP this does not mean you will automatically be terrified of all these things. These fears just got the most votes; far more than any other fears that were mentioned. For every 10 ENTPs who mentioned fear of being controlled, there was probably one ENTP who said they didn’t fear anything at all. There will be variations from person to person within any personality type.

The Top 10 Things That Terrify ENTPs

1 – Being Controlled or Trapped
Although ENTPs often enjoy many relationships and friendships, they are also very independent individuals. They love the freedom to explore numerous ideas and possibilities and the ability to investigate the outer world for inspiration. Their masterful Extraverted Intuition is always pulling concepts and innovative thoughts from the outside world; to be trapped, controlled, or stifled in any way can make them feel anxious and extremely agitated.

2 – Never Feeling Truly Connected to Another Person
This fear actually tied with being controlled or trapped. ENTPs love a meeting of the minds to discuss exciting ideas and innovations. They love the camaraderie and comfort of close friendships and relationships where they can bounce ideas back and forth. Never feeling connected or free to share ideas with another person can make the ENTP feel like their life is shallow and meaningless.

3 – Mediocrity
ENTPs have great ambitions and innovative ideas that they long to see come to life. They pride themselves on having unique conceptual insights and independent ways of viewing the world. They hate the idea of being stuck in an ‘ordinary’ life and living the 9-5 grind day in and day out.

4 – Not Meeting Their Potential
This concern goes hand in hand with mediocrity because it stems from the same fear. ENTPs want their lives to have meant something, and they want to have made a difference in the world in some way. This could mean inventing something, expanding human knowledge, improving systems, or any other number of things. Many ENTPs mentioned wanting to leave a legacy behind when they get to the end of their life.

5 – Boredom
ENTPs are constantly searching for new ideas and possibilities to explore. They hate to be stifled or have to focus on mundane daily routines. The ENTP wants to be stimulated by new creative options and ideas to think about and discuss and experiment with.

6 – Commitment
While many ENTPs mentioned that they wanted to settle down and find true love at some point in their lifetime, many more mentioned a terrible fear of commitment. ENTPs love to keep their options open, and prefer to keep things open-ended. They like decisions that can be easily changed, so major commitments can cause the ENTP quite a bit more anxiety than they would a Judging (J) personality type.

7 – Stupidity
ENTPs find much of their significance and identity in their ingenious and innovative way of viewing the world and thinking. They have an incredible knack for figuring out new theories and concepts. The mind is of such importance to the ENTP, that they hate the idea of finding out someday that they are stupid or were making irrational decisions.

8 – Loss of A Loved One
Every personality type I’ve surveyed so far has mentioned loss of loved ones in some for another as a major fear. However, there have been differences in how each type has mentioned the fear. INTPs and ENTPs usually mentioned a specific person instead of just ‘loved ones’ in general. Most other personality types mentioned loved ones or friends and family, or INFJs mentioned loss of children specifically.

9 – Incompetence or Inadequacy
ENTPs pride themselves on their ability to be original, inventive and capable. They greatly fear being incompetent, or unable to quickly access their normally ingenious thought process. They also fear being seen as inadequate or stupid.

10 – Insanity
If you look at all of the ENTP fears mentioned so far, you might notice a common thread. Many of their fears have to do with losing mental independence, freedom, and coherence. They long to be original, to stand out, to leave a legacy, and to explore numerous ideas and mental pathways. The idea of losing rational use of their mind is a terrifying prospect for them.

What Do You Think?

Do you agree or disagree with these fears? What are your experiences? Let me know in the comments!

Find out more about your personality type in our eBooks, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type,  The INFJ – Understanding the Mystic, and The INFP – Understanding the Dreamer. You can also connect with me via Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!

This post contains affiliate links. I only recommend products I truly believe in.

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  1. These are very true for me. And I love the pictures you chose to go with the fears; #2 in particular is very evocative for me. Thank you.

  2. I am an ENTJ with many ENTP friends. There’s a fear-related thread I’ve observed among these friends that didn’t show up on this list and I was surprised. It’s hard to give the fear a single name, but it’s something about fear of illness, injury and/or death — the idea that “something could go very wrong.” I told an ENTP friend that my daughter had taken up skiing. Her first response, “Please tell her to be careful…she could get hurt.” I have an ENTP family member who freaks out over every ache and pain and researches them obsessively on the Internet, sure that something is amiss. I know multiple ENTPs who get anxious about car and plane crashes.

    I realize that, in a sense, we all have these fears, but my experience is that the ENTPs are unusually worrisome. My theory is that their inferior (less adept) sensing function, combined with their dominant N, creates a perfect storm where they project possibilities onto specific negatives.

    1. i’d say your experience of ENTPs is contradictory to the norm. ENTPs do have inferior Si but i’d say that leads to them being the opposite of worrisome. they barely check in with their inner sensations and are amongst the most likely of types to be ill or injured and not even know it. this isn’t to say ENTPs can’t be paranoid because they definitely can, but if the first thing coming to your mind when someone tells you their child is going skiing is “please tell them to be careful” you’re probably not an ENTP – or at least a stereotypical one. an ENTP is more likely to probe where and why and how – in general they offer less mundane responses.

      i wouldnt say anxiety about plane and car crashes was a normal ENTP thing either, i mean almost everyone has or has had those fears but ENTPs are usually: 1. very aware of the chaotic nature of life, 2. happy and/or content with said chaos (at least to a higher level than their counterparts).

      1. You are generally right, but I think there is a lot of stereotype traits in your statements. I do agree with ENTJ above that the combination of Ne and inferior Si can generate endless negative scenarios in an ENTP’s head, perhaps much more so in an unhealthy one. But with Ti, an ENTP would most likely be able to counter-check with statistical probabilities and then use their logic to debunk their own fears. It’s precisely because they don’t check in with their sensing side that their sensing function can be all wonky and used in a negative manner. Also, I’m an ENTP and as I got older, the possibilities of freak accidents, plane hijacks, etc. started emerging in my thoughts more often because these possibilities became more real than abstract. So I wouldn’t say they wouldn’t worry, but I would say that a healthy ENTP won’t let these worries get in the way of their awesomeness 🙂

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