Here’s What Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type Will and Won’t Tell You
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Here’s What Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type Will and Won’t Tell You

As an MBTI® practitioner I’ve spent the last decade studying everything I can about personality type and the brain itself. Helping people understand themselves gives me a huge amount of joy and contentment. But sometimes we all take it too far and assume things about people based on their personality type that have nothing to…

The Secret World of Every Extroverted Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
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The Secret World of Every Extroverted Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

When it comes to extroverted personality types, we often assume that we can understand them quickly. They are usually more outgoing or quickly responsive than introverts tend to be. But what many people fail to realize is that extroverts each have their own unique inner world that guides them and holds some of their deeper…

The Unique Intelligence of ENFPs, ENTPs, INFPs and INTPs
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The Unique Intelligence of ENFPs, ENTPs, INFPs and INTPs

Have you ever wondered if certain personality types are smarter than others? While I’m pretty strongly against “type-ism” or praising one type over another, there are certain types of intelligence that each type brings to the table. We’re going to start by talking about the extraverted intuitive personality types, or NPs for short. All four…

Unusual Feelings You’ll Experience, Based on Your Personality Type
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Unusual Feelings You’ll Experience, Based on Your Personality Type

Have you ever felt like your personality type impacted you in a way that was strange or bizarre? Take a look at these statements and see if they resonate with your personality type! Not sure what your personality type is? Take our new personality questionnaire here. Or you can take the official MBTI® here. Unusual…

Here’s What’s Unforgettable About You, Based On Your Personality Type
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Here’s What’s Unforgettable About You, Based On Your Personality Type

Each personality type at their best has qualities that make them stand out and impact the world in meaningful ways. Things that make us stop and think, “Wow! how did I get so lucky as to have this person in my life?”. Each individual also has things that make them unforgettable that have nothing to…