Your Skills of Persuasion, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type
When we try to persuade people to adopt an idea, we often employ tactics that would work for someone like us. If you’re a Feeling (F) type, for example, you might try to appeal to someone’s emotions or values. If you’re a Thinking (T) type, you may try to appeal to someone’s sense of logic and reason. But there are other factors that play into the ways we argue, convince, and persuade.
The Four Modes of Persuasion:
Over two thousand years ago, the Greek philosopher Aristotle identified four distinct approaches to persuasion: Logos, Pathos, Ethos, and Kairos. We still use these terms today to analyze arguments and to understand the dynamics of persuasive conversations. What do these three terms mean?
Logos: Logos is the use of logical reasoning or evidence to convince an audience. It is the art of using facts, figures, and sensibility to connect ideas and convince others.
Example: Let’s say you wanted to persuade your friends to invest in a certain stock. You could present facts and figures that show the potential of the company, compare it with similar stocks, or demonstrate historical evidence of its success.
Pathos: Pathos is the use of emotions as a means to persuade. People skilled in Pathos persuasion can tap into others’ emotions and connect with them and their humanity and deeply-held feelings.
Example: You want your friend to support an animal rights organization. You can appeal to your friend’s fundamental feelings of compassion and empathy with stories of how animals suffer from mistreatment.
Ethos: Ethos is persuasion through credibility, trust and reputation. People with strong ethos look to earned credentials, lived experiences, and qualifications.
Example: You’re trying to persuade a colleague to invest in a business venture. You can draw on your experiences as an entrepreneur and demonstrate your track record of success with other projects you’ve undertaken.
Kairos: Kairos is the use of timing to persuade. It is understanding when it is best to make arguments and how to choose the right moment.
Example: You’re trying to convince your boss to give you a raise. You need to time your request right, such as after you’ve delivered on a big project or gotten positive feedback from colleagues and customers.
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- You can take our free personality questionnaire here
- You can take Personality Hacker’s personality questionnaire.
- You can take the official Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® for $49.95
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How the Myers-Briggs® Personality Types Persuade
Strengths of Persuasion:
ISTJs are masters of the logos and ethos styles of persuasion. They care about logic and verifiable evidence. Who can argue with facts? That’s what the ISTJ believes. And they also believe that facts “don’t care about your feelings.” The ISTJ will rely on concrete evidence, empirical logic, and personal or historical experience and qualifications to convince someone of the soundness of their argument.
Weaknesses of Persuasion:
You know that saying “a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down”? Well, ISTJs could take that to heart. Sometimes they’re so blunt in their delivery that they push people away. They may miss out on the emotionality that is behind other peoples’ beliefs and opinions and wind up offending or offending people rather than getting their buy-in. Learning the pathos art of persuasion takes much more of a concerted effort for ISTJs.
Find Out More About ISTJs: 24 Signs That You’re an ISTJ, the Detective Personality Type
Strengths of Persuasion:
ISTPs value logos and kairos forms of persuasion. They have a way of voicing their opinion that is both straightforward and compelling. No beating around the bush, sugarcoating, or appealing to emotion in these types. They have an organized storehouse of information in their mind and they can use to back up their arguments. Where another type might bluster on for half an hour trying to persuade someone of a particular point of view, an ISTP might simply blurt out one sentence so well-crafted and fine-tuned in its logical accuracy that it stops the other person in their tracks. When they argue, they avoid logical fallacies and focus on relevant facts that are difficult for anyone to refute. They also focus on opportunities in the present moment, rather than worrying about hypotheticals that might never occur.
Weaknesses of Persuasion:
The ISTP can be so focused on the facts that they miss out on the more subtle cues in communication like emotions or values. They can seem a bit cold or uncaring because of this, which is often unintentional. They may also have trouble connecting with others on a personal level – something that can be essential in getting someone to see your point of view. ISTPs tend to devalue the power of pathos argumentation and may be dismissive of arguments not grounded in logic.
Find Out More About ISTPs: 24 Signs That You’re an ISTP, the Vigilante Personality Type
Strengths of Persuasion:
ESTJs believe that results matter more than feelings, theories, or claims. As part of the ethos and logos persuaders, they use their credibility, lived experience, and research to persuade people. Showing outcomes, metrics, and results that can be quantified is their innate skill. Naturally directive, they have a gift for creating an aura of authority and practical know-how. Tough-mindedness can make them seem credible, and people may find themselves agreeing simply because the ESTJ seems so confident and grounded.
Weaknesses of Persuasion:
The ESTJ is often so focused on the results that they can forget the emotional components of persuasion. They may not be as good at connecting with people on a personal level, which can make them seem distant or even intimidating. They also may struggle to listen well; instead, jumping to conclusions or retorting with verbal arguments that only leave the other person feeling invisible. Sometimes ESTJs can also get too competitive about their arguments, which can make it difficult for them to really win anyone else over. Thus, ESTJs tend to struggle with the pathos mode of persuasion.
Find Out More About ESTJs: A Look at the ESTJ Leader
Strengths of Persuasion:
ESTPs are some of the most skilled when it comes to the kairos style of persuasion. Seizing an opportunity at the right time is one of their gifts. Their wit and charm make them great communicators and natural storytellers, which helps them to persuade with emotion (pathos). They not only amass loads of facts to back up their claims, they also enjoy making a good impression and have a gift for “reading the room.” While many other Thinking types struggle to connect with others’ emotions, ESTPs know how to make a personal connection with their audience. This is especially helpful when trying to get people on board with an idea or plan. Simultaneously, they use logic and factual data to shore up their arguments and make them more convincing. Known for their charm and cleverness, ESTPs have a way of persuading people that is both entertaining and effective.
Weaknesses of Persuasion:
ESTPs can get so caught up in the process of trying to win people over that they bend certain facts or manipulate evidence to make their case. This can be damaging both to the validity of their argument and also to the trustworthiness they have with others. Another struggles ESTPs may face is that they can have difficulty listening; instead, they may be more inclined to look for opportunities to interject their own ideas. This can lead people to feel unheard and frustrated. Overall, some ESTPs struggle with the ethos mode of persuasion. They tend to care less about credentials and qualifications and more about the practicality of their proposals.
Find Out More About ESTPs: 10 Reasons Why ESTPs Make Amazing Friends
Strengths of Persuasion:
ISFJs know how to build relationships with people and support them emotionally. They can be persuasive by virtue of their loyalty and genuine caring. They are also very good at listening to others and trying to get in their shoes, which can help them to know which emotions to tap into to make their case (pathos). Additionally, they have a knack for using facts and real-life examples in ways that are palatable and easy to follow, making complex topics easier to understand.
Weaknesses of Persuasion:
ISFJs often have difficulty speaking up, so they may not be as assertive as other types when trying to persuade someone. They don’t like arguing in most cases, and may back out of conflict or conversation when they start to feel overwhelmed. Additionally, they can get derailed if the other person is throwing a lot of theory or fast logic back at them. Too many details or arguments too fast can trap them in a state of analysis-paralysis. In these situations they often develop the perfect counter-argument in the shower later, but can’t quite get the words out in the exact moment they want to. Thus the logos mode of persuasion can be hard for them to tap into in heated or stressful moments.
Find Out More About ISFJs: A Look at the ISFJ Leader
Strengths of Persuasion:
ISFPs convince others by action more than words. Quiet and autonomous, they typically don’t like being pushy about anything. Instead they have a quiet power that shouldn’t be underestimated. Their silence and piercing gaze can speak volumes in and of itself, and their natural sense of authenticity and personal ethics can influence others without them even realizing it. When ISFPs really want to persuade someone to take their side they will appeal to someone’s independent sense of self or values. They may also know how to inspire someone emotionally without seeming manipulative or cloying. Sincerity is their strong suit. Tapping into someone’s unique human experience and reaching them on an emotional plane is something they have the capacity to succeed at (pathos). However, ISFPs are also big fans of modeling values and behaviors they want others to adopt rather than pushing their agenda down someone else’s throat.
Weaknesses of Persuasion:
ISFPs can have a hard time convincing others if they’re coming from a very different position on certain values. Personal values are deeply important to ISFPs and they won’t pretend to persuade or “charm” anyone. Additionally, ISFPs are often uncomfortable with confrontation or differences of opinion; they often think up amazing arguments or comebacks long after the opportunity has closed for them to present them.
Find Out More About ISFPs: 10 Things That Excite the ISFP Personality Type
Strengths of Persuasion:
ESFJs have a knack for getting others’ points of view and making them feel included. They’re not ones to force their perspective or demand others’ comply with their ideas. Instead, they look for consensus. Their natural empathy and emotional insight can be a valuable asset in any persuasive dialogue, as they’re able to read other people’s emotions and adjust their approach accordingly (pathos). At the same time, ESFJs are detailed and down-to-earth. They will use facts, lived experiences, and sources to prove that they know what they’re talking about (ethos).
Weaknesses of Persuasion:
While ESFJs are good at making space for others, they also can be stubborn about their values. If people don’t eventually agree with them they can become frustrated and may make value judgments on the people in question. This can result in them losing credibility with individuals because they feel “ganged up on” by the ESFJ (who may have gathered others who share their point of view). ESFJs may also slip into using logical fallacies to back up their assertions, as they can sometimes be too wrapped up in the emotion of it all to remember to stay objective. Finally, ESFJs may struggle to let go when their opinion isn’t respected or agreed upon; they may become passive aggressive as a response which could only lose them more influence.
Find Out More About ESFJs: 24 Signs That You’re an ESFJ, the Defender Personality Type
Strengths of Persuasion:
ESFPs tend to know how to make a good impression on others emotionally (pathos). They can quickly read a room and amp up the energy and excitement for whatever idea they’re ready to pose. They’re able to use their wit and charisma to make arguments seem more exciting or inviting, even when discussing difficult subjects. At the same time, ESFPs value authenticity so they come across as trustworthy and “real” rather than being manipulative. Like ESFJs, ESFPs value consensus and want to get people’s buy-in on ideas and possibilities. They hate being forceful or pushy and instead try to get people excited and eager to try something new or consider their point of view.
Weaknesses of Persuasion:
ESFPs can struggle to see the far-reaching implications of their ideas. They can often be too focused on the details or the excitement to remember that there may be deeper consequences they need to prepare for (logos). Additionally, ESFPs tend to think “in the moment” and can struggle with long-term planning which could make them appear less organized when trying to present an idea in a persuasive way. Lastly, because ESFPs want everyone to be on board with a course of action, they can struggle to make forward movement if there are any people who disagree. They can get “caught in the weeds” of trying to get everyone on board and forget about their agenda or make too many modifications to make it worthwhile.
Find Out More About ESFPs: ESFP Cognitive Function Guide
Strengths of Persuasion:
INTJs will persuade people using logic, insight, and strategic know-how. They keep their eyes on the big picture and are skilled at alerting others to potential opportunities (kairos). While people often describe INTJs as cold and unfriendly, they actually value making a good impression and getting others’ points of view. They know that in order to be effective they have to be able to have insight into other peoples’ emotions and needs. When they persuade people, they try to take into account where other people are coming from while using logic and evidence to back up their position. They will quietly hear other people out, but are unlikely to be persuaded via emotional appeals.
Weaknesses of Persuasion:
Because INTJs are intuitives first and foremost, they can sometimes struggle to recall specific sensory details or facts during an argument or appeal. While they may have spent an inordinate amount of time studying and learning, they care more about how facts connect to a bigger picture than the micro-specifics. Someone may ask an INTJ to list specific data points and it can be difficult for the INTJ to recollect then on the spot. Simultaneously, INTJs don’t enjoy “charming” people and can often seem more stoic than they realize. They are unlikely to exude the enthusiasm and gregariousness that is so convincing to many people. Thus the pathos mode of persuasion can be difficult for them to master.
Find Out More About INTJs: 24 Signs That You’re an INTJ, the Strategist Personality Type
Strengths of Persuasion:
INTPs use logic, truth, and imagination to persuade. Depending on the situation, they may appeal to someone’s sense of possibility or their love of truth and reason. In a persuasive argument, INTPs will use their thorough understanding of the subject to convince people. They usually know every detail about the subjects of their interest, so it’s not hard for them to back up their claims with specifics. It’s also easy for INTPs to see the big picture and how random bits of data are connected; so they can point out possibilities, connections, and insights that others may have missed. Their ability to think outside the box and logically formulate theories can make them more effective in argument than many people realize.
Weaknesses of Persuasion:
It’s easy for INTPs to logically formulate their arguments, but they may get frustrated when trying to express their logic to people who want rapid, authoritative responses. INTPs are skeptical, even of their own ideas, and it’s often easier for them to explain what’s *not* true than what is. Thus they are good at arguing the logic against something, but arguing the logic for something can be more challenging. INTPs also struggle to engage with people and appeal to them on an emotional level. Understanding how to “charm” others or put across their ideas in an enthusiastic and charismatic way can be a challenge. Thus the pathos mode of persuasion can be difficult for them to wield.
Find Out More About INTPs: A Look at the INTP Leader
Strengths of Persuasion:
ENTJs have a knack for presenting an authoritative, logical argument. They can quickly scan the environment, spot potential opportunities or roadblocks, and then present a plan of action. The kairos and logos modes of persuasion tend to come naturally to them. They are able to combine big-picture ideas with strategies for immediate execution in a persuasive way. They naturally solicit others’ points of view and aim to make a good impression. While many people think of ENTJs as dictatorial and commanding, the truth is often less extreme. ENTJs know that they can’t get anywhere if they lack people skills or emotional understanding; but they will quickly grow impatient if peoples’ emotions and values are not subject to reasoned analysis.
Weaknesses of Persuasion:
ENTJs are very goal-oriented and focused. If they are trying to persuade someone of something and are getting nowhere, they will quickly grow impatient. This is especially true if people are changing the subject or getting emotional in ways that don’t seem rational to them. ENTJs may also struggle to show sensitivity to the emotional needs of others and may say things inadvertently that seem condescending or insensitive. While they often cultivate a basic understanding of peoples’ emotions and how to work with them, the finer art of tactfulness and patience can still be a challenge for them. Thus the pathos style of persuasion can take a lot of work for them to master.
Find Out More About ENTJs: 24 Signs That You’re an ENTJ, the Director Personality Type
Strengths of Persuasion:
ENTPs are enthusiastic, convincing, and self-confident. Like ESTPs, they can usually read people fairly easily and have a certain charm and humor that makes them appealing. While many other Thinking types struggle to be aware of social nuances, ENTPs notice them fairly quickly and can adjust as needed. This makes them one of the only Thinking types who naturally excels in the pathos mode of persuasion. This gives them an edge when working with people who need to be emotionally influenced in order to agree to something. When persuading, they can easily stir the heart or bring up dozens of reasons why their course of action should be adopted. It’s easy for them to brainstorm on the spot and come up with clever ideas to get people’s attention. ENTPs also enjoy getting into debates and love the thrill of intellectual sparring; so they’re not afraid to challenge conventional wisdom in a persuasive way if needed.
Weaknesses of Persuasion:
If conflict or disagreements arise, ENTPs tend to focus more on competition than cooperation. They may focus on “out-arguing” the other person which can quickly turn people off and lose them the persuasion battle. They may also occasionally blurt out insensitive things in the heat of the moment, focusing on logical critique rather than how that critique could hurt someone’s feelings. ENTPs at a lower level of maturity can also struggle to stay focused, jumping from one idea to another and losing their audience in the process.
Find Out More About ENTPs: A Look at the ENTP Leader
Strengths of Persuasion:
INFJs value diplomacy and empathy in relationships, and if they’re trying to make a point, they usually prefer to do it in a gentle and non-confrontational way. They have a unique ability to tap into peoples’ emotions and win them over with their calmness, understanding, and sincerity. Building rapport, making a good impression, and creating a feeling of trust are essential for INFJs. They may also use metaphors and analogies to demonstrate their points in a way that is thought-provoking and unique. As intuitives, they will bring peoples’ attention to the bigger picture; they may paint a mental picture of a future that other’s can achieve if they take a certain course of action.
Weaknesses of Persuasion:
INFJs may have difficulty cultivating the assertive attitude needed for persuasion. They tend to be more comfortable expressing their points in a quiet, non-confrontational way; but if they’re too passive or don’t express themselves authoritatively enough, it can lead to people dismissing or disregarding their arguments. Additionally, INFJs can struggle to hold onto a lot of specific details and facts. As intuitives, they are more focused on the forest than the trees; the big picture over the details. So if they’re trying to win an argument they may get lost when asked to recount very specific factual details. While they may have spent a great deal of time reading and studying the facts, retaining all the specific details can be a struggle and they can wind up feeling flustered and unfocused.
Find Out More About INFJs: The Dark Side of the INFJ Personality Type
Strengths of Persuasion:
INFPs win people over with their sincerity, insight, and passion for their cause. They are often able to tap into a person’s deep emotions and get them to see things in a new way. The pathos mode of persuasion is one they can wield with astounding power. By understanding the natural human elements, needs, and passions that drive people, INFPs can craft arguments that stir the soul.
Healthy INFPs also demonstrate patience with a wide range of beliefs and ideas and allow everyone to get a say at the table. They naturally want to create a sense of collaboration and openness for people to share ideas and express their values. The patience and authenticity that INFPs bring into an argument or debate can be very persuasive even if it is less “in-your-face” than other persuasive styles.
Weaknesses of Persuasion:
INFPs can struggle to express themselves with absolute certainty and clarity. They tend to be more comfortable in their own minds, which can make it difficult for them to stay focused on a lot of back-and-forth argument or deliberating. Additionally, INFPs can get flustered when they’re asked to recall lots of facts, metrics, and figures to defend their positions. They often need to take a step back and look at the big picture before remembering the details. Lastly, INFPs may struggle to stick with one opinion or argument for too long; they may waffle back and forth as new ideas come into their mind, which can make it difficult to stay on point and get anyone else on board.
Find Out More About INFPs: The INFP Cognitive Functions In-Depth
Strengths of Persuasion:
ENFJs are masterful persuaders by nature. They have a knack for understanding what people want and need, and then finding ways to explain how their proposed solution meets that need. This can be especially effective when ENFJs connect in an emotionally resonant way with the individuals they’re trying to persuade (pathos). They have a keen intuition for reading body language and facial expressions that can give them insight into how to shape their words and arguments in the most effective way.
ENFJs also benefit from their natural warmth, which helps create an environment conducive to persuasion. They are often described as being like a beacon of hope, inspiring others with their passionate convictions and higher-minded values.
Weaknesses of Persuasion:
ENFJs can sometimes get carried away in the heat of the moment and come off as overly pushy. Their charismatic energy can be interpreted as trying to bulldoze over other people’s opinions, which is not conducive to persuasion.
As Intuitives, ENFJs are naturally concerned with big-picture ideals but less concerned with facts, figures, and specifics. When called upon to back up their claims with cold, hard facts, ENFJs may temporarily lose their focus or struggle to bring the facts back to the forefront of their mind. Lastly, ENFJs lead from the heart but can sometimes struggle to logically express their opinions. Even if in private they’ve analyzed the logic of something, they may struggle to explain their logic to others in the heat of the moment when the pressure is on.
Find out more about ENFJs: A Look Inside the ENFJ Mind
Strengths of Persuasion:
ENFPs are master persuaders and motivators in their own right. With their natural enthusiasm, optimism, and bubbling charisma, they know how to win over an audience and get them on board with inspiring new ventures. They often come up with creative solutions or possibilities that haven’t been considered before, and they love nothing more than exploring new ideas and opportunities.
ENFPs have a knack for quickly understanding individual circumstances and boiling down complex concepts into understandable terms that anyone can appreciate. They know how to read an audience and tailor their arguments to be persuasive, which can make it easier for them to sway people over to their way of thinking.
Weaknesses of Persuasion
ENFPs can have so much conviction about their values that they can come off as too preachy or one-sided. They can be so passionate about their opinions that they forget to consider other perspectives, which can make it difficult for them to reach a middle ground.
Additionally, ENFPs have an unquenchable thirst for novelty and exploration; this means that they may get easily distracted by new ideas and opportunities, which can make it hard to stay on target. This can make it hard for them to persuade others to go on any kind of a long-term commitment with them. Lastly, ENFPs may lose track of details or specifics as they focus more on the big picture. This can trip them up during arguments or debates, when facts or metrics might be demanded.
Find Out More About ENFPs: 24 Signs That You’re an ENFP, The Visionary Personality Type
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Find out more about your personality type in our eBooks, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type, The INFJ – Understanding the Mystic, The INTJ – Understanding the Strategist, and The INFP – Understanding the Dreamer. You can also connect with me via Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!
The INTP part is spot on for me! Logic usually, imagination sometimes depending on the topic. Sadly for a lot of issues, people don’t care about facts and will use feelings, despite evidence going against them, which is obviously infuriating for me.
Quite insightful. This article presents a variety of well-articulated information. Can’t wait for more content from Ms. Storm.
Hi Evan! Thanks so much. It’s always so encouraging to get positive feedback from individuals like you.
This article is very enlightening. Wonderful information for anyone wanting understanding for themselves and others. Hopefully in terms of building insight in becoming more tolerant. Which would make for a better world for everyone.
Thanks for making this available.