The Myers-Briggs® Personality Types When They Lose Their Temper
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The Myers-Briggs® Personality Types When They Lose Their Temper

Ever wondered how each of the Myers-Briggs® personality types shows up when they lose their temper? Over the last ten years, I’ve spoken with hundreds of different people about the issue of anger. While I believe it has more to do with enneagram type than Myers-Briggs® personality type, there are some distinct patterns that seem…

24 Signs That You’re an INFJ, the “Mystic” Personality Type
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24 Signs That You’re an INFJ, the “Mystic” Personality Type

Ever wondered what it means to be an INFJ? Ever wondered how you can know for sure that this is your personality type? Nicknamed “The Mystic,” the INFJ is one of the rarest types in the Myers-Briggs® system. These types are known for their keen insights, warm empathy, and profound insight into human potential. Today…

24 Signs That You’re an ISFP, the “Virtuoso” Personality Type
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24 Signs That You’re an ISFP, the “Virtuoso” Personality Type

ISFPs don’t get nearly enough attention in the Myers-Briggs® community. While a lot of the attention goes to the rare intuitive types, ISFPs seemed to have mysteriously slipped through the cracks. Yet these types seem to bridge the gap between being idealistic and realistic, dreamers and doers, friendly but quiet. To get a deeper look…

24 Signs That You’re an ENFP, the “Visionary” Personality Type
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24 Signs That You’re an ENFP, the “Visionary” Personality Type

Inspiring, energetic, creative. These three adjectives frequently describe the ENFP personality type, and it’s not hard to see why! Famous ENFPs include people like Oscar Wilde, Anne Frank, Salvador Dali, J.J. Abrams, and even possibly Walt Disney! Today we’re going to explore some of the things you’ll relate to if you’re one of these idealistic…