Here’s Your Passion and Your Virtue, Based On Your Enneagram Type
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Here’s Your Passion and Your Virtue, Based On Your Enneagram Type

Have you ever wondered if you were susceptible to one of the 7 deadly sins? Do you ever wonder if you’ve got everyone fooled into thinking you’re a “good” person, when deep down you’re aware of some faults you’d never want anyone to know? Today we’re going to look at the “passions” of the 9…

Your Relationship Triggers (and How to Cope), Based On Your Enneagram Type
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Your Relationship Triggers (and How to Cope), Based On Your Enneagram Type

Do you ever feel like the things that really make you mad in a relationship are completely different than what triggers anger in your partner? Do you ever feel trapped, stiffled, stressed, put upon, ignored, or taken advantage of? What is triggering these feelings? Today I want to take a look at all of these…

Your Core Motivations, Based On Your Enneagram Type
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Your Core Motivations, Based On Your Enneagram Type

I don’t know about you, but a lot of us go through life assuming that everyone has the same major motivations. If we crave success, we’re baffled by people who don’t. When we primarily seek out love and connection, we shake our heads at people who are more reserved and autonomy-seeking. When we’re cautious and…

What the 9 Enneagram Types Are Thinking About On a Flight
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What the 9 Enneagram Types Are Thinking About On a Flight

As someone who has a pretty irrational fear of flying, I often wonder about the strange things other people think about when they’re stuck in a metal tube hurtling through the sky. For me, every bump is a face-off with death, and every calm smile of a flight attendant is a soothing balm to my…

Here’s The U.S. City You Should Live In, Based On Your Enneagram Type
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Here’s The U.S. City You Should Live In, Based On Your Enneagram Type

Today we’re going to have a little fun with the Enneagram system of personality. This ancient personality system can unlock some of the deepest secrets of your soul—assuming you’re not just using it to figure out which of your friends you should never go on a road trip with. But let’s be real, who doesn’t…