Why a Cookie Cutter Approach to Style Doesn’t Work for INTPs
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Why a Cookie Cutter Approach to Style Doesn’t Work for INTPs

Can style be learned, or do you have to be born with it to have any chance of becoming stylish? Style is deeply, deeply personal, and depending on which of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types you prefer, you’ll approach it quite uniquely. INTPs enjoy contemplating ideas and theories that few other people think about and…

Why INFPs Dislike Uniforms and Dress Codes
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Why INFPs Dislike Uniforms and Dress Codes

INFPs are considered the most unique of all the style types because of their internal values which are deeply personal. Because these values differ from person to person, the way each INFP’s personal style shows up in the world varies greatly. Idealistic, INFPs are catalysts for change in their world, concerned with an idealistic vision…

How an INTJ Uses Intellect to Engineer Their Style
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How an INTJ Uses Intellect to Engineer Their Style

The INTJ approach to style is an intellectual one – autonomous and analytical – always seeking functional improvements and creative solutions and always asking “why?” INTJs are strongly independent, wanting to do things their own way in their own time. INTJs who have discovered the impact and power of image will embrace style as an…

Why Style Rules Empower INFJs
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Why Style Rules Empower INFJs

Guest post from 16 Style Types  Style is not about wearing the latest fashion and too often, style and fashion are concepts that are used interchangeably. At 16 Style Types we are interested in style, and specifically, how style can be used to express the quintessential nature of a person – their essence. How are…