Discover the ISFP and how this personality type can vary based on the 9 Enneagram types.
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The ISFP and the 9 Enneagram Types

So you’ve discovered that you’re an ISFP—the sensitive artist, the dreamer, the gentle soul of the Myers-Briggs® world. You’re quietly creative, deeply in touch with your feelings, and likely to disappear into the woods with a sketchpad if life gets too overwhelming. But wait. You still feel… different. Maybe you’re more driven than other ISFPs,…

Explore the nine different types of ENTJs when we combine the Myers-Briggs (MBTI) system of personality with the Enneagram system of personality. #Personality #ENTJ
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The ENTJ Personality Type and the Enneagram

How does your Enneagram type impact your ENTJ personality type? Today we’re going to combine the world of Myers-Briggs and the Enneagram into a journey that will help you to get even deeper into understanding yourself and the nuances of what motivates you. As with all typology systems, the Myers-Briggs® system can only tell us…

Find out how each of the 9 Enneagram types feels about offering emotional support, and find ways to be there for others more easily. #Enneagram #Personality
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How You Feel Giving Emotional Support, Based On Your Enneagram Type

You know that warm glow of helping someone through a tough time? It’s one of life’s better feelings. But sometimes, offering emotional support can feel less like a cozy campfire and more like trying to light damp logs in a monsoon. Whether you’re a natural-born cheerleader or someone who Googles “how to respond when someone…

Discover how the 9 Enneagram types show up in friendships, along with how they appear when they're healthy or unhealthy.
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How Each Enneagram Type Makes an Amazing Friend

Each enneagram type has something completely unique to bring to a friendship. Here’s a look at the strengths and weaknesses of each type as a friend. Let’s get started! Not sure what your enneagram type is? Take our new personality questionnaire here! The Enneagram Types as Friends The Enneagram One Friend Responsible and honest, One’s…

Find out how empathetic each of the nine Enneagram types are likely to be
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How Empathy Looks for Each Enneagram Type

When we talk about the “most empathetic Enneagram types,” we’re really diving into a spectrum of empathy that’s as diverse as the Enneagram itself. You might think of a person who can’t watch a sad movie without grabbing the tissues or the friend who knows exactly what you’re going through before you even say it….