Find out how each of the 9 Enneagram types feels about offering emotional support, and find ways to be there for others more easily. #Enneagram #Personality
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How You Feel Giving Emotional Support, Based On Your Enneagram Type

You know that warm glow of helping someone through a tough time? It’s one of life’s better feelings. But sometimes, offering emotional support can feel less like a cozy campfire and more like trying to light damp logs in a monsoon. Whether you’re a natural-born cheerleader or someone who Googles “how to respond when someone…

Find the Greek God or Goddess with your Myers-Briggs (MBTI) personality type. #MBTI #Personality
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Here’s the Greek God or Goddess You’d Be, Based On Your Personality Type

I love using Myers-Briggs® to talk about fictional characters, but I’ve never used it to type mythological figures before and I was excited when Susan suggested this topic to me. Greek mythology is a fairly recent interest of mine sparked in part by Lore Olympus, part by my obsession with the Hadestown musical, and part…

Discover 21 hobbies that inspire and uplift INFJs
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21 Hobbies That INFJs Love

Our Myers-Briggs® personality types describe the ways our minds work, so it makes sense that people with the same type might have similar interests. Everyone is a unique individual with their own preferences for how to spend their down-time, but you’ll often see people with the same type enjoy similar hobbies. Here are 21 hobbies…

Find out how ENTPs respond to extreme or chronic grip stress, and how to cope when you're dealing with it.
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The ENTP and Grip Stress: What it Is and How to Cope

As an ENTP, you’re known for your inventive mind, knack for spotting new possibilities, and endless curiosity. You’re the one diving into projects, generating ideas, and often challenging traditions and norms. But even for you, there are days when everything seems to fall apart. It feels like no matter how much creative energy you throw…

Discover the Myers-Briggs personality types (MBTI types) of the characters in Heretic, starring Hugh Grant.
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‘Heretic’ and the MBTI®: The Character’s Personality Types

Two nights ago as I was watching Heretic in theaters I found myself wondering about the Myers-Briggs® personality types of Mr. Reed, Sister Barnes, and Sister Paxton. My 18-year-old daughter and I loved every second of the movie; we only wished it could last about ten hours longer because the intellectual discourse was so intriguing!…