Why Each Myers-Briggs® Personality Type Will Never Give Up

Looking for inspiration to keep going? This article will hopefully encourage you in your best strengths and to help you see the innate qualities of your personality that can help you survive and thrive even in the midst of hardships.

Besides this article, you may need some other resources if you feel like giving up. You may need rest, proper nutrition, or stress-relief. You may also need the help of a qualified counselor or therapist. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it!

Find out why each of the 16 Myers-Briggs® personality types won't give up in the face of hardship. #MBTI #Personality

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Estimated reading time: 15 minutes

Why Each Myers-Briggs® Personality Type Will Never Give Up


You’ll never give up because you nearly always see alternatives, possibilities, and potential in the world. While other people might feel the walls are closing in on them, you can nearly always find a window of opportunity. In the midst of the unexpected your best ideas and insights often come to light. You have the inner resolve and outer creativity to innovate in the midst of calamity.

Fun fact: ENFPs scored higher on intellectual efficiency on the CPI™ tool, relative to other types (MBTI® Manual, pg. 354-355). This means that they show an efficient use of intellectual abilities and can stay on task and use resources wisely when others might give up.

Not feeling this way? Have you been dealing with ongoing or severe stress? You may be having a “grip” stress response. You can find out more about this and how to deal in What ENFPs Do When They Get Really Stressed Out.


You’ll never give up because you have an enterprising, resourceful spirit that triumphs against unexpected trials. As a dominant intuitive you believe that in the midst of chaos the most original and creative solutions can be found. You enjoy a challenge and you’re not afraid to be outspoken and assertive in order to get what you want in life.

Fun fact: ENTPs scored higher on Achievement via Independence than other types on the CPI™ tool. This means that they have a strong drive to do well and take individual initiative. They show clear-thinking and work best when given freedom.

Not feeling this way? Have you been dealing with ongoing or severe stress? You may be having a “grip” stress response. You can find out more about this and how to deal in How Each Myers-Briggs® Type Reacts to Stress.


In the midst of challenges, you rely on your inner conviction and rich creativity to see you through. Your passion is next to none and no matter how bleak life may get you can always take solace in your fertile imagination. When you’re tapped into your intuition you can see creative solutions and possibilities even when the world around you seems chaotic and out-of-control. You also have convictions and dreams you want to see realized and you won’t let anything get in the way of this.

Fun fact: INFPs scored higher on Flexibility on the CPI™ tool, relative to other types. This means that they like change and variety, are easily bored by routine and may be impatient, but they also tend to be clever and imaginative. (MBTI® Manual, pg. 354-355).

Not feeling this way? Have you been dealing with severe or chronic stress? You may be having a “grip” reaction. When this happens you become doubtful and critical of yourself. You can find out more about this and how to deal in 12 Stress-Busting Techniques for INFPs.


As an INTP, you have a skill at adapting to unexpected situations. While other types (particularly Judging types) freak out when things unexpectedly change, you tend to roll with the punches and look for new opportunities. You’re tough-minded and can troubleshoot even in the midst of tumultuous situations. You know how to put your feelings aside and look at the facts and find outside-the-box solutions.

Fun fact: According to neuroscience expert Dario Nardi, INTPs show a lot of brain activity in Region P4 of their brain. This part of the brain helps them to “holistically weigh numerous pros and cons of many uncertain or risky factors or options at once to arrive at a single result.” (Neuroscience of Personality, pg. 110)

Not feeling this way? Severe or chronic stress can influence your normal capacity to think clearly and logically. When you’re dealing with grip stress, your thinking can become cloudy and you can feel more emotional than usual. Find out more in this guide to INTP stress.


You create dreams and ideas for the future, and you’ll stop at nothing to achieve them. You’re also someone who takes your responsibilities to others seriously. Many times, your type will think of others when faced with dire situations. You know that keeping your head up can inspire others to do the same when they face unexpected challenges. You also have the visionary spirit to see past present-day setbacks to possibilities in the future.

Fun fact: ENFJs scored higher on Social Presence on the CPI™ tool, in comparison to other types (MBTI® Manual, pg. 354). This means that they show a tendency toward self-assuredness, versatility, spontaneity, and verbal fluency.

Not feeling this way? If you’ve been dealing with intense or ongoing stress, you may be having a grip response which would alter your ability to think clearly. You can find out more about this and how to cope in my article: What ENFJs Do When They Get Really Stressed Out.


Dauntless and bold, you’re someone who gets a thrill from a challenge rather than shying away from it. You can easily cut past the noise of the world around you and come up with efficient solutions or logical strategies. You’re not afraid to be assertive to go after what you want. Your ambition and varied interests keep you invested in what life has to offer.

Fun fact: According to neuroscience expert Dario Nardi, ENTJs use their brain in energy-efficient ways, relying on primarily on seeing measurable elements, hearing words, and making decisions. This helps them to be active many hours of the day and make quick decisions on-the-go with plausible, logical explanations.

Struggling to feel this way? If you’ve been coping with ongoing, turbulent levels of stress, you may be having a grip response which would cloud your thinking and make you feel more emotional than usual. You can find out more about this in my article: What Each Extroverted Myers-Briggs® Personality Type Needs When They’re Stressed.


You strive to develop a clear vision about how best to serve the world around you. When struggles strike you, you aim to see the lesson that can be learned from the pain you’re dealing with. Your ability to envision a life beyond the present moment can propel you forward past hardships and keep your eyes firmly planted on your goals. While you may need some time to grapple with the pain of setbacks and failures, you’re insightful enough to see that there are new perspectives and ways of looking at the situation that can help you gain wisdom and resilience from it.

Fun fact: INFJs scored higher on Achievement via Independence on the CPI™ tool, in comparison to other Myers-Briggs® types. This means that they often have a strong drive to do well and show a great amount of individual initiative, clear-thinking, and intelligence. (MBTI® Manual, pg. 355)

Not feeling this way? If you’ve lost sight of your long-term vision and are feeling tossed and turned by bouts of stress and recklessness, you could be in the midst of a grip stress response. There are ways to cope with this! You can find out more in my article: 10 Stress-Busting Tips for INFJs.


You have the ability to step back during struggles and apply logic and insight to the situation. You’re a visionary with great ambition and determination to succeed. You know how to set emotional turmoil aside and take charge, problem-solve, and come up with innovative strategies to overcome difficulties. You’re also stubborn. You’re going to accomplish your goals if it kills you. Just don’t forget to take time to understand your emotions and stress-levels after a particularly challenging moment has passed.

Fun fact: INTJs scored higher on Responsibility on the CPI™ tool, in comparison to other Myers-Briggs® personality types. This means that they tend to be reliable, ethically perceptive, and serious about their duties and obligations. (MBTI® Manual, pg. 354)

Not relating to this? If you’ve been experiencing severe or long-term stress, you may be struggling to access your intuition and thinking clearly. You can find out how to deal with this in my article: 12 Stress-Busting Techniques for INTJs.


Realistic and energetic, you’re someone who looks for the nugget of beauty and joy to be extracted from every moment (even if it’s something simple like a sunrise or a simmering cup of coffee). You have a playful, fun-loving spirit and try not to let the negatives of life bog you down for too long. You know that you don’t have to look too far to find a rich experience waiting to be lived out in your life. You like to let go of past mistakes and re-focus your energy on the present moment where you can do some real good.

Fun fact: According to neuroscience expert Dario Nardi, ESFPs are quick to integrate body and sensory information and are “highly capable at physical, concrete tasks, especially tactile and physical multitasking.” (Neuroscience of Personality, pg. 91)

Struggling to stay optimistic? If you’ve been dealing with extreme or ongoing stress, you may lose touch with your natural resourceful, high-energy demeanor. You can find out more about this and how to cope in my article, What Each Extroverted Myers-Briggs® Personality Type Needs When They’re Stressed.


You’re fascinated with all the opportunities and experiences around you. While certain types get tunnel vision and hyper-fixate on one thing, you’re someone who can point out several incredible experiences to be enjoyed in your immediate vicinity. You’re fun-loving and realistic, and you know that it will do you no good to dwell on failures or mistakes of the past. You try to keep your eyes firmly on the present and do what you can to optimize your own and others’ experiences. Your resilience and flexibility allow you to roll with the punches much more smoothly than many other types can.

Fun fact: ESTPs scored higher on Dominance on the CPI™ tool, in comparison to other Myers-Briggs® types. This means that they typically are more confident, assertive, and task-oriented than the average person. (MBTI® Manual, pg. 354)

Not feeling this way? If you’ve been feeling stuck in a rut or out of touch with your normal resourceful personality, it’s possible that you’re dealing with ongoing or intense stress. Find out how to cope with stress specific to your personality type in my article on what each extroverted personality type needs when they’re stressed.


You’re someone who prizes your freedom and follows your own course. More than trying to fit in with the masses you care about living in alignment with your own personal convictions. You are guided by a sturdy core of inner values and will do whatever it takes to be true to yourself. You have high hopes for yourself and refuse to settle for less than what you are really capable of. While you need moments to pause and emotionally come to terms with setbacks and disappointments, you have the grit and inner passion to get back to your feet again once you’ve had time to process.

Fun fact: According to neuroscience expert Dario Nardi,ISFPs show high activity in brain regions T3 and T4, which process language including diction, grammar, and voice tone. Nardi states that ISFPs “rely heavily on voice tone to hear other people’s intentions when evaluating a person’s authenticity or the morality of a situation.” (Neuroscience of Personality, pg. 119)

Not feeling this way? If you’ve been feeling emotionally foggy, overwhelmed, and stressed, you may be in a “grip stress” phase. Find ways to cope in my article, What Each Introverted Myers-Briggs® Personality Type Needs When They’re Stressed.


While some people freak out at the slightest problem, you’re someone who enjoys the challenge of solving a new challenge (at least, if it’s concrete). Your analytical, pragmatic perspective keeps you steady in tenuous situations where others might lose their grip. You are always focused on what’s around you and what can be done with it; how you can use your environment to optimize your current situation. You’re realistic enough to know that your chances of low at succeeding at something the first time you try it. You know that you need to keep trying if you want to see results.

Fun fact: According to neuroscience expert Dario Nardi, ISTPs are skilled at useful problem solving, trying out various angles, and combining and adapting various techniques to fit a situation. They “look for and use leverage points to manage.” (Multiple Intelligences & Personality Type, pg. 39)

Struggling to keep up? If you’re feeling overwhelmed, mentally foggy, or exhausted, you might be dealing with ongoing or sudden stress. Find out more about your stress levels and how to cope in my article, What ISTPs Do When They’re Really Stressed Out.


You have a natural sense of responsibility for your family, community, friends, or social group. You often don’t give up because you want to set a positive example for others. The vital thing to remember for you is to take time to process, rest, and recharge even when you have a lot to do. Your type tends to overwork themselves for others. With time and proper self-care, you’re the kind of person who can persevere under any hardship, especially if you’re working in support of a cause or group of people you believe in and care for.

Fun fact: Your type scored higher on Achievement via Conformance on the CPI™ tool in comparison to other types. This means that you have a strong desire to do well, enjoy working in settings with clear definitions and expectations, and you are typically efficient and well-organized. (MBTI® Manual, pg. 355)

Struggling to relate? If you’ve been feeling mentally foggy, self-critical, and low-energy, it’s possible that you’re dealing with something called grip stress. You can find out more about this and how to cope in my article, 12 Stress-Busting Tips for ESFJs.


You’re someone who’s driven to meet your goals and responsibilities each day. Loyal and hard-working, you can painstakingly work through problems with a diligence that many other types struggle to maintain. You have a strong will to do well, but you’re also practical enough to know that “practice makes perfect.” If you fail at something the first time you try it, you won’t be surprised because you know that’s how life typically goes. You’re not afraid to work at something, try and fail, and try again because you know each time you try something you’ll get closer to having it right.

Fun fact: ESTJs score higher on Self-Acceptance on the CPI™ tool in comparison to the other Myers-Briggs® personality types. This means that your type tends to have a good opinion of themselves, sees themselves as talented and personally attractive. (MBTI® Manual, pg. 354)

Not feeling this way? If you’ve been dealing with a spike of stress or chronic, ongoing stress you may not feel as ambitious, optimistic, or self-assured as usual. You can find out more about your unique stress reactions and how to cope in my article, What Each Extroverted Personality Type Needs When They’re Stressed.


“Slow and steady wins the race,” is probably something you remind yourself of on a regular basis. You’re someone who knows that steady, methodical dedication will get you further than rushing around trying to win at life in a hurry. Your focus on sustainability and caution allows you to avoid many of the roadblocks that others encounter on their way to their goals. You’re a thorough, responsible individual, and you know that success requires time and patience.  This steady, long-term mindset gives you the strength to keep going when many other might burn out.

Fun fact: According to neuroscience expert Dario Nardi, ISFJs show moderate to high activity in brain region T6. This area is focused on considering the future and mapping out actions ahead of time.

Struggling to keep going? If you’ve been going through high amounts of stress, you may be in the grip of a stress response that makes you distracted, anxious, and scattered. You can find out more about this stage and how to cope in my article, What Each Introverted Personality Type Needs When They’re Stressed Out.


You have a strong sense of responsibility and are capable of working with sustained energy to accomplish your goals. “Steadfast” would be a word that many would use to describe you. You know that methodical, steady progress will get you further than working in short bursts that fizzle out quickly. When you’ve finished up your to-do list, you know how to relax and rejuvenate yourself with your favorite hobbies and routines. This balance of hard work and quiet refreshment keep you going when others would burn out.

Fun fact: Your type scored higher on Self-Control on the CPI™ tool than any other Myers-Briggs® personality type. This means that you are skilled at controlling your emotions and temper and suppressing hostile feelings. You also pride yourself on self-discipline. (MBTI® Manual, pg. 354)

Struggling to make progress? If you’ve been experience intense or chronic stress, you may feel more scattered, distractible, and unproductive than usual. You can find out more about this and get some ways to cope in my article, What ISTJs Do When They’re Really Stressed Out.


MBTI® Manual: A Guide to the Development and Use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Instrument. Third Edition by Isabel Briggs Myers, Mary H. McCaulley, Naomi L. Quenk, Allen L. Hammer

Neuroscience of Personality: Brain Savvy Insights for All Types of People by Dario Nardi, Ph.D.

Multiple Intelligences & Personality Type – Tools and Strategies for Developing Human Potential. Dario Nardi, Ph.D.

What Are Your Thoughts?

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Find out more about your personality type in our eBooks, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type,  The INFJ – Understanding the Mystic, The INTJ – Understanding the Strategist, and The INFP – Understanding the Dreamer. You can also connect with me via FacebookInstagram, or Twitter!

Find out why each of the 16 Myers-Briggs® personality types won't give up in the face of hardship. #MBTI #Personality

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