ISFJ Compatibility with Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
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ISFJ Compatibility with Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

How compatible are ISFJs with every other personality in the Myers-Briggs® system? Let’s take a look! Not sure what your personality type is? Take our new personality questionnaire here. Or you can take the official MBTI® here. ISFJ Compatibility with Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type ISFJs and ENFPs Both of these types see something in the…

An In-Depth Look at the INFJ and ISTP Relationship
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An In-Depth Look at the INFJ and ISTP Relationship

The INFJ and ISTP relationship is one that I’ve seen dozens of times as an MBTI® practitioner. Why do these two types wind up together so often? Well, it all boils down to opposites (sort of) attracting. Let’s take a look at the mental processes of the INFJ and the ISTP: The INFJ and ISTP…

How INFJs, INFPs, ENFJs and ENFPs Feel When They’re Unhealthy
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How INFJs, INFPs, ENFJs and ENFPs Feel When They’re Unhealthy

As an INFJ, I’d like to say that we never make mistakes. It would feel good to think that we have glowing records on every occasion, and all our motives are as pure as that winter snow that’s been falling on your front lawn. However, let’s not fool ourselves. All of us have our moments…

Your Personality Type and Your Relationship with Money
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Your Personality Type and Your Relationship with Money

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve spent some time researching the effects of personality type on money management. If you’ve ever wondered why money seems to slip through your fingers, or why you’re stressed about finances all the time, perhaps your personality type has a part to play! Today we’re going to look at…

How ENFPs Romantically Pair Up with Every Other Personality Type
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How ENFPs Romantically Pair Up with Every Other Personality Type

ENFPs and ENFPs An overflow of ideas will permeate this relationship from the very beginning. Both of these types will be drawn to each other because they spur each other on in their quest for the novel, exciting, and innovative. Both will spark each other’s already rich imagination and compel each other to follow their…