The Obnoxious Versions of Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Curious what the obnoxious MBTI types really look like? Want to know why that ESFP or ISTJ or ENTP are really getting on your nerves? Let’s dive into the types and find out!

REMEMBER: These examples are types at an unhealthy or immature level so the descriptions may not apply to you!

Discover the most obnoxious and annoying versions of every Myers-Briggs® personality type. #MBTI #Personality #INTP

Not sure what your personality type is? Take our new personality questionnaire here. Or you can take the official MBTI® here.

The Obnoxious Versions of Every Personality Type

The Obnoxious ISTJ

Obnoxious ISTJs like to beat others over the head with their “rule book” of how life is supposed to be lived. Like all unhealthy types, unhealthy ISTJs tend to see people who aren’t like them as deficient. Feelers are irrational and needlessly get involved in the affairs of others. Perceivers are lazy. Intuitives are full of hair-brained, unrealistic ideas. They fold their arms and smirk at the ways of others, and will either silently judge or give harsh truths as an effort to “help” people be better versions of themselves. Only what they really want is for others to be more like them.

Remember, this is a description of an unhealthy ISTJ. Find out about the average/healthy ISTJ here: 12 Amazing Fictional ISTJ Characters

The Obnoxious ISFJ

Obnoxious ISFJs present an appearance of “having it all together” and at first glance seem friendly and accommodating. But it isn’t long before a sense of self-righteousness seeps into everything they do. They try to help people and care for them, but while they do this they cultivate a “martyr complex”, never feeling recognized or affirmed enough. They tend to fall into bouts of self-pity and become passive-aggressive with the people around them.

Remember, this is a description of an unhealthy ISFJ. Find out about the average/healthy ISFJ here: Understanding ISFJ Feeling

The Obnoxious ESTJ

Obnoxious ESTJs like to lecture people about how things “should” be done. They believe their way is the only right way and will shut opposing opinions down by arguing relentlessly and going into excessive details as a way to overwhelm their opponents. They must be in charge, and they pride themselves on their black-and-white, direct opinions. When they inevitably hurt someone’s feelings, they chalk it up to the other person being a “snowflake” or overly-sensitive without taking any responsibility for their harshness. They tend to see flaws in other people’s behaviors without looking inward to see their own shortcomings.

Remember, this is a description of an unhealthy ESTJ. Find out about the average/healthy ESTJ here: 10 Things You Should Never Say to an ESTJ

The Obnoxious ESFJ

Obnoxious ESFJs are desperate never to lose face in front of others. They try to take a leading role in social situations so that they never have to feel out-of-the-loop or directed by anyone who calls on them to act against their natural preferences. Gossiping tends to be their favorite activity, and they enjoy creating us vs. them dynamics in order to feel like they’re part of a “special club.” They can also be critical and judgmental towards people who don’t share their views or who don’t follow social rules or customs; spreading rumors about them and purposefully misrepresenting their views.

Remember, this is a description of an unhealthy ESFJ. Find out about the average/healthy ESFJ here: Understanding ESFJ Feeling

The Obnoxious ISTP

Because ISTPs tend to be independent, non-controlling individuals, you will rarely see them being obnoxious in the typical sense of the word. However, some types might see them as overly aloof and critical. In an effort to be truthful, ISTPs may offend others and fail to see the inter-personal context of situations. They can also look down on people with other preferences, seeing them as “wrong” rather than different. They can see feelers as needlessly meddling or sensitive and intuitives as oversensitive or “flighty”.

Remember, this is a description of an unhealthy ISTP. Find out about the average/healthy ISTP here: ISTP Personality Profile

The Obnoxious ISFP

Because ISFPs are relatively reserved and tend to adopt a “live and let live” mentality they are rarely obnoxious in the typical sense. However, in conflict situations unhealthy ISFPs can become severely judgmental and self-righteous. They tend to see themselves as “misfits” in a world full of conformists and if pressed can become uncharacteristically blunt and vicious in their attack of people with opposing views. This is especially true if those views conflict with one of their personal values. They can be unaware of how others really may be perceiving them because they are so stuck in their own perspective. Discover more about ISFPs here: Are ISFPs Rare? Unleashing the Mystery

The Obnoxious ESTP

Obnoxious ESTPs want to be the center of attention and will talk over others, interrupting them and becoming loud and overbearing. As they get caught up in the moment they may make inconsiderate jokes or be surprisingly blunt and tactless as a way to get some momentum going. ESTPs at this level of development can become oblivious to the feelings of the people around them. Sometimes this leads to careless mocking of others, even if they don’t necessarily mean to cause offense.

The Obnoxious ESFP

Obnoxious ESFPs want to create excitement and will go to any lengths to do so. They tend to speak loudly, make mischief, or embarrass themselves or others to get a laugh. They tend to find pessimistic or reserved individuals irritating and repulsive and may disregard their input on things or shut them down if they try to get a word in. Like all unhealthy types, unhealthy ESFPs tend to find people with opposite preferences as “wrong”. They see thinkers as cold or uncaring and intuitives as unrealistic or pretentious.

Want to see what the normal/healthy version of the ESFP is like? Click Here.

The Obnoxious INTJ

Obnoxious INTJs tend to assume that they know what other people are going to say before they say it. Rather than listening well, they tend to tune people out, assuming they already know where the dialogue is going. On top of that, they interject criticisms and often use a condescending tone. Often they see people with different preferences as less competent, wise, or astute as they are. This can look like viewing feelers as less intelligent and sensors as dull or narrow-minded. They are overly eager to position themselves as the ultimate thought-leader on every idea. They tend to be poor listeners and are cut off from their normal ability to empathize and understand the perspectives of others.

Remember, this is an example of an unhealthy or immature INTJ. Find out what healthy/average INTJs are like in this article: Getting to Know the INTJ.

The Obnoxious INFJ

INFJs aren’t naturally pushy or loud people, so they don’t tend to seem obnoxious in the typical sense of the word. However, since many INFJs have a hard time speaking up for themselves and the things they want in life they can develop irritating coping mechanisms. They tend to find themselves camouflaging their true nature so that they aren’t misunderstood. The result of this is usually resentment, self-pity, or a feeling of being overwhelmed. INFJs at this level of development tend to think that people are plotting against them or dislike them and may misread the signals of others and take things personally that weren’t meant in a negative or critical way. Over time this way of thinking can result in passive-aggression, a martyr complex, or a chronic feeling of uneasiness in the world.

Remember, this is an example of an unhealthy or immature INFJ. Find out what healthy/average INFJs are like in this article: 3 Weird and Wonderful Secrets About the INFJ.

The Obnoxious ENTJ

Obnoxious ENTJs are extremely argumentative and critical. They see ways that everything could be better, but this turns into fault-finding behavior as well as a need to control and dominate. Rather than balancing criticism with encouragement or praise, they become verbally aggressive and condescending, pointing out other people’s weaknesses and criticizing their logic without giving them a chance to defend themselves. These ENTJs tend to see people with different preferences as incompetent, bad, or laughable. Feelers are “irrational” and sensors are “boring conformists” to them. This kind of superiority complex prevents them from developing and maturing as an individual and seriously hinders their relationships.

Remember, this is an example of an unhealthy or immature ENTJ. Find out what healthy/average ENTJs are like in this article: 10 Things You’ll Relate to if You’re an ENTJ.

The Obnoxious ENFJ

Obnoxious ENFJs tend to over-involve themselves in the affairs of others. They can be overbearing, needy, and insistent on their way. They see themselves as peacemakers and tend to believe they know what’s in everyone else’s best interest. While they appear friendly and accommodating at first glance, over time they will be critical and passive-aggressive to people who have differing opinions about how things should be done. They get especially frustrated with people who upset harmony, even for good reason. In an argument these ENFJs tend to take what they perceive as the moral high-ground and will become judgmental and self-righteous, using faulty logic to back up their values.

Keep in mind, this is an example of an unhealthy or immature ENFJ. Find out what healthy/average ENFJs are like in this article: Understanding ENFJ Feeling.

The Obnoxious INTP

Because INTPs tend to be very private individuals they are unlikely to seem obnoxious in the typical sense. They are more likely to annoy people by being overly critical, forgetful, or oblivious to emotions. These INTPs generally want to be left alone, but if they are forced to interact with others they tend to point out errors in logic and assume they know what the other person is going to say before they say it. Interrupting or “tuning out” of the conversation is normal for them. Like all unhealthy types, unhealthy INTPs tend to find fault with preferences other than their own. They will see feeling types as irrational or needlessly concerned with others, and they may see sensors as dull or unimaginative.

Don’t forget, this is an example of an unhealthy or immature INTP. Find out what healthy/average INTPs are like in this article: The INTP Personality Profile

The Obnoxious INFP

Because INFPs are typically reserved and open-minded they are usually not obnoxious in the traditional sense of the word. However, if they feel their values are threatened or if they are in conflict situations, they can become over-sensitive, self-pitying and self-righteous. These kinds of INFPs refuse to accept the idea that there might be ground to someone else’s opinion or way of life. Instead they may take a morally superior stance, condemning other people’s views as immoral or cruel. INFPs at this level of development can seem to enjoy a status of being misunderstood because it reinforces the idea that they alone are the righteous people fighting against injustice.

Don’t forget, this is an example of an unhealthy or immature INFP. Find out what healthy/average INFPs are like in this article: What Each of the 16 Personality Types Loves About INFPs

The Obnoxious ENTP

Obnoxious ENTPs tend to be brash, condescending, and overly focused on novelty. They want to try everything in new ways, and they can go overboard and waste time changing things that are already working. They also tend to be extremely argumentative, unwilling to drop an argument, even using distorted logic to back up their opinions. ENTPs at this level of development usually see preferences outside of their own as negative or worthless. They might see feeling types as irrational or over-sensitive and sensing types as dull and conforming. This mindset prohibits them from developing their strengths or gaining better control of their weaknesses.

Remember, this is an example of an unhealthy or immature ENTP.

The Obnoxious ENFP

Obnoxious ENFPs tend to be distractable, self-centered, and forceful with their opinions. They are pushy about their way of thinking and can relentlessly try to get others on board with their perspective. People who don’t agree with them are seen as “conformists” or narrow-minded. ENFPs at this level of development tend to be so focused on novelty and innovation that they keep trying to “fix” systems and situations that aren’t broken. In their effort to add excitement and interest to their lives they can flit from idea to idea and project to project, being inconsistent and unreliable.

Remember, this is an example of an unhealthy or immature ENFP. Find out what healthy/average ENFPs are like in this article: 3 Weird and Wonderful Secrets About the ENFP Personality Type

What Are Your Thoughts?

Have you encountered an obnoxious version of a personality type? Do you struggle with being obnoxious yourself (I know I have at times). Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Find out more about your personality type in our eBook, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type.

Discovering You eBook about the 16 Myers-Briggs Personality Types

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    1. *screams in INFP* I was wondering could ESXPs be self pitying as well? I’ve been trying to type a former friend for a while now (´-﹏-`;)

      1. Yes trust me, I know I few ESFP that are like that but I am think any type can be so that includes ESTP aswell. I knew one ESTP for definite and he wasn’t normally self pitying but was on the rare occasion.

  1. Some ISFP I know have an annoying superiority complex, also regarding their intelligence, although not at all justified rationally. The definition of Danny-Kruger complex. These ISFP see others as inferior and focus on their defects and can’t exalt their qualities, also belittling and ignoring other’s point of view..

    1. I understand your statement. I myself consider ISFPs are not more intelligent academically than INTPs for sure. They are maybe smart, but never reach the level of INTP’s intelligence. Prove me wrong!
      However, they can be excellent in arts.

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