The ENTJ Personality Type and the Enneagram
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The ENTJ Personality Type and the Enneagram

ENTJs can show up in many different ways depending on their Enneagram type. In today’s article we’re looking at nine different versions of the ENTJ and what those variations feel in terms of fears, desires, and childhood frustrations. As with all typology systems, the Myers-Briggs® system can only tell us a certain amount about who…

The ENFJ Personality Type and the Enneagram
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The ENFJ Personality Type and the Enneagram

Have you ever wondered why there are many different varieties of ENFJs out there in the world? Some ENFJs are bubbly and supportive, going out of their way to give to others. Other ENFJs have blustery tempers and strive to be independent and uncontrolled. Why are there so many unique varieties of ENFJs? What causes…

The INFP Enneagram Type Nine
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The INFP Enneagram Type Nine

“The planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of all kinds.” – Dalai Lama Do you know you’re an INFP, but you feel like certain facets of your type description aren’t quite relatable? If you’re an INFP Nine, you may be more focused on…