Why Enneagram 8s Make Amazing Therapists

Why Enneagram 8s Make Amazing Therapists

Enneagram 8s are probably one of the more misunderstood Enneatypes in the personality community. They are often depicted as being angry loners who are violent, shirk societal norms, and hate being controlled (at their absolute unhealthiest).  However, when Enneagram 8s have integrated in a healthy way, they are actually able to connect with people in…

Why INTJs Make Great Social Justice Advocates
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Why INTJs Make Great Social Justice Advocates

Anyone who knows anything about Myers-Briggs is probably quite familiar with all of the stereotypes that are often made about the various types, online.  ESFPs are flighty goofballs; INTPs are emotionless robots; INFJs are whimsical mystics; and ESTJs are militaristic administrators.  None of the 16 types have escaped having their essence greatly oversimplified into a…