24 Signs That You’re an INFJ, the “Mystic” Personality Type

Ever wondered what it means to be an INFJ? Ever wondered how you can know for sure that this is your personality type? Nicknamed “The Mystic,” the INFJ is one of the rarest types in the Myers-Briggs® system. These types are known for their keen insights, warm empathy, and profound insight into human potential. Today we’re going to explore twenty-four things that most INFJs will relate to. Do you relate? Let us know!

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Not sure if you're really an INFJ? Take a look at these typical INFJ traits to get an idea of whether or not this type REALLY fits you. #MBTI #Personality #INFJ

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Check out the signs that you’re an INFJ infographic I made below to get a visual interpretation of some of this unique personality type’s characteristics.

An #infographic about the defining qualities of the #INFJ personality type. #MBTI #Personality

24 Signs That You’re an INFJ

#1 – You Are Fascinated by Human Psychology

Nothing thrills you more than digging into theories or ideas about how people think and respond to life. Being able to understand people better is one of your greatest goals in life. You’re naturally eager to learn more about the human mind, human behavior, coping mechanisms, and more. This interest in psychology is one of the reasons that your type is especially drawn to theories like Myers-Briggs® or Enneagram.

#2 – You Enjoy Complexity

Want to know how to tell if you’re an INFJ? How deep and complex do you want your thoughts to go? As an INFJ, the whole world is filled with layers upon layers of meaning. Your goal is to wade past the shallow details of life and dive deep into the true meaning of life itself. You view life as if you’re standing on a precipice, looking down, wanting to see how things connect and unfold.

#3 – You Are Deeply Empathic

You tend to absorb the feelings and emotions of the people around you. It’s not hard for you to shift perspectives and imagine how many different people would feel about something. This empathy can be both a blessing and a curse. At times, it can help you to form authentic bonds and counsel effectively. At other times, it can feel overwhelming and burdensome – especially if you can’t differentiate other people’s feelings from your own

#4 – Learning Is Your Drug of Choice

You seek wisdom more than nearly anything and are always probing for more information about abstract topics and ideas. You may quickly forget facts, but you desire constant self-improvement and increased understanding. Taking classes is one of your favorite leisure time activities, and non-fiction books probably fill your shelves.

#5 – You Connect with People One-on-One Rather Than in Large Groups

When there are a lot of people all around you, it’s difficult for you to focus deeply on one individual. You like to get away to a quiet setting where you can really concentrate. You crave depth over breadth, so you enjoy intimate conversations where a deeper level of understanding and authenticity can be reached.

#6 –You Can Be Hard to Get to Know

While you might seem emotionally warm and expressive on the outside, your biggest dreams and ideas in life are often held inside where you guard them carefully. Often this results from a childhood where you were chastised for having “outlandish” or “unrealistic” views. This can also happen because it’s difficult for you to verbalize intuitions that are often rich, nuanced, and complex. Your ideas and insights can be shocking, non-conformist, or so abstract that people can’t figure out what to do with them. As a result, you’ve often learned to internalize them rather than express them outright.

#7 You Withdraw to Protect Yourself

Because you take on the emotions and cares of the people around you so readily, you are easily hurt or affected by the pain of others. You may go through bouts of socializing only to disappear for great lengths of time so that you can handle all the emotional disruption that you’ve received from the outside world.

#8 – You Quickly See Other People’s Intentions

Because you’re more interested in the background reasons why people say or do what they do, you can quickly discover what their hidden intentions are. To you, the motives and intentions are always more evident than what is on the surface. Because of this, you often notice good or evil intent before even the person you’re speaking to is aware of it.

#9 You Are a Quiet Cheerleader to Your Friends

You enjoy motivating people to be their best selves through gentle, consistent praise and approval. You are highly sensitive in how you handle other people’s feelings and are slow to criticize or micro-manage. You feel that the best way to get someone to do something is to inspire them from the inside rather than push them from the outside.

#10 You Despise Interpersonal Conflict

You enjoy being in harmonious, peaceful environments and find places of conflict and criticism highly stressful. While some types can compartmentalize conflict or even enjoy a certain amount of volatility and debate, you find yourself deeply stressed and troubled by it. Even hours after the conflict has ended you find yourself sorting through what happened in your mind and trying to make sense of it or trying to make sure that everyone you care about is okay. One of the hardships of having your type is that you can sense other people’s feelings so easily that conflict situations can make you confused. You find yourself empathizing with everyone rather than holding your ground on how you feel. You may give in or rush to get past the conflict only to realize you should have stood up for yourself more.

#11 You Can Be Hot and Cold When it Comes to Affection

You enjoy a warm hug from your partner or a good friend, but not always. If you’re “peopled-out” from socializing or you’re stressed, you tend to want space both physically and emotionally. Typologist and psychologist David Keirsey states of INFJs, “They tend to be physically affectionate, but wish to choose when – which is when they are in the mood – and such a hot and cold style may be quite confusing to their mate.”

#12 – You Often Wind Up in the Role of Counselor

Because of your intuitive, empathic nature, many people find themselves confiding their deepest secrets to you. You often find yourself advising siblings, friends, or even adult family members as they go through hardships. While some types might hate this role, it actually makes you feel fulfilled because you’re able to tap into your intuitive and feeling sides at the same time. You often feel it’s your duty to improve the lives of others.

#13 – You See Two People in Everyone

You rarely take anything, or anyone, at face value. You easily see people’s public personas, their outer shells, but more than anything, you’re looking for the core of the individual. You want to apprehend their motivations, intentions, struggles, and yearnings.

#14 – You Have a Vivid, Playful Inner World

While on the outside you might seem serious and studious, on the inside you have a lush, imaginative, playful inner world. Your thoughts are often mischievous, humorous, controversial, irreverent, and even daring. You love playing with ideas, images, symbols, connections, theories, metaphors, and possibilities. You can find more ways to get in touch with your intuition in this article: How to Strengthen Your Intuition (Your INFJ Superpower)

#15 – You Don’t See Events as “Stand Alone”  Incidents

When something happens, you instantly connect it with any other related incidents and then map the incident forward, seeing how it will progress. Your goal is to see the ripple effects of current experiences and actions. Every ripple is connected to another ripple and then one core event. Every ripple spans out and affects other things. Because of this, you often see the consequences of various actions simultaneously with the action itself.

#16 – You Are Deeply Connected With Your Dreams

Your mind is constantly synthesizing unconscious information and trying to decode hidden meanings and abstract concepts. A.J. Drenth from Personality Junkie states in The 16 Personality Types: Profiles, Theory, & Type Development that, “Because Ni affords INFJs a more intimate relationship with the workings of what most people call the subconscious mind, INFJs’ routine existence often assumes a sort of dreamlike quality. For INFJs, there is less of a distinction between their ordinary waking state and the experience of sleep. At times, this can make it difficult to separate dream from reality, making nightmares all the more disturbing for this type.”

#17 – When You’re Stressed, You Crave Sensory Overload or Escapism

In moments of extreme stress, you tend to say “Screw it!” to the world and all your restraint. You want to binge eat an entire pizza, spend all the money in your wallet, buy a last-minute ticket to a far-off location, or pick a fight with someone just to get a rush. Sometimes you channel this restless energy into something productive like cleaning frantically, exercising hard, or singing at the top of your lungs while you dance alone in your room. You can find out more about INFJs and stress here: Understanding INFJ “Grip” Stress

#18 – You Can Struggle to Make Sense of Your Own Emotions

Because your mind relies on a function called Extraverted Feeling (Fe), you tend to detect outer emotions more quickly than your inner feelings. It’s easy for you to understand outwardly expressed emotions because this is one of the skills of Extraverted Feeling. However, understanding your own internalized emotions is a bit trickier. This is because you tend to process your inner thoughts and feelings through Introverted Thinking (Ti). Inwardly, you’ll try to analyze the logic of your feelings more than really trusting them. You tend to get stuck in analysis-paralysis when it comes to your inner feelings. Because you’re using Thinking to process them, it’s like trying to chop a vegetable with a spoon instead of a knife. You’re usually able to process your feelings much more easily if you can verbalize them or write them down and read them out-loud back to yourself. This allows Extraverted Feeling to do its work!

#19 – You Are Desperately Bored By Small Talk

You know a certain amount of small talk is an integral part of getting to know someone. After all, you can’t really start a conversation with a “So what’s the meaning of your life?” line. However, prolonged small talk or conversation relating to surface-level details tends to leave you desperately bored. You want your conversations to have a point or some meaning beyond the day-to-day. Profound discussions about concepts and psychology or raw discussions about relationships are always preferable.

#20 – You Get Overwhelmed by Details

Because Extraverted Sensation (Se) is your inferior function, you tend to get flustered by a lot of sensory details in your environment. Loud noise, bright lights, or having to track a bunch of moving parts all tend to make you feel anxious and tense.

#21 – You Have a Knack for Interpreting

You are talented at explaining to others what people mean or what their intentions really are. This makes you an excellent peacemaker or diplomat – rather than jumping to conclusions or taking immediate offense, you tend to listen in a nuanced, understanding way. You can help two opposing sides see where their intentions or goals align.

#22 – You Crave Enlightenment

You are highly driven to understand the spiritual and metaphysical world. You enjoy helping people to grow and develop and get in touch with their purpose in life. Like rumored INFJ Mahatma Gandhi, you believe “There is force in the universe, which, if we permit it, will flow through us and produce miraculous results.” 

#23 – You Hate Generalizations

Because you have tertiary Introverted Thinking (Ti) and dominant Introverted Intuition (Ni) you tend to see many nuances in people’s perspectives and logic. When people make sweeping generalizations it disrupts your Introverted Thinking side, and when people fail to see the perspectives of other people it disrupts your intuitive and feeling side. Not sure what these cognitive functions are (Ti or Ni)? Check out the Mind of the INFJ here.

#24 – You Always Wonder, “What Does This Really Mean?”

Because you’re more concerned with why something happens than how it happens, you are always trying to look behind-the-scenes. Like a detective, you’re constantly scanning for clues or hidden secrets that would explain something or someone in a deeper, more profound way.

What Are Your Thoughts?

How many of these points do you relate to? Do you have any insights or experiences you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments! Find out more about your personality type in our eBooks, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type,  The INFJ – Understanding the Mystic, and The INFP – Understanding the Dreamer. You can also connect with me via Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!

“The INFJ – Understanding the Mystic is so insightful and has helped me to understand myelf SO much better. Susan packs the book with so many useful tips and it has helped me to understand my stress levels better, my relationship with my ISTJ husband, and what I need as a mom to my three kids. I’m so glad I have this book in my life!” – Arlysse McKinney

INFJ Understanding the Mystic

Not sure if you're really an INFJ? Take a look at these typical INFJ traits to get an idea of whether or not this type REALLY fits you. #MBTI #Personality #INFJ

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  1. Spot on. Í had been starting to wonder if I had it wrong al these years but nope. I am def all that and more. Lol

  2. I’ve taken the test several times and I end up with INFJ-T. Thanks for the article. It does confirm most of who I am. It is a blessing and a curse. It can also br very lonely. I really do wish I could have more intellectual conversations with others. Yes people tell me things they wonder why they do. I never use it against them and hate people who spill about others. Trust and confidentiality is key.

    1. I agree about trust and confidentiality, very important. I only spill if I feel like it prevents someone from being harmed

      1. This is me 100% of the time . Empathic, intuitive, addicted to learning. I love that it’s considered a rare type, I’ve always felt insecure about being so different from others, and going so deep all the time. 🤪 Can’t help myself. INFJ all the way.

    2. You are very correct. It is indeed sort of a lonely part except if you have a good family. I really can’t join a conversation of things like ‘what happened yesterday, what I ate this morning’ no matter how hard I tried because I felt it had no meaning. Therefore, I’ve stopped forcing myself.

  3. Yes! Yes Yes Yes a thousand times Yes!
    Thank you. I’ve tried to explain this to my husband (ENTP) and now have simply emailed him this. I thank the lord daily to have been raised by parents who seemed to be similar and understood; they allowed me to grow in my own time and in my own way, and it helped that I was raised in a tiny rural village. The world opened wide for me when we moved to one of the nation’s largest cities (I grew in other wonderful ways), but the stresses I felt caused me to wonder “What’s wrong with me?” Elaine Aron’s “Highly Sensitive Person” helped and so did taking the Myers-Briggs. Now, living rural again, and with enough time, I feel like I *finally* FULLY love the specialness of the rare INFJ. And, it’s enough that *I* love and accept myself; befriending myself for all the wonderful aspects that are me has pushed loneliness into the distance.

  4. this is so true for me!! never knew there was different personality classifications. very cool.
    thanks for an educational read PJ!!!!

  5. I can relate with a lot of this stuff, however it seems that in my quest to find someone who is “drift compatible” (Pacific Rim concept) I have come up short. I’ve been in many INFJ groups but never really hit it off with one. I am a conservative Christian and I don’t like ambiguity; at the same time I’m a mystic who experiences synchronicity, 11-11, intuition, and lucid dreams. I think there is some validity to astrology as well… but to God be the glory! This is where New Agers fall short, getting the cart in front of the horse.

    INFJ Counselor – Author – Oracle

    1. Hi Quentin,
      My husband and I are both INFJ. God put us together. God gave me a knowing, that I would be a happy woman but I would have to wait for it long time for it. My life is getting better as I age. My heart is much lighter. Ask God for your companion. My husband and I both did. God had my husband planned for me from the time I was 8. It actually was from when I was born, knowing God it was probably before. I’m sending you love and support! Do ask God if you want results, and figure out how being the REAL you will help you not waste your time. Thank you for listening.

  6. Absolutely amazing! Totally me–from head to toe, inside & out! All of the 24 points touched my heart, mind and/or soul! I couldn’t have designed a better profile of myself than what is presented here in the article. Thank you Susan Storm for this excellent piece that has brought me such peace–so good to know why I am the way I am and, being the rarest personality type, why I have never really found satisfying-enough compatibility in/with others (except for young children). Thankful to the Lord Almighty though that I have always been “happy in my own skin”, love my own company to the degree that I can survive on my own (if need be) and continue to possess an optimism & enthusiasm that has glided me through a life & a world that have frankly been too cold, too harsh, too loud, too inhumane, etc. etc. for my liking! Finally, I thank God that I am an INFJ–I wouldn’t want it any other way!!! 😊😊😊

  7. I’m positive for all but two. Those two I had some difficulty understanding. I don’t see the intentions of romantic partners as well as one thinks I should. I’m impulsive about seeing someone in need as in a street person at a light whom I decide needs some cash. I spend an inordinate amount of time trying to make sure that I’m aware of both sides of an issue. Most people have no idea whatsoever that I’m thinking of anything other that what’s in front of me. I am cold and hot and I can understand why someone wouldn’t like me. What I don’t understand is why they don’t look deeper.

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