The Norse God or Goddess You’d Be, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

In the realm of myth and legend, Norse Mythology holds a unique place with its fascinating pantheon of gods, giants, elves, and other mystical beings. As enigmatic and diverse as humans themselves, these characters have been a source of intrigue for centuries. In today’s article, we delve into an intriguing exploration: aligning each of these characters from Norse Mythology with a corresponding Myers-Briggs® Personality Type. Join us as we embark on this journey of amalgamating ancient lore and modern psychology to draw intriguing parallels between mythological characters and personality archetypes.

Not sure what your personality type is? Take our in-depth personality questionnaire here. Or you can take the official Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®) here.

The Norse God or Goddess with Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type. #MBTI #Personality #INFJ

Interpretations and Guesswork

While I always strive for accuracy, it’s important to note that these assessments involve a degree of speculation and educated guesswork. The information available on Norse mythology is limited, and much of the original context has been lost over time. As a result, I’ve had to fill in the gaps with interpretation, applying personality theory to mythological figures based on the traits and behaviors they exhibit in the surviving sagas and legends. So while I believe these interpretations provide interesting and plausible insights, they should not be considered definitive categorizations of these Norse figures. The complexity of personality and the scarcity of concrete information on Norse gods necessitate a degree of flexibility and open-mindedness in the analysis here. I mean, I’d love to sit across from Odin and figure out how he thinks; but obviously that’s not possible.

What is Myers-Briggs, or the MBTI®?

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a widely-used psychological tool that categorizes people into one of 16 personality types. Each type is a combination of four pairs of preferences: Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I), Sensing (S) or Intuition (N), Thinking (T) or Feeling (F), and Judging (J) or Perceiving (P).

  • Extraversion (E) or Introversion (I): This dichotomy reflects how you direct your energy and how you prefer to interact with the world. Extraverts gain energy from engagement with the outer world, while introverts prefer interior mental activities and solitary pursuits.
  • Sensing (S) or Intuition (N): This pair represents how individuals take in information. Sensing types tend to focus on the present, trusting information that is tangible and concrete, while intuitive types are more focused on future possibilities and patterns.
  • Thinking (T) or Feeling (F): This indicates how you make decisions. Thinking types tend to make decisions based on logic and objective analysis, while feeling types consider the effect on people as well as the values at play.
  • Judging (J) or Perceiving (P): This dimension refers to how you deal with the outer world. Judging types prefer structure and decisiveness, while perceiving types are more spontaneous and adaptable.

By understanding these basic elements of the MBTI®, we can make fascinating comparisons with the characters from Norse Mythology. Let’s get started!

The Norse God or Goddess You’d Be, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

ENTP: Loki


Loki, the mischievous trickster of Norse mythology, perfectly embodies the ENTP personality type. Playful and innovative, he’s blessed with a quick wit and an out-of-the-box thinking style. Just like ENTPs, Loki is all about creative ideas and unconventional approaches. He’s always twisting situations to his advantage, even if it means bending or breaking a few rules along the way.

But Loki’s charm is what really sets him apart. He’s a smooth talker who knows how to connect with people on an emotional level. It’s like he can read their minds and manipulate their feelings to get what he wants. And even when he gets caught up in his mischief, his silver tongue and charisma help him wriggle out of trouble. ENTPs are famous for this quality; thanks, in part, to their tertiary Extraverted Feeling. Types with this function in the tertiary position often possess a gift for playfully connecting with others, sensing their emotions, and embodying a charming, devil-may-care persona.

But Loki isn’t just a master of deception and charm. He’s also a genius problem solver who can think outside the box. Whether he’s tricking giants with elaborate stories or coming up with brilliant last-minute solutions to save the gods, Loki’s adaptability and strategic thinking shine through. He’s always hungry for knowledge and thrives on new experiences, just like any true ENTP.

So, if you’re looking for a Norse god who perfectly represents the ENTP personality type, look no further than Loki. He’s fun, smart, and always keeps you on your toes with his clever tricks and endless curiosity.

Find out more about ENTPs: The ENTP Dark Side

ENFP: Freyr

ENFP Norse God: Freyr

Freyr is the embodiment of prosperity, good weather, and fertility in Norse mythology. Imagine a vibrant spirit radiating warmth and enthusiasm, inspiring and motivating all in its path. That’s the essence of an ENFP, and Freyr personifies it with his bountiful generosity and boundless enthusiasm. He was well known for his jolly spirit, warmth, and easy-going nature.

Like Freyr, ENFPs enjoy celebration, harmony, and a sense that anything is possible. ENFPs aren’t afraid to defy the odds and Freyr certainly did that when he fell in love with the giantess, Gerð. He knew that he was putting himself in danger by marrying her, but he followed his heart and it paid off. ENFPs are known for following their passions and values, even when it means taking risks or going against the grain of what society deems “normal”.

But Freyr isn’t just a romantic dreamer; he’s also a skilled warrior who can hold his own on the battlefield. Even after he traded his sword for his love, he was still able to defeat the giant Beli with an antler. When ENFPs have something to fight for, they go all in with passion and conviction.

While there isn’t nearly enough information written about Freyr to say with 100% certainty that he was an ENFP type, I think he’s the best match for this personality type in Norse mythology. And, whatever his personality is, he showcases the passion, enthusiasm, friendliness, and conviction that ENFPs are famous for.

Discover more about ENFPs: 24 Signs That You’re an ENFP, The Visionary Personality Type

INTP: Mimir

INTP Mimir

Mimir, the wise elder of Norse mythology, is a profound representation of the INTP personality type. Known as the keeper of the well of wisdom, Mimir personifies the introspective, analytical, and knowledge-hungry nature intrinsic to INTPs. Staunch believers in the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake, INTPs, like Mimir, are known for their profound wisdom and intellectual depth.

Mimir was famed for his well of wisdom, from which he’d drink daily to grow his knowledge. If INTPs could have a well of wisdom, they’d certainly drink from it too. They’re always looking to expand their minds and understanding of the world, seeking out information and insights wherever they can find them.

But Mimir’s wisdom didn’t just come from his thirst for knowledge; it also came from his ability to see patterns, connect ideas, and solve problems with ease. Similarly, INTPs possess a sharp intellect that allows them to see the bigger picture, analyze complex systems and come up with innovative solutions.

However, Mimir’s wisdom was also his downfall. He foresaw Ragnarok, the end of the world in Norse mythology, but he couldn’t prevent it from happening. INTPs can often get lost in their heads, analyzing and overanalyzing situations until they become paralyzed by indecision. Just like Mimir, they can see the big picture but may at times struggle to take action to change it.

Find out more about INTPs: The 10 Best Careers for INTPs

INFP: Bragi

INFP Norse God is Bragi

Bragi, the god of bards in Norse mythology, is a fitting archetype for the INFP personality type. As the god of poetry and eloquence, Bragi was renowned for his skill with words, crafting moving poems that echoed with emotion and depth. INFPs share this affinity for language and expression, often voicing their deeper feelings through creative and artistic channels. Like Bragi, they use their words to connect on a piercing, emotional level, weaving narratives that resonate with their listeners’ hearts.

Bragi, with his words, could paint vivid pictures, stir emotions, and captivate audiences, much like an INFP who uses their strong sense of empathy and creativity to express themselves. They possess an innate ability to understand and channel their emotions into their work, creating a profound impact on those around them.

Bragi is called the god of bards not only for his poetic talent but also for his deep understanding and appreciation of the human experience – a quality INFPs are known for. They are introspective, often pondering life’s big questions and seeking a greater purpose. They are well-equipped to delve into the complexities of the human condition and express these insights in a way that others can relate to.

Discover more about INFPs: A Look at the INFP Leader


ENTJ Norse God, Tyr

In the pantheon of Norse gods, Tyr stands out as an embodiment of the ENTJ personality type. Renowned as a god of war and justice, Tyr is characterized by his strategic mindset, decisiveness, and fearlessness – traits common among ENTJs. His leadership skills are unquestionable; as an organized and efficient planner, Tyr always knows how to take control of the situation and make decisions that will lead to victory.

Tyr’s most famous myth involves the monstrous wolf Fenrir. Despite knowing that his hand would be bitten off in the process, Tyr willingly sacrificed it to ensure that Fenrir would be bound and pose no further threat to the gods. This episode highlights Tyr’s utilitarian approach and his willingness to make personal sacrifices for the greater good, echoing the rational and sometimes tough-minded logic of the ENTJ.

Moreover, Tyr’s sense of duty, honor, and responsibility further underscores his alignment with the ENTJ personality. He embodies the justice aspect of his character in the most unambiguous way, always striving for fairness, even when it calls for personal sacrifice. This principled leadership and strong will is a signature trait of the ENTJ type at their very best. While many people describe ENTJs as brutes and villains; at their best, ENTJs work hard for big goals that are sparked by their intense convictions. I’ve known more than a few ENTJs who have been big money earners, but put huge amounts of money into the hands of orphanages, climate change groups, and other non-profits that stirred their hearts.

In their quest for efficient solutions and strategic victory, ENTJs, like Tyr, are not afraid to make tough decisions or to stand by their principles, even when the cost is high. Their natural leadership, strategic approach, and strong sense of justice make them a force to be reckoned with, whether in the boardroom or on the battlefield.

Discover more about ENTJs: Understanding ENTJ Thinking

ENFJ: Balder

ENFJ Norse God is Balder

Balder, the beloved and benevolent god in Norse mythology, beautifully symbolizes the ENFJ personality type. Known as the “god of benevolence” or “god of joy”, Balder’s character is defined by his kindness, graciousness, and an inherent need to foster harmony in his surroundings – traits which are strikingly characteristic of ENFJs. Just like ENFJs, Balder places great emphasis on maintaining positive relationships and is deeply pained by conflict or disharmony.

Balder’s charisma and natural ability to inspire others are other aspects that strongly align him with the ENFJ personality type. In the ancient Norse sagas, he’s described as an inspirational figure whose light touches everyone around him, similar to how ENFJs are known for their ability to motivate others and create an atmosphere of cooperation. Balder’s tragic death, as depicted in the myths, even moved the usually stoic gods to tears, illustrating the deep emotional connection he managed to forge with those around him.

Moreover, Balder’s feeling side mirrors the dominant function of ENFJs, i.e., Extraverted Feeling (Fe). This function allows ENFJs to easily pick up on the emotions of others and guide their actions to meet others’ needs. In the sagas, Balder often acted as the peacemaker amongst the gods, attempting to mediate disputes and heal emotional wounds, which is a classic sign of a strong Fe user.

In essence, if you’re seeking a figure from Norse mythology that encapsulates the spirit of ENFJs, Balder stands as a brilliant choice. His capacity for joy, empathy, and bringing unity to those around him aligns beautifully with the core values and behaviors of the ENFJ personality type.

Find out more about ENFJs: 7 Ways That ENFJs Make an Impact

INTJ: Odin

INTJ Norse God is Odin

Odin, the Allfather and king of the Norse gods, is a fitting example of the INTJ personality type. Known as the god of wisdom, war, and magic, Odin is driven by a relentless quest for knowledge and understanding, much like the archetype of the INTJ. He is introspective and strategic, always planning several steps ahead and willing to make sacrifices for the greater good.

Just as INTJs are known for their love of learning, Odin is endlessly curious and constantly seeking wisdom. His thirst for knowledge led him to sacrifice one of his eyes to drink from the Well of Wisdom, thus gaining immense insight into the universe. His devotion to learning mirrors the way INTJs value intellectual growth and understanding, often placing these pursuits above all else.

Odin, like most INTJs, is strategic and forward-thinking. He is not a god who rushes into battle without careful consideration. Instead, he analyzes the situation, weighs all possible outcomes, and only then makes a decisive move. His ability to see the bigger picture and make tough decisions, even when they are not popular, is a typical trait of the INTJ personality type.

Finally, Odin’s solitary nature and preference for introspection is another characteristic that aligns him with the INTJ. He often retreats to meditate and reflect, preferring his own company to that of others. This trait is common among INTJs, who are often seen as aloof or distant, simply because they find solitude conducive to their intellectual pursuits.

In conclusion, Odin’s relentless quest for knowledge, his strategic thinking, and his preference for introspection make him a clear representation of the INTJ personality type in Norse mythology. As an INTJ, you may find a kindred spirit in Odin—the wise and strategic Allfather of the gods.

Discover more about INTJs: 24 Signs That You’re an INTJ, the Strategist Personality Type

INFJ: Frigg

INFJ is Norse Goddess Frigg

Frigg, the queen of the Aesir in Norse mythology, emerges as a compelling symbol of the INFJ personality type. As the goddess of love, marriage, and destiny, Frigg embodies the introspective, intuitive, and empathetic traits inherent to INFJs. Her ability to see into the future and understand the grand cosmic plan aligns perfectly with the INFJ’s uncanny knack for understanding dynamics, patterns, and intricate relationships among abstract concepts.

Frigg’s most renowned attribute was her ability to know the future – though she never revealed it. This mirrors the INFJ’s ability to intuitively grasp the bigger picture, often sensing outcomes and implications that are invisible to others. Yet, like Frigg, they frequently keep these deductions to themselves, disclosing them only when they see it fitting.

A close parallel can also be drawn between Frigg’s role as the protector and caregiver of the Aesir and the INFJ’s inherent drive to nurture and care for others. INFJs are often drawn to roles where they can make a difference, providing support and comfort to those who need it most. Similarly, Frigg used her abilities not for personal gain but to maintain harmony and peace, and to ensure the wellbeing of her divine kin.

However, it is in the realm of relationships and emotional connectivity that the similarity between Frigg and INFJs shines the brightest. INFJs are deeply empathetic individuals, able to form profound emotional connections and understand the feelings of others intuitively. Just like Frigg, who shared a deep emotional bond with her husband Odin and her son Balder, INFJs are capable of forming lasting emotional bonds that are rich in mutual understanding and deep-seated love.

So, to all the INFJs out there, take pride in sharing your personality type with Frigg, the compassionate, intuitive, and foreseeing queen of the Aesir in Norse mythology. Through her, we see the embodiment of your unique strengths – the ability to perceive what’s unseen, the drive to care for others, and the capacity to form deep emotional connections.

Find out more about INFJs: 24 Signs You’re an INFJ, the Mystic Personality Type

ESTP: Thor


Thor, arguably the most famous Norse god, embodies the characteristics of the ESTP personality type. Known as the god of thunder, strength, and storms, Thor’s dynamic and energetic nature, coupled with his practical approach to solving problems, is reminiscent of the ESTP’s zest for life and their pragmatic, action-oriented perspective.

Thor’s charisma and physical prowess make him a beloved figure among both the gods and humans, reflecting the ESTP’s natural talent for attracting and engaging with people. ESTPs are typically social creatures, drawing people into their circle with their charm and warm, lively demeanor – much like the thunder god himself.

As an ESTP, Thor is a spontaneous problem-solver, often preferring to leap into action rather than spend time pondering over problems. His quick-thinking and adaptable nature, demonstrated by his creative and effective use of Mjolnir, his magical hammer, in various challenging scenarios, mirrors the ESTP’s ability to think on their feet and come up with immediate, practical solutions to obstacles.

Yet, just as Thor is known for his impulsivity and occasionally rash behavior, so too can ESTPs sometimes act without considering the long-term consequences of their actions. It’s this thrill for immediate action that can sometimes lead both Thor and ESTPs into hasty decisions and unforeseen predicaments.

But it’s precisely this daring spirit, this courage to confront challenges head-on, and the inherent charisma that makes Thor such an appealing representation of the ESTP personality type. So, if you’re an ESTP, you share your personality type with the mighty Thor – fearless, charismatic, and always ready for action.

Find out more about ESTPs: 10 Reasons Why ESTPs Make Amazing Friends

ESFP: Freyja

ESFP Norse Goddess is Freyja

Freyja, the Norse goddess of love, fertility, battle, and death, is my choice for the ESFP personality type. As the most beautiful and desirable among goddesses, Freyja’s inherent charm and passion mirror the ESFP’s enthusiasm and fiery nature.

Freyja’s central role in Norse mythology is the goddess of love and fertility. Passionate and impulsive, she followed her heart and encouraged others to do the same. She was famous for not allowing others to control her and marching to the beat of her own drum; something that ESFPs will relate to. She was passionate; a leader of the Valkyries, and a goddess who would not be denied.

While many people speak of Valhalla in relation to Norse heroes, far fewer mention the hall Sessrumnir, which is reserved for Freyja’s chosen half of the slain. Here she received half of the chosen warriors, while Odin got the other half to fill his hall in Asgard. Yet in Sessrumnir, heroes were allowed to celebrate, relax, and enjoy listening to the love songs that would constantly be heard throughout the halls and the surrounding meadow, Fólkvangr.

The goddess is also renowned for her spontaneity and pursuit of varied experiences. From driving her cat-drawn chariot to leading the Valkyrie in battle, Freyja’s life was filled with adventure and excitement. Similarly, ESFPs are known for their love of novel experiences, exploration, and their tendency to live in the moment.

However, Freyja, like many ESFPs, is also known for her emotional transparency. She was never afraid to show her feelings, even when they were of despair, as in the loss of her husband Óðr. This openness resonates with the ESFP personality type, who believe in sharing their feelings authentically rather than hiding behind social decorum.

In conclusion, if you are an ESFP, you share similarities with Freyja, the Norse goddess of love and beauty. Her charm, spontaneity, and emotional expressiveness are traits that you may resonate with. Embrace these shared qualities and cherish the desire for exploration, the infectious joy you bring to others, and the emotional authenticity that defines you.

Discover more about ESFPs: 7 Ways That ESFPs Make an Impact

ISTP: Vidar

ISTP Vidar

Vidar, the Norse god of silence and vengeance, encapsulates the essence of the ISTP personality type in a thrilling, visceral way. Steeped in stoicism, strength, and pragmatism, Vidar mirrors the ISTPs’ self-reliance, dexterity, and knack for tactical mastery, making him a personification of this personality type in Norse mythology.

Vidar is celebrated for his silence, a testament to his introspective nature and analytical mind. Similarly, ISTPs are known for their contemplative disposition, often withdrawing into their shells to dissect and understand the world around them. This propensity for solitary reflection does not make them detached; instead, it enhances their practical and tactical problem-solving abilities.

As the god who is destined to avenge his father Odin’s death, Vidar’s physical prowess and extraordinary abilities echo the ISTPs’ preference for hands-on and immediate action. ISTPs are doers, thriving best when they can interact with the world in a tangible, concrete way. They are the ones who will dive headfirst into challenges, their keen sense of their environment guiding them as they navigate the complexities of their terrain.

Vidar’s foresight and understanding of the broader implications of his actions, an aspect of his character hinted at in the prophecy of Ragnarok, are also traits shared by ISTPs. Even though ISTPs primarily live in the moment, they also have intuition as their third-most preferred mental process. This gives them the ability to zoom out and see the broader picture. They use this insight to evaluate their actions’ potential impact and consider alternative courses of action before proceeding.

Finally, Vidar’s independence and self-sufficiency align with the ISTPs’ distaste for being micromanaged or controlled. Like the god who was raised in isolation by his Mother Gridr, ISTPs do not like being told what to do or how to live their lives. They prefer to set their own rules, make decisions according to their internal logic, and take on challenges independently.

Discover more about ISTPs: Understanding ISTP Thinking

ISFP: Lofn

ISFP Goddess is Lofn

When it comes to embodying the essence of an ISFP, Lofn, the Norse goddess of forbidden love, stands as an apt representation. Known for her mysterious yet sensitive nature, Lofn modeled quiet compassion and a certain distaste for rules – characteristic traits of the ISFP personality type.

Like ISFPs, Lofn possessed an insightful spirit and a deep connection to emotions. She grasped an innate understanding of the heart’s desires and was capable of pushing boundaries to help love bloom. This mirrors the ISFP’s ability to empathize deeply with others, understanding their feelings and emotions in a way that few other types can.

ISFPs, with their preference for Introverted Feeling (Fi), have an intense emotional awareness and a strong moral compass. Just like Lofn, they value personal freedom and have a deep-seated belief in the sanctity of individual choice. They are drawn to the beauty of the unconventional, much like Lofn championing forbidden love in the strict structure of Norse society.

However, Lofn isn’t just defined by her sensitivity; she also exemplifies the adaptable and spontaneous nature of ISFPs. An advocate of love, she isn’t afraid to bend the rules and navigate obstacles in pursuit of what she believes in. This freedom of spirit and adaptability are hallmarks of the ISFP personality type, who are known for their flexibility and their zest for life.

In conclusion, if you’re seeking a Norse deity who perfectly captures the ISFP’s inwardly-driven, sensitive, and adaptable nature, Lofn, the goddess of forbidden love, may just be your match. Her gentle spirit, strong belief in individual freedom, and willingness to navigate the challenges and complexities of love align seamlessly with the innate ISFP persona.

Explore the ISFP Personality Type: How ISFPs Say “I Love You”

ESTJ: Njord

ESTJ God is Njord

Njord, the Norse god of the wind, waters, and wealth perfectly embodies the ESTJ personality type. As a deity, Njord controlled the winds and seas, showcasing leadership qualities and an ability to manage many moving parts – a trait that resonates with the ESTJs’ remarkable organizational skills. ESTJs, known for their assertive and decisive nature, are skilled at coordinating complex systems, much like Njord controlled the vast and tempestuous elements of the sea.

Njord is also the god of wealth, a theme that aligns with the ESTJ personality type, who statistically are among the highest earners. Their strategic thinking, coupled with their dedication and commitment to their work, often results in considerable professional and financial success. They are known for their practicality and their ability to make sound decisions, qualities that echo Njord’s prosperous reign.

Furthermore, Njord’s known preference for his home and what he knows, mirrors the ESTJs’ love for tradition and stability. ESTJs value their customs and prefer established methods, finding comfort in routines and familiar surroundings. They are the guardians of time-honored traditions, emphasizing order and consistency in their lives.

Finally, Njord’s strong, decisive, and enterprising nature fits the ESTJ personality type’s inclination towards taking charge and their natural ability to lead. They are forthright individuals who command respect, and their pragmatic approach to life mirrors Njord’s ability to command and control the elements, demonstrating their shared pragmatic and commanding nature.

Explore more about the ESTJ personality type: 24 Signs That You’re an ESTJ, the Captain Personality Type

ESFJ: Aegir

ESFJ is Aegir

Aegir, the Norse god of the sea renowned for his grand feasts, exemplifies some of the best qualities of the ESFJ personality type. Celebrated for his generosity and jovial spirit, Aegir was known to bring together gods and giants alike in his underwater hall for grand celebrations. His warm and welcoming nature, his love of good food and mead, and his ability to create a harmonious atmosphere resonate deeply with the characteristics of ESFJs.

ESFJs, known for their extraordinary interpersonal skills, love to create a sense of community and harmony. They thrive in environments where they can cater to the needs of those around them and foster a sense of unity and common purpose, much like Aegir’s legendary feasts. Their dominant function, Extraverted Feeling (Fe), allows them to connect with others on an emotional level, making them excellent hosts and caregivers.

Aegir’s love for good food and mead represents the ESFJs’ appreciation for the finer things in life and their ability to enjoy the details of the present moment. They revel in providing a sensory-rich environment, ensuring the comfort and satisfaction of their guests, mirroring Aegir’s reputation as a gracious host.

Moreover, Aegir’s generosity, a trait highly admired in Norse society, aligns seamlessly with the ESFJs’ kind-hearted and giving nature. They are always ready to lend a helping hand and are guided by a deep sense of responsibility towards others, further demonstrating their similarity to Aegir.

In conclusion, Aegir, with his sociable nature, love for grand celebrations, generosity, and ability to bring diverse beings together, is a fitting representation of the ESFJ personality type in Norse mythology.



Syn, the Norse goddess of vigilance and protection, is often associated with the ISTJ personality type. Known for being a gatekeeper in Frigg’s hall, her unwavering attention to detail and adherence to rules perfectly align with the characteristics of an ISTJ. These individuals, much like Syn, are known for their dependability and loyalty to truth. They are often seen as the pillars of their communities because they respect traditions and tend to keep a steady head, rather than getting swayed by emotions.

Similar to ISTJs, Syn shows a remarkable ability to stay focused and maintain a clear, structured order of things. She is not easily influenced by emotional appeals, which aligns with the ISTJ’s logical, fact-based approach to decision-making. Instead, she is guided by an intrinsic sense of duty and a preference for true facts, in typical ISTJ fashion.

Moreover, Syn’s role as a defender and protector resonates with ISTJ’s natural tendency towards guardianship. ISTJs are typically pragmatic, thorough, and consistent, traits that shine brightly in Syn’s character as she stands guard, ensuring that only the worthy can enter Frigg’s hall.

However, like many ISTJs, Syn’s strengths can also be her limitations. Her unwavering dedication to duty and order can make her seem harsh or inflexible at times. Similarly, ISTJs can struggle when it comes to embracing change and adapting to new situations, often preferring to stick with what they know.

So, for those ISTJs out there, take a moment to appreciate the similarities you share with Syn. Just as she stands guard in Norse mythology, you stand as a pillar of reliability and dedication in the real world, embodying the essence of duty and order while providing a sense of stability to those around you.

Find out more about ISTJs: 21 Hobbies That ISTJs Love

ISFJ: Gefion

ISFJ Gefion

Gefion, the Norse goddess known for her hard work and diligence, fittingly exemplifies the characteristics of an ISFJ personality type. Legend tells of Gefion plowing the entirety of what is now known as Zealand, in order to grant Danes more freedom. Like Gefion, ISFJs are willing to work hard for the people they love. This is why they’ve earned the name “The Protectors” or “Defenders” in much literature about their type. Like Gefion, ISFJs are often seen as the stalwarts, tirelessly working behind the scenes to ensure stability and harmony.

Gefion’s association with romantic unions also aligns with the ISFJ’s innate protective nature. Known for their nurturing tendencies, ISFJs often act as protectors and caretakers, eager to defend those they care about. In a similar vein, Gefion was seen as a benefactor of romantic unions, providing protection and ensuring the prosperity of loving relationships.

Moreover, Gefion’s role as a benefactor resonates with the ISFJ personality type’s propensity to offer support and assistance. ISFJs are known for their service-oriented nature, consistently placing the needs of others before their own. This altruistic lean mirrors Gefion’s role in the mythological narratives, where her actions primarily served the benefit of others.

What Are Your Thoughts?

Today we’ve explored the compelling parallels between Gods and Goddesses and the 16 unique personalities. From the commanding presence of Njord, the jovial spirit of Aegir, the vigilant guard Syn, to the diligent and caring Gefion, we see how their stories resonate with different personality types. It’s a fascinating exploration of human nature through the lens of mythology.

This journey, of course, is just an invitation to delve deeper into the rich world of personality types and mythology. We encourage you to ponder the connections, reflect on your own personality type, and perhaps uncover more mythological figures that resonate with you. We’d love to hear your thoughts and insights! Which God or Goddess do you feel a connection with, based on your personality type? Do you see different parallels or have other mythologies to suggest? Leave a comment below and join the conversation.


Freyja: The Norse Goddess of Love, Sex, War, and Magic

Viking Gods

Lofn: The Divine Matchmaker of Norse Mythology


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  1. Yes, I’ve seen Mimir in the God of War video game series, though it’s a shame he’s a head not attached to the rest of his body, considering his body is imprisoned somewhere. He’s useful to the player as a head though, just being able to think and offer all types of sage advice in life, as well as clever resourceful ideas as you travel along the video game. I’d want to be something like an INTP wizard sage wise type of character when I’m older, but I feel pretty dumb when it comes to that stuff these days. Though if anyone wants to research more about mythology, the websites Theoi, Myth and Folklore wiki, Mythopedia, GreekMythology, or simply searching mythology on Wikipedia might do the trick for you. Also, for more modern mythologies, the Cryptid wiki also comes to mind.

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