ESTJ ENFP relationship and compatibility guide
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An In-Depth Look at the ENFP and ESTJ Relationship

When you first glance at an ENFP and ESTJ couple, you might think, “What in the WORLD do these two types have in common?” After all, sensors and intuitives can’t enjoy each other’s company, right? Well….wrong…usually. ENFPs and ESTJs actually have quite a lot in common, but enough of a difference that they can look…

The INFJ INFP relationship: How compatible are they? Find out ways to make this unique relationship work
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The INFJ and INFP Relationship: An In-Depth Guide

What happens when INFJs and INFPs fall in love? Do two of the most intense and idealistic personality types in the Myers-Briggs® system make a good match? These two personality types often have loving and devoted relationships. At the same time, there can be some major roadblocks that they face if they’re unwilling to accept…

INFJ and ISTJ relationship compatibility
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An In-Depth Look at The INFJ and ISTJ Relationship

The INFJ and ISTJ relationship is one that is relatively rare, but I’ve had several requests for an article about this pairing so I thought I’d make an effort to write something helpful about it! When it comes to type and relationships, literally any pairing can be successful…or a trainwreck depending on how open-minded and…

An in-depth look at the INFJ and INTJ relationship and the pros and cons, joys and struggles
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Your Guide to the INFJ and INTJ Relationship

Over the last couple of years, I’ve received numerous requests for a post about INFJ and INTJ relationships. This pairing is extremely rare, simply because these two types combined only compose 3.6% of the US population! If they are lucky enough to meet each other, they tend to have an instant spark because of their…

INFJs and their relationships and compatibility with other personality types
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Are You Compatible? INFJs and Relationships

What do INFJs need and want in relationships? Today we’re exploring some common struggles and joys these types face when trying to find “the one.” As an MBTI® practitioner, I’ve been asked dozens of times if there is a “best match” for the INFJ, and I’m hoping to dive into that today as well (opinions…