24 Revealing Quotes About the INFJ Personality Type

What is the INFJ really like? Take a look at how these different typologists describe this rare and unusual personality type!

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Get a revealing look at the #INFJ personality type with these 24 quotes! #INFJs #personality #MBTI #Myersbriggs #personalitytype

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24 Revealing Quotes About the INFJ Personality Type

“Thoughtful, caring, and sensitive, INFJs will usually go the extra mile to maintain harmonious relationships. But they can also be fiercely independent – willing to subject themselves to skepticism or criticism in order to make their vision, which is driven by their strong values, a reality.”
– Paul D. Tieger & Barbara Barron-Tieger, The Art of Speed-Reading People

“Few people fully appreciate the rich inner life of the INFJ and how steeped it is in imaginative, creative, abstract ideas and concepts. The INFJ can easily spend an entire day just dreaming and envisioning.”
– Otto Kroeger, Type Talk at Work

“(INFJs have) a fine-tuned awareness of people’s authenticity levels and of how safe it is to be open, honest, and vulnerable with them.”
– Leona Haas and Mark Hunziker, Building Blocks of Personality Type

“Because of their strong ability to take into themselves the feelings of others, Counselors (INFJs) can be hurt rather easily by those around them, which, perhaps, is one reason why they tend to be private people, quietly withdrawing from human contact.”
– David Kiersey, Please Understand Me

“INFJs…struggle with feelings of alienation, and they often develop an ironic sense of humor that protects them from self-revelation and assures them of positive relationships.”
– Lenore Thomson, Personality Type – An Owner’s Manual

“The INFJ type seeks to understand each individual as they are in relation to others and the world. From childhood, there is a deep interest in why people experience things as they do, what needs are going unmet, how that impacts behavior, and what a person’s subtle tells indicate. The deeper an INFJ digs, the more they can’t help but sympathize, sometimes even in the face of egregious behavior.”
– Antonia Dodge and Joel Mark-Witt, Personality Hacker


“INFJ children are often repeatedly told to stop daydreaming so much, to pay attention, focus on the task at hand, and get their head out of the clouds. What many well-meaning parents don’t understand is that the natural comfort zone for an INFJ is in their own mind….If they are raised spending seven hours a day in school and three hours in after-school activities, they will quickly burn out. If you look at well-known INFJs; Carl Jung, Dante Alighieri, Fyodor Dostoevsky, they often reached their best conclusions and ideas alone, deep in thought.”
– Susan Storm, The INFJ – Understanding the Mystic


“Understanding others on a deep level, the INFJ is often able to predict how they’ll act in the future and what the corresponding results of their decisions will be. If the INFJs were superheroes, their superpower would be the ability to predict other’s actions.”
– Heidi Priebe, Here’s How You’ll Do Everything Based On Your Personality Type


“Of all types, INFJs (and INTJs) are the most disconnected from their own bodies. Not only is their S function inferior, but INFJs use Se rather than Si, and Si is the function that confers an internal sense of one’s own body. INFJs commonly report a sense of disembodiment, as though living in a perpetual, dream-like state.”
– Dr. A.J. Drenth, The 16 Personality Types – Profiles, Theory & Type Development


“INFJs are constantly thinking, imagining, hosting conversations in their minds, and coming up with off-the-wall solutions for problems. Often we’ll stop paying attention to the world outside our minds and walk around in a Walter Mitty-like state that causes people who have no idea what’s going on to label us as “crazy”. It often takes a conscious effort to pull ourselves out of our own heads enough to interact with people in a normal fashion, especially if we’re dealing with small-talk rather than a conversation with depth.”
– Marissa Baker, The INFJ Handbook

“INFJs perceive things quite differently than other types. They don’t focus on or give credence to surface appearances in the way that ESPs might. Rather, their focus is more penetrating, diving deep to uncover hidden causes, motives, and essences. We might liken Ni to a deep-sea diver. While most people enjoy swimming or snorkeling near the surface of the water, Ni seeks to dive as deeply as possible, apprehending an entirely different world than what is visible from the surface.”
– Dr. A.J. Drenth, My True Type

“The INFJ has a deep-seated desire to understand the big picture of humanity and what it’s purpose is. INFJs are constantly looking at situations from different perspectives; zooming out to see a bird’s eye view, or zooming in to analyze the emotions and feelings of the people involved. INFJs long to discover purpose and significance in the human experience, not just for themselves, but for others. They will often bring this desire and drive into their creative experience.”
– Susan Storm, The INFJ – Understanding the Mystic

“INFJs seek meaning and connection in their lives and have little use for details unless they fit with their inner vision. They use their intuition primarily internally, where they develop complex pictures and understandings. INFJs are likely to be insightful, creative, and visionary.”
The MBTI® Manual – Third Edition

“(INFJs) are deeply discontented in a routine job that offers no scope for inspiration.”
– Isabel Briggs-Myers – Gifts, Differing

“The INTJ and INFJ types both have strong visual thinking (regions O1 and/or O2) with openness to novelty and attention to process (region Fp2). For this reason, they may be slow to arrive at decisions or struggle to provide explanations.”
– Dario Nardi – Neuroscience of Personality – Brain Savvy Insights for All Types of People


“The INFJ mother is sensitive to her children’s feelings, not shying away from helping them deal with even their heaviest emotions. She seeks to smooth out the rough edges of their experiences with a comforting presence and her broader perspectives.”
– Janet P. Penley – MotherStyles

“Young INFJs are usually highly sensitive children who are particularly tuned in to the emotional climate of their families. They tend to be aware of how others are feeling and can be very frightened and upset if people are angry with one another.”
– Paul D. Tieger & Barbara Barron-Tieger – Nurture by Nature: Understand Your Child’s Personality Type and Become a Better Parent

“(INFJs) stay focused on the desired outcome no matter what the effort required. (They) often get strong impressions about how things will play out or what problems will occur without much data or experience. Their steady and accepting presence encourages people and keeps them on track.”
– Linda V. Berens – Understanding Yourself and Others – An Introduction to Interaction Styles

“(INFJs) use their insights to deal with complexity in issues and people, often with a strong sense of “knowing” before others know themselves. Talents lie in developing and guiding people. They trust their inspirations and visions, using them to help others.”
– Linda V. Berens – Understanding Yourself and Others – An Introduction to the Personality Type Code

“The INFJs’ driving force is iNtuition (N), which is directed inward (I), generating a never-ending stream of possibilities and ideas. In fact, the more the INFJ introverts, the more malleable and open-ended life can seem. But the external world has a way of interfering with this flow of inspirations and creativity because INFJs feel called upon to render service to humanity (F) in a very orderly and demanding way (J).”
– Otto Kroeger, Type Talk – The 16 Personality Types That Determine How We Live, Love, and Work

“Mostly, INFJs aim to create what others experience on an emotional plane. Their stories are planned, multilayered, and interconnected by relationships and complex situations; the words they choose contain multiple meanings.”
– David B. Goldstein & Otto Kroeger – Creative You – Using Your Personality Type to Thrive

“An INFJ is valuable to a company that needs someone with long-term vision. INFJs are excellent at projecting five or ten years down the road to strategize how to reach a future goal. Bringing an INFJ into brainstorming sessions and business meetings can allow everyone in the company to see where choices might lead the company in the future. The INFJ can offer creative ideas that will accomplish big long-term goals.”
– Susan Storm, The INFJ – Understanding the Mystic

“INFJs are not without their shortcomings. For example, they have a tendency to become severely depressed when their ideals go unfulfilled. It is amazing how quickly the strength of the INFJs’ rich inner imagination can turn to discouragement when others don’t readily join or support their cause. What was inspiration now spirals ever inward toward…deep-seated feelings of failure. Guilt becomes overriding and depression abounds.”
-Otto Kroeger, Type Talk at Work

INFJs have a genuine interest in human nature. Their ability to see multiple perspectives and desire to understand these perspectives make them an extremely empathetic personality type. The INFJs style of empathy is unique because they don’t necessarily try to imagine what they would do in another person’s situation. Instead, they attempt to dive into the mind, heart and soul of the person and uncover the root cause of the individual’s emotion or belief. INFJs thrive in environments where they can help people better understand themselves and heal and grow emotionally.”
– Megan Malone, The Greatest Strengths of the INFJ Personality Type

What Are Your Thoughts?

Do you relate to these quotes? Have you enjoyed some of these books? Let us know in the comments!

INFJ Understanding the Mystic

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7 Things that INFJs Experience As Children

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24 Eye-Opening quotes about the #INFJ personality type! #personality #MBTI #Myersbriggs

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  1. Interesting that one quote talks about routine jobs, which I have and am trying to get out of.

    Then another quote talks about sitting in on business meetings to figure out where they may be heading in the future, which I imagine myself possibly being at my company but I’m nowhere near where that place is.

    I’m thinking about how I could make that happen where I work. That might blow people’s minds if done right.

    I resonate with lots of other quotes here.

    This makes me think about how C.S.Joseph talks on his YouTube videos about Introverted Intuition in interesting ways, like spinning or spiraling upward into one decision or path. Maybe that description is not doing that video justice.

    I wonder about how I could get more time alone to think about all the different connections and emotions in my life, ambitions, and relationships. Everything around me seems to discourage that, especially my smart phone.

    I’m really thinking about buying a good INFJ book because nobody seems to understands me, especially me. And when I try to explain it, it doesn’t seem to make sense to people, especially my ISTP wife, though she’s trying to.

    1. awesome

      I am thinking of a non-slave mode of work, which has no financial return but which provides me well-being, or become a monk, but I have already been told that I could only decide to be a monk by the date of my last birthday. spending, or hiding somewhere.

      I miss the time that I quit smiling, I still had a hug and a thank-you and I still had the lightness and conviction to do and work on different things whenever I felt saturated.

      I thought working would be interesting but today I realize that doing interesting things is not working 🙂

      Today I am a hostage of charges and every day more atrophied.

  2. Great choice of quotes. After 13 years chasing money in the IT industry, I realized as an INFJ, I wasn’t going to be happy until I worked with others in a caring way. I became a mental health counselor at 44 😉 Books like yours and these quotes help me validate that tough decision every day. It is hard to do such a huge career shift in mid-life, but going with the INFJ insights is key..if I had paid attention to my own inner voice in college, I would have found my path much earlier.

  3. Me to a TEE!!
    This i should print and just hand over to all who have questions !! Lol… If it was just that simple.

  4. First time I felt like it’s ok to be how I was.I don’t need to judge myself based on other’s perspectives and be according to them… and it’s ok to be so open and caring

  5. Very relatable… As a writer, I like storing all this stuff in my head so I can funnel it into my self-insert characters ^-^
    Also the part about being sensitive as a child… I’m a teen right now, and when there is disharmony in my family I feel like running away from it all. I was a little afraid yesterday, because, if I can’t deal with disharmony right now, what am I going to do when I’m a mom and I have to work through stuff? But I trust that I will form the tools I need for that as I go, please God.

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