What You Need to Know Before Dating Any Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
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What You Need to Know Before Dating Any Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

The world of dating and relationships is a tricky one full of pitfalls to dodge and misunderstandings to avoid. If you know the personality type of the guy or girl who’s caught your eye it can make avoiding conflict and needless arguments SO much easier. Here are some helpful things you should know about each…

How You Comfort and Nurture Others – Based on  Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
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How You Comfort and Nurture Others – Based on Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

A lot of times when we hear the word “nurturing” we think of feeling types. After all, a feeling preference is often associated with empathy and caring for the emotional needs of others. But did you know that everyone has a unique way that they like to nurture and take care of other people? Some…

10 Things You’ll Relate To If You’re An ISFJ
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10 Things You’ll Relate To If You’re An ISFJ

There are a lot of stereotypes about ISFJs that perpetuate in the type community. Some of them are nice; “ISFJs are super sweet and compassionate”, “ISFJs are amazing bakers!”, “ISFJs make great parents!”…other stereotypes aren’t so nice. I’ve heard people say that ISFJs are pushovers or mindless rule-followers (extremely untrue). Unfortunately, many type descriptions don’t…

How You Can Be a Powerful Entrepreneur – Based on Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
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How You Can Be a Powerful Entrepreneur – Based on Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Have you ever wanted to start your own business? Does the idea of creating something new and all-your-own inspire you and motivate you? As someone who grew up with an entrepreneur for a father and who is now an entrepreneur myself, I can tell you that ANY type can start their own business. I’ve read…

What the Letters in Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type Mean
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What the Letters in Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type Mean

Do you ever feel a little unsure about what all those letters mean in your personality type? You’ve taken the “test” or indicator and you’ve gotten a 4-letter code, but you keep hearing people throw around words like “Ni” or “Se” or “Fi” or “Te”. Perhaps you’re trying to memorize your cognitive function stack but…