The Favorite Smartphone Activity of Each Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

Did you know the average American spends four and a half hours on their smartphone every day? As a country we are becoming more and more connected to our devices, picking them up over and over again to check for updates, text messages, news alerts, and more!

But what smartphone apps actually bring joy to the 16 Myers-Briggs® personality types? What differences show up among the types when it comes to how they use their phones? That’s what I wanted to find out in my recent survey that I sent to my email subscribers, social media followers, and friends. I got 1864 survey responses to my survey and today we’re going to explore just one part of the survey. The question I asked was: “What is your favorite smartphone activity?”and, as you’ll see, the results varied quite a bit by type! Let’s start unpacking what we saw.

Find out how the 16 Myers-Briggs® personality types feel about smartphones and social media. Discover apps suggested by people of your same personality type! #MBTI #Personality #INTJ

Not sure what your personality type is? Take our personality questionnaire here. Or you can take the official MBTI® here.

The Favorite Smartphone Activity of Each Myers-Briggs® Personality Type


INTP favorite smartphone activity

Not surprisingly, “Research” came out on top for INTPs. Every INTP I know enjoys perusing forums, news sites, and Wikipedia pages for information to flesh out their mental library of knowledge. Driven by the pursuit of mastery and understanding, INTPs enjoy using their smartphones, computers, and any other resources at their disposal to learn more about how the world works (or to partake in some lively forum arguments in the process). “Reading ebooks” came in second for INTPs, with many suggesting Audible and audiobooks as well. Surprisingly, many INTPs also recommended AI Chatbots as a favorite activity, although this would show up in the “Other entries” category because I didn’t think to write it as an option.

Specific apps mentioned by INTPs for INTPs:

  • Audible
  • Quora
  • Reddit
  • Kindle
  • Atlas Obscura
  • ChatGPT
  • Apple Podcasts

Find out more about INTPs: The INTP Personality Profile


The results for ESFJs didn’t surprise me at all! True to type, these individuals are likely to put communication at the top of their list. Texting and phone calls was their #1 smartphone activity, followed by social media. In the “Other entries” section there were frequent mentions of reading emails as well. ESFJs are the kinds of people who crave human connection and want to show their support in everyday ways; through texting and asking how your day was, emailing you to check in if you’ve been having a hard time, or give you a phone call to chat and make plans. That said, 83.02% of ESFJs said that they believed social media use was “mostly unhealthy for people,” so they do see the hindrances and negative implications of spending too much time on apps like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. One ESFJ I spoke with said that she liked social media for keeping up with relatives, but would much rather have a phone call or get together in person to really get to know someone. I think this is true for many of the ESFJs I’ve met; connecting online is great, but real in-person support means a whole lot more.

Specific apps mentioned by ESFJs for ESFJs:

  • Snapchat
  • Pinterest
  • Instagram
  • Marco Polo
  • The Bible app
  • Solitaire
  • Medium

Find out more about ESFJs: A Look at the ESFJ Leader


INFP favorite smartphone activities

INFPs had quite a mix of preferred smartphone activities, with no real large “winner” in any particular category. “Researching” came in number 1, but it was followed closely by watching videos and social media, which tied for second place. The INFPs who went further to explain their thoughts said that they enjoy exploring various interests in-depth online through forums, YouTube videos, and even Discord servers. They like to geek out about their interests with like-minded individuals; whether that’s through diving into their favorite anime shows, learning a new art technique, exploring science, or interacting in forums with people who are part of the same fan group. When it came to apps they recommended, there was a huge mixture of creative apps, mindfulness apps, and organization apps to help them keep track of responsibilities and goals.

Specific apps mentioned for INFPs by INFPs:

  • Reddit
  • Kindle
  • Motionleap
  • Pinterest
  • Calm
  • Insight timer
  • Imaginative games where you could “lose yourself” (quite a few mentioned this, but no one gave specific game suggestions)

Find out more about INFPs: INFPs and Their Compatibility with Every Myers-Briggs® Personality Type


ESTJ favorite smartphone activities

Like many of the extroverted personality types, ESTJs had “Texting & phone calls” outranking the other options. Social media came in second, followed by reading the news. ESTJs enjoy  keeping up with people, interacting, and sharing goals, projects, and experiences. Phone calls and texts are often the most efficient way for them to get information, so they won’t hesitate to dial your number if there’s some data they need. ESTJs are people of action; more than researching and digging into details, they are individuals who get things done and want to decide and organize right away. They often use their phones to manage their social events, work projects, and set reminders in the calendar app for specific appointments.

Specific apps mentioned for ESTJs by ESTJs:

  • YouTube
  • Evernote
  • LinkedIn
  • Organizing apps
  • Whatsapp
  • Google
  • TikTok

Discover more about ESTJs: What It Means to be an ESTJ Personality Type


INTJ favorite smartphone activities

Unsurprisingly, “Researching” landed the top spot for the 266 INTJs who took my survey. The smartphone is a tool for the INTJs; a tool to be used to further their understanding of the world and gain more mastery and knowledge. “Watching videos,” their second highest-ranking choice, was also often used to gather information. Several INTJs mentioned watching college lectures on YouTube or science or philosophy related video podcasts. For INTJs, life is about understanding, grasping patterns, and gaining knowledge and competence. Smartphones are just another path to that goal for them.

Specific apps mentioned for INTJs by INTJs:

  • Forest
  • Calm
  • Kindle
  • Wikipedia
  • YouTube
  • Google Chrome
  • LinkedIn

Discover more about INTJs: All About the INTJ Personality Type


ESFP favorite smartphone activities

I was a little surprised at the ESFP’s favorite result! “Researching” was their #1 favorite smartphone activity, although quite a few ESFPs mentioned “streaming music” in the “Other” category. When I spoke to several ESFPs about what they enjoyed researching, they mentioned trying to find activities to do in their areas, travel ideas or possibilities, or getting the latest news on causes they particularly cared about. Texting & phone calls tied with social media for second place; ESFPs enjoy being in touch with people on a regular basis, and can get bored with their smartphones if there isn’t anyone to share their discoveries with!

Specific apps mentioned for ESFPs by ESFPs:

  • Music apps
  • TikTok
  • YouTube
  • Snapchat
  • Threads
  • Todoist
  • Instagram

Find out more about ESFPs: What It Means to be an ESFP Personality Type


INFJ favorite smartphone activities

For INFJs, “Researching” took the #1 spot, with 30.81% of respondents selecting this as their favorite smartphone activity. These types are always trying to broaden their understanding of people and life itself, so whether that means watching a philosophy video podcast or reading about discoveries in physics, INFJs will find a way to tie what they are learning to a bigger picture idea. Social media tied in second place with texting and phone calls, which makes sense considering INFJs are very relational people who enjoy staying connected and checking in with friends and family. That said, most INFJs I spoke with said they preferred texts over phone calls because they had more time to think over their responses (a typical need for introverts). For more in-depth conversations, getting together in person or having a (planned) phone call is often preferred.

Specific apps mentioned by INFJs for INFJs:

  • Kindle
  • Headspace
  • Insight timer
  • Calm
  • YouTube
  • Pinterest
  • Substack

Find out more about INFJs: 24 Signs You’re an INFJ, the Mystic Personality Type


ESTP favorite smartphone activity

For ESTPs, “Researching” took the #1 spot, followed closely by “Social Media” and then “Texting & phone calls.” As Thinking-Perceiving types, ESTPs enjoy digging into their interests and learning more about how things work. My ESTP husband, for example, loves building and crafting things, so he watches a lot of videos about carpentry. Another ESTP I know is a day trader, so he’s researching stocks on a regular basis. And, of course, as extroverts, ESTPs enjoy the social opportunities that social media can provide; chatting with friends, using Discord servers to game together, or talking on the phone while they’re out and about.

Specific apps mentioned for ESTPs by ESTPs:

  • Eventbrite
  • YouTube
  • News
  • TikTok
  • Encyclopedia
  • Fever
  • Health

Find out more about ESTPs: 10 Reasons Why ESTPs Make Amazing Friends


ISFP favorite smartphone activities

For ISFPs, “Researching” took the #1 spot, but it was followed closely by “Playing games” and “Watching videos.” For ISFPs, the phone is a place to escape into the things that pique their curiosity and help them relax at the same time. Whether they’re streaming their favorite Netflix show, getting creative inspiration through research, or playing a game that gives them a quick boost of fun, smartphones are to be enjoyed more than they are to be used as a tool (although I’m sure ISFPs use them for both). When I emailed back and forth with several ISFPs about this, they said that they pick up their phone when they need a quick break or they’re looking for something to spark their inspiration so that they can then take action. An ISFP artist I know looks for drawing or painting inspiration, another ISFP watches performers on YouTube to get ideas for videos she can make of her own performances. All of them mentioned enjoying kicking back in bed with a good game or a TV show to watch at the end of a long work day.

Specific apps ISFPs recommend for other ISFPs:

  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • Google
  • Pinterest
  • Music apps
  • Fabulous
  • Gardenscapes

Find out more about ISFPs: The ISFP Personality In-Depth


ENTJ favorite smartphone activities

ENTJs had “Researching” with the most votes, followed by “Watching videos” and “Reading the news.” As Intuitive-Thinking types, ENTJs enjoy using their phones to seek out knowledge, advice, expertise, and ideas. My ENTJ dad, for example, uses his phone to read about the latest business trends, while another ENTJ friend uses her phone to research marketing techniques and network with other entrepreneurs. Whether they’re studying a scientific field or finding better ways to manage their money, ENTJs use their phones as a tool to gain more knowledge and be more productive and effective in their day-to-day lives.

Specific apps ENTJs recommend for fellow ENTJs:

  • News
  • LinkedIn
  • ChatGPT
  • Calendar
  • YouTube
  • TikTok

Want to know more about ENTJs? Read the ENTJ In-Depth Profile


ISTP favorite smartphone activities

Like their type-siblings the INTPs, ISTPs chose “Researching” as their #1 favorite smartphone activity, followed by “Reading the news” and “Playing games.” As Thinking-Perceivers, ISTPs enjoy learning how things work and amassing information that they can organize in their mind to make sense of the world. For some ISTPs, this means researching techniques they can use to amplify their skills, for others, it means seeking out activities in their area (hiking trails, rock climbing, concerts) that can get them more immersed in the world around them. And this survey revealed something I wasn’t as aware of about ISTPs; they enjoy keeping up with the news! Several ISTPs mentioned that they check the news first thing in the morning before moving on with the rest of their day.

Specific apps recommended for ISTPs by ISTPs:

  • AllTrails
  • Maps
  • Reddit
  • YouTube
  • Google
  • Wikipedia
  • Spotify

Find out more about ISTPs: 10 Things You Should Never Say to an ISTP


ENFJ favorite smartphone activities

For the social, empathetic ENFJs, “Texting & phone calls” came in number one. This was no surprise as ENFJs are relational people who love a good conversation more than just about anything else. Being able to share insights with their friends, offer emotional support, and feel connected is deeply important to them. “Watching videos” came in second for this type, with many ENFJs using this app for research about their favorite theories, ideas, and hobbies. Several ENFJs mentioned using YouTube to learn about the 16 personality types!

Specific apps ENFJs recommend for other ENFJs:

  • X
  • Facebook
  • Headspace
  • Brainsparker
  • TikTok
  • YouTube
  • Netflix

Discover more about ENFJs: All About the ENFJ Personality Type


ISTJ favorite smartphone activities

“Researching” came in #1 for ISTJs, followed by “Playing games” and “Watching videos.” Several of the ISTJs I spoke with enjoyed researching products they were interested in buying, landscaping or gardening techniques, or even what to stream on Netflix that night! ISTJs don’t mind digging into the details of any topic they’re interested in and often are experts about their hobbies. Second, these hard workers need to have a break now and then, and playing games on their phones provided a respite after a long day. Playing solitaire, Monopoly, or trivia games helped them to unwind and get a little reprieve from working on tasks and projects.

Apps that ISTJs thought other ISTJs would like:

  • Strava
  • Calendar
  • Quora
  • Bible app
  • X
  • Todoist
  • Evernote

Find out more about ISTJs: 12 Amazing Fictional ISTJ Characters


ENFP favorite smartphone activities

Like their type-siblings the ESFPs, ENFPs chose “Researching” as their favorite smartphone activity, followed by “Texting & phone calls” and “Watching videos.” When I spoke with several ENFPs afterwards, they mentioned researching psychology, self-help, or typology information to further their understanding of themselves and others. As Idealists (NF) types, ENFPs are interested in spending their time on activities that will enrich their understanding of human nature, spark their imagination, broaden their perspective of the world. And as extroverts, they also enjoy using their phones to stay connected with their friends, swap ideas, get the latest updates, and offer emotional support and encouragement.

Apps that ENFPs thought other ENFPs would like:

  • Calendar
  • Hoopla
  • YouTube
  • Pinterest
  • WaterDo
  • Forest
  • ClickUp

Discover more about ENFPs: 12 Amazing Fictional ENFP Characters


ISFJ favorite smartphone activities

For ISFJs, “Texting & phone calls” took the #1 spot as the favorite smartphone activity! These were the only introverts who didn’t have “Researching” as their #1 favorite smartphone activity (although it did trail right behind Texting & phone calls as the #2 favorite activity). ISFJs are relational people, and even though they’re introverts they like staying in touch with their friends through regular texts and relaxed phone calls. Several ISFJs I spoke with said that they hated phone calls, while several others said they preferred them. There seemed to be an age-related difference here, with the younger set typically preferring texts and the 45+ set typically preferring actual phone calls.  Many of the ISFJs enjoyed perusing apps like Pinterest in order to find project ideas or tips that they could use to advance their hobbies.

Apps ISFJs suggested for other ISFJs:

  • Camera
  • Pinterest
  • Libby
  • Calendar
  • Motivation
  • Calm
  • Sudoku

Find out more about ISFJs: 24 Signs That You’re an ISFJ, the Protector Personality Type


ENTP favorite smartphone activities

Not surprisingly, ENTPs chose “Researching” as their #1 favorite smartphone activity. Whether they were debating a theory on Reddit or researching new information to flesh out their mental data banks, ENTPs loved learning. This aligns with their temperament, as Rationals (NTs), ENTPs seek mastery, knowledge, and competence above almost anything else. Thus, they use smartphones as tools for knowledge, discussion, and inspiration. “Watching videos” and “Social media” tied for second place for ENTPs, with most ENTPs preferring social media apps like X or Discord over more popular apps like Facebook and Instagram.

Apps ENTPs suggested for other ENTPs:

  • Calendar (for keeping track of appointments and deadlines)
  • YouTube
  • Todoist
  • Reddit
  • X
  • Coggle
  • Wikipedia

Find out more about ENTPs: 10 Things You Should Never Say to an ENTP

How Do You Feel About Smartphones and Social Media?

Share your thoughts and insights with us and other readers in the comments! We’d love to hear from you!

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  1. Wow, super useful column (says ISTP)! As an older, childless person (65) I often don’t know about new/useful apps. Reading the list of apps for ISTPs, I totally agreed with the suggestions I am familiar with, so I downloaded the 2 I haven’t tried!

    1. I laugh at ENTP Apps list cause I have suggested people who are forgetful, can’t keep up with the schedule to use their Calendar extensively as I found it super helpful for myself. I consider it as the most useful app on my phone and computer.

  2. Yes!! As an INTP I am forever googling questions that pop into my head or seem relevant to something else I’ve been researching. Otherwise I’m looking up “what if” scenarios to see if those are a thing, and what to do if/when they happen – e.g., if I run into someone who was a bully in middle school. If you’ve spent any time in a Ti-Si loop, you understand…

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