Why INFPs Dislike Uniforms and Dress Codes
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Why INFPs Dislike Uniforms and Dress Codes

INFPs are considered the most unique of all the style types because of their internal values which are deeply personal. Because these values differ from person to person, the way each INFP’s personal style shows up in the world varies greatly. Idealistic, INFPs are catalysts for change in their world, concerned with an idealistic vision…

The Fashion and Style of Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
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The Fashion and Style of Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Can your Myers-Briggs® type give any indication about the type of fashion you like to wear? Which type is the most likely to wear a suit? Which type is most likely to wear athletic clothes? While everyone is unique and there will always be exceptions, certain trends tend to show up more frequently in some…