The Myers-Briggs® Personality Types of the Howl’s Moving Castle Characters

Howl’s Moving Castle has long been one of my favorite Studio Ghibli movies. The nuanced characters, rich animation, and heartwarming story give me a feeling of satisfaction and wonder. In today’s article, we’re exploring the personality types of the characters in this movie. I hope you’ll enjoy it!

Keep in mind, not all 16 Myers-Briggs® personality types are represented in Howl’s Moving Castle. I could not find any INFJ, INFP, ENTP, INTP or ISTJ characters.

Discover the Myers-Briggs® personality types of the characters in Howl's Moving Castle. #MBTI #Personality

Be aware, this article may contain spoilers as to various plot points in Howl’s Moving Castle.

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The Myers-Briggs® Personality Types of the Howl’s Moving Castle Characters

Howl Jenkins Pendragon (ENFJ)

ENFJ Wizard Howl

Howl comfortably manages the people around him with a strong flavor of Extroverted Feeling (Fe). This cognitive function is the dominant function of the ENFJ and gives them an awareness of interpersonal interactions and emotions. When Howl saves Sophie from the invasive soldiers who hit on her, Howl tells her, “Don’t hold it against them” in a cheery manner. Howl is always looking to manage the emotional realm around him. All of Howl’s social corrections come with a smooth ease and consideration for the other speaker at hand.

When Howl finds Sophie (now an old woman) in the moving castle, Howl is pleasant and welcoming. He accepts her into the fold quickly, helping her make breakfast and including her under the label “friend” alongside Calcifer and Markl, who he seems to have known for a substantially greater amount of time. Despite making the meal for everyone else, Howl barely eats off of his own plate before giving Calcifer the majority of his breakfast and telling him to move the castle. Howl appears quite giving to and accepting of the people in his realm. The most extreme example might be most witnessable when Sophie almost kills Calcifer as she’s cleaning (she puts him into a pot so that she can clean out the ashes around the fire) and Howl tells Sophie kindly, “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t torment my friend.” Howl’s corrections are always very subtle and aware of how far he can push, allowing multiple people to get their needs met through the same socially corrective message. Even during what could be heated discussions with Madame Suliman, Howl keeps the social atmosphere calm and accommodating. It’s unclear if Howl holds strong, inherent values as one would expect from an Introverted Feeling (FP) type —aside from the moment he tells Sophie that she’s his reason to fight—but his managing of people is witnessed repeatedly. The only time Howl loses his sense of social mobility is when logic is brought into play when Sophie arranges and orders Howl’s shampoo bottles, to his dismay.

Howl typically relies on his inner sense of knowing and random “aha” moments for information, as strong Introverted Intuition (Ni) users do. Howl somehow “knows” that Sophie has a letter in her pocket from the Witch of the Waste. Sophie is surprised when he’s correct as she had no idea the letter was there. While chatting with Sophie at another point, Howl says suddenly, “The Witch of the Waste is trying to find my castle.” And he’s correct. Howl has a “sudden” realization that Sophie could go to the castle disguised as his mother so that he doesn’t have to face Madame Suliman who he is “afraid of,” although Howl doesn’t clue Sophie in on the fact that he will also arrive to the palace disguised as well. Viewers don’t, in fact, see any brainstorming—as one would expect from an Extroverted Intuition (Ne) user—from Howl at all. All of Howl’s ideas seem to come from within, from out of nowhere. This would make him an Intuitive-Judging personality type rather than an Intuitive-Perceiving personality type.

Howl has Sophie fly the plane to get away from Madame Suliman and upon return to the moving castle he states, “I knew she would make a great pilot.” Howl is also quite adept at telling from a mere glance whether or not someone is under a spell. He “knew” Sophie was under a spell, just as he “knew” Turnip Head (Prince Justin) was. While Prince Justin’s curse was obvious—there aren’t many pogo-stick scarecrows hopping around—Sophie’s was not. She could have been any elderly woman off the beaten path, and yet Howl knew she had a curse on her. Howl also does a bit of future-prospecting as when he shows Sophie his “secret garden” full of flowers. “I’m setting you up so that you can have a comfortable life,” he says and tells her she could open up a flower shop. “I’m sure you’d be good at it.” Howl seems to have known Sophie needed to recognize the area, whether or not he died in the war, because she had visited him in his youth. Howl trusted the intuitive time loop.

Howl is often tempted by physical beauty and clearly overestimates his own physical abilities to the detriment of his own health, which can be attributed to lower levels of Extroverted Sensing (Se). Howl’s love of beauty is well known. The shop girls gossip that Howl “tears girl’s hearts out” but “he only preys on pretty girls.” Howl at one point chides to Sophie, “You’re wearing THAT hat, after all the magic I used to make your dress pretty?” Howl seems concerned with aesthetic, but tends to privilege it too much initially. When Sophie asks what happened between Howl and the Witch of the Waste, Howl states “She was once quite beautiful, so I tried to pursue her. Then I realized she wasn’t, so I ran away.” Howl clearly values externals, which, if followed too far, can lead him to disregard its internal properties. Howl’s physical overexertion is seen time and time again when Howl returns from flight bleeding and utterly exhausted. Even Calcifer, a rather blunt character that doesn’t show much compassion, tells Howl, “You okay? You smell terrible.” Sophie is quite often concerned with the level of exertion Howl uses and its after affects that leave Howl sprawled in the tub, exhausted. He seems to have a complete lack of sense for his own inner body awareness, to the point of blindness. This is very common with ENFJ and ENTJ personality types.

While Howl is concerned about exerting force and manipulating the environment to his will, he has little, if any awareness of household upkeep and maintenance, as one would expect from an Introverted Sensing (SJ) type. When Howl asks Sophie who hired her, Sophie claims Calcifer did “because he’s disgusted by how dirty it is in here.” Howl merely says “Hmm,” seemingly unaware of the miles of cobwebs in his home. At another point, after Sophie rams the plane into the wall of the moving castle she states, “If I just hang a little curtain here [over the hole in the brick wall], Howl won’t notice.” She’s correct in that he probably won’t notice as he’s completely oblivious to how his environment “should” be. Howl also doesn’t seem to care about whether or not Sophie cleans. He never sought out a maid as he didn’t think his castle was a problem, as-is.

Logic is the area sorely lacking from Howl’s demeanor, which in his case seems to be a low use of Introverted Thinking (Ti). While Howl is utterly blind to sensory maintenance, he can exert himself on the environment with quite a bit of energy with his Se. Too much energy, in fact. However, he seems to have no conception of logical order or rationality, which seems to set him apart from Madame Suliman most. Howl’s lowest point in the film isn’t when he’s beaten to shreds in war. His personal breakdown occurs when Sophie rearranges bottles in the bathroom by imposing logical order and leads to Howl using the wrong bottle. His hair turns from blond to orange. “I specifically ordered you not to get carried away,” Howl practically yells, “now I’m repulsive.” Howl cries and continues, “I can’t live like this.” Sophie tries to reassure him that his hair isn’t so bad, but Howl ignores her, stating, “I see no point in living if I can’t be beautiful.” Shadows pour into the room and shake the house. Whether meaning to or not, Howl calls in the spirits of darkness through his grief at his changed hair color. Markl notes that the only time Howl did this before was when a girl dumped him. Howl seems to experience a complete loss of value if he isn’t likable or beautiful to the people around him. It seems Howl can get away with (and has) ignoring sensory maintenance in his home and health because a lack of both hasn’t hurt his functioning as it might an ENxP, but when he is met with a standardized sense of order and duty, Howl’s sense of self breaks down. Howl has no internal system of principles to base his actions upon. He tends to make use of his charming personability and magic ability to get his needs met, but he does not have a stable framework or rules on which to build up how to live. When the one rule he seems to have—in order to be liked, one must be beautiful, in order to be valuable, one must be liked— is tested, he completely breaks down. Howl otherwise disregards most rules, which ultimately haunt him. Howl seems to have spent a good portion of his days running from the duties he signed up for when he worked with Madame Suliman and acquired his skill in magic. Howl seems to think the rules don’t apply to him in any strict sense and claims the status of “coward” when he chooses not to adhere to legalities. Howl claims it’s Sophie’s presence which gives him the strength to face everything he needs to rather than his own sense of a standard code.

Find Out More About ENFJs: 24 Signs That You’re an ENFJ, the Mentor Personality Type

Sophie Hatter (ESTJ)

Sophie Hatter ESTJ

Sophie is rarely concerned about mincing words and states her mind with a firm assurance often, which is often seem with strong Extroverted Thinking (Te). When the Witch of the Waste comes into the shop after hours and starts picking on Sophie, Sophie keeps her cool and firmly tells the witch the shop is closed. Quite a bold move for someone who knows that the witch isn’t a “good” person and likes to pull tricks on people.

Sophie is initially upset by the Witch of the Waste’s spell that transforms Sophie into an elderly woman, but she quickly assimilates to the reality of the situation and manages to normalize her new state in life. She tells herself, “I’ve got to stay calm,” and works with her new, older body because the spell is ultimately out of her control.

Sophie does not wallow over her loss of youth, which seems to feed into her annoyance at Howl when he complains, “I can’t live this way” when his hair has merely shifted color. Sophie goes so far as to say, “He’s fine, he’s just throwing a tantrum,” when Howl feels defeated because of his hair. Sophie is supremely practical and efficient. She even manages to find a positive outcome of becoming old: “Your clothes finally suit you,” she says to herself.

On her journey into the countryside, Sophie finds a stick she can use for a cane, but when she pulls on it, she discovers Turnip Head. Despite this revelation that the stick is actually a scarecrow figure, Sophie’s pragmatic nature is revealed here as she uses whatever is around her to reach her ends in an effective manner. Howl and Sophie are eons apart in how they approach both people and the world. Unlike high Extroverted Feeling (Fe) users who manage the social realm with ease and warmth, Sophie does neither. Upon entry into the moving castle, Sophie says, “What a dump. When I think castle, this is not what I picture.” This, and several other instances, get at how much Sophie lacks Extraverted Feeling.

Carl Jung states in the Extroverted Feeling section of Psychological Types, “A feeling judgment is an act of adjustment…A painting, for instance, is called “beautiful” because a painting hung in a drawing room and bearing a well-known signature is generally assumed to be beautiful, or because to call it “hideous” would presumably offend the family of its fortunate possessor, or because the visitor wants to create a pleasant feeling atmosphere.” Sophie, given the same opportunity of entering one’s home as Carl Jung describes, completely denounces what she sees. “What a dump,” are her very words. Sophie could care less what people feel about her words, to the extent it’s both baffling and funny because what she declares is so unexpected. So against how one “should” speak as a guest. Sophie does not “adjust” herself for anyone. When Sophie starts to cook breakfast, Calicfer (who is the fire/food-heating source of the home) says he’s not taking any order from her. Despite his refusal, Sophie pressures him to anyway, threatening that she will tell Howl about their deal (for Calcifer and Sophie to break each other’s curses) or to put water on Calcifer if he doesn’t work for her. Sophie silences Calcifer’s further arguments with the pan she uses to cook on top of him.

Sophie uses weighted tactics to get her way, not warmth and the manipulation of social ease as Howl does. Results and outcomes matter to Sophie. Everyone needs to eat and Calcifer is going to help in that matter, no questions about it. When Sophie goes to see Madame Suliman, and Heen (the dog) approaches her, Sophie assumes it’s Howl, stating, “Howl, you disguised yourself as an old dog? You couldn’t think of something more useful?” Sophie’s prioritization of usefulness and use of people comes out time and time again. She’s actually the first to catch that Madame Suliman is trying to steal the powers of witches and wizards far before anyone else does as Sophie has a high awareness of getting things out of people. Sophie also spends the majority of the film problem solving.

Sophie’s preference for Introverted Sensing (Si) comes into play often. At the beginning of the film, the other girls at the shop ask Sophie to come out with them, but Sophie tells them she wants to finish the job she’s working on. The completion of projects follows Sophie’s every movement. She doesn’t start something she cannot finish. Sophie appears set in her routines to the point most people in her realm are not surprised when she refuses to go out into the world with them for fun because she has work to do. Prior to her journey into the countryside, Sophie preps for it by packing a snack of bread and cheese for her long journey. Sophie knows she will be hungry on the road and can already anticipate what her body will need before leaving to keep it balanced—a stark difference from Howl who couldn’t tell you what his body needed if you gave him a thousand dollars. Sophie’s personality could easily be summarized as “clean everything, everywhere, dutifully and aggressively.” Sophie is a tireless work horse who sets about “fixing” whatever mess she finds herself in, in order to establish homeostasis for the environment. Sophie is very skilled and has an eye for maintenance.

Sophie has a bittersweet relationship with Extroverted Intuition (Ne). Throughout Howl’s Moving Castle, poor Sophie is thrown into several unexpected situations that leave her reeling until she grabs a foothold with her effectiveness. Sophie is rather uncomfortable when the Soldiers at the beginning of the film hit on her, until Howl saves her from the men and throws her into another unexpected situation: flying. Sophie is afraid, but calms when Howl tells her what to do. Howl’s confidence in his own magic abilities slowly gives Sophie confidence in him as well. Sophie, like everyone else in the film, is highly aware of Howl’s preference for beautiful women. This fuels Sophie’s insecurity about her own desirability and comments several times throughout the film how she is “safe” from Howl because she isn’t what he’s looking for. Howl ultimately tells Sophie she is beautiful, but she doesn’t believe him. Sophie doesn’t see her own potential as a person beyond what she’s come to know, let alone her strong qualities that would make her a great partner. Sophie can also “weave a story” (lie) fairly quickly. When Howl asks Sophie why she’s in the moving castle, she claims Calcifer hired her. When the Witch of the Waste asks Sophie why she’s at the castle, Sophie says, “I’m here at the palace to look for other jobs because I’m sick of working for Howl.” Another lie, but it does the job well enough to get by.

While Sophie is quick to speak her mind, her emotions are rarely expressed—a common occurrence for ESTJs—until the end of the film when everything is falling apart. Sophie’s emotional realm appears rather private and yet deep. Lettie Hatter (Sophie’s sister) tells Sophie, “Do you really want to spend the rest of your life in that hat shop?” Sophie in return states, “The shop was so important to father and I’m the eldest, I don’t mind.” Lettie then reminds Sophie to “do something for yourself for once.”

Sophie is clearly dutiful and cares about keeping true to her bonds, but doesn’t convey how much these bonds actually mean to her. When Sophie is transformed into an old woman by the spell, she doesn’t ask her mother Fanny Hatter to come in and help her. Sophie wants to deal with the emotions and her estrangement from her typical reflection herself. This is the typical way for an ESTJ to manage emotions. Sophie does not seek external comfort and emotional validation from others in any sense. A man at one point offers to help Sophie down the stairs. Sophie says, “I’ll be fine, but thanks for offering…” and when he can no longer hear her she says, “that was really kind.”

Sophie acknowledges the efforts of others, but doesn’t always express what those efforts mean to her. Sophie will, at times, give character compliments (with some rational criticisms attached), as she does here in regards to Howl, “He may be selfish and cowardly, and sometimes he’s hard to understand, his intentions are good. He just wants to be free,” but her personal feelings are not typically spoken unless harshly pressed. Sophie’s lowest points in the film had to do with her relationship to Howl. Why? Probably because she loved him, which she wasn’t fully aware of until the Witch of the Waste stated it. The viewer can see Sophie’s aged-self become young again whenever she shares a soft moment with Howl, but Sophie herself cannot see it. That visual sense seems to mirror Sophie’s own approach to her care and consideration: Sophie shows up for the people in her life dutifully but doesn’t realize that it’s love and care that’s motivating her need to keep everything running.

Find Out More About ESTJs: 24 Signs That You’re an ESTJ, the Captain Personality Type

Calcifer (ENTJ)

Calcifer ENTJ

Calcifer shows strengths in Extroverted Thinking (Te) and Introverted Intuition (Ni). Running in the background of the plot is a mysterious deal that Howl and Calcifer share. One that Calcifer in particular regrets as he seems to not have anticipated what his lived experience would equate to following the vision they shared for it. Calcifer repeatedly complains about how hard it is to work with Howl and feels no one else is putting in any effort stating, “No one else does any work around here.” Calcifer doesn’t have much concern over keeping a pleasant atmosphere between people—something him and Sophie connect over as neither appears offended when the blunt truth is stated.

Sophie and Calcifer quickly make a deal that they will try to break each other’s curses, but when Sophie falls asleep during their chat Calcifer calls out to Sophie in a stream of impolite “hey’s” to get her attention, “Hey, lady. Hello, lady! Hey Hey Hey!” However, Sophie remains asleep and Calcifer says, “Some big help you’re gonna be.” Calcifer does not mince words. He has little concern over how others will interpret his statements. When Sophie forces Calcifer to cook breakfast without his consent, Calcifer states, “Here’s another curse, may all your bacon burn.”

Calcifer, much like Howl, sees Sophie and “knows” she is under a curse. He also somehow “knows” and announces which door is being knocked on before Markl reaches the door. When Sophie removes Calcifer from the castle he states, “Make sure I go out last Sophie, I’m not sure what’s going to happen, but I’m sure it won’t be good.” He is correct in that the castle collapses without him in it. The only time Calcifer is happy before he is set free is when Sophie compliments him for his hard work at moving the castle. “She likes my spark!”

Find Out More About ENTJs: 24 Signs That You’re an ENTJ, the Director Personality Type

Turnip Head / Prince Justin (ISFP)

ISFP Turnip Head

Turnip Head is a kind, considerate, generally pleasant scarecrow who tangibly helps Sophie every step of her journey. His actions appear heavily covered with Introverted Feeling (Fi) and Extroverted Sensing (Se), the two main functions of the ISFP. From the moment Sophie initially helps him upright, he is by her side. Despite Sophie telling him to leave her be and there’s no need to thank her, he follows after her.

Turnip Head, knowing Sophie was looking to use him as a walking staff when she first sets him upright, gifts Sophie a cane. Sophie asks if he can do her one more favor and find her a place to stay. He finds her Howl’s Moving Castle and brings it to her. When Sophie can’t find the entryway to the door, Turnip head shows Sophie where the door to the castle is so she can get in. Turnip Head grabs Sophie her shall when she accidentally drops it on the way into the castle. Later, Turnip head gets stuck in the side of the castle and Sophie helps him be upright with Markl a second time. Sophie says, “He keeps following me everywhere, he seems to have taken a liking to me.” Turnip Head jumps to help Markl and Sophie with the clothesline, holding it for them to dry in the wind. Sophie at one point says to Markly, “You’re right, be probably is a demon. But he led me here, so maybe he’s the good kind.”

When Sophie goes out into the rain and cries that she’s not beautiful after her confrontation with Howl, Turnip Head immediately appears with an umbrella to keep her free from the rain. He also helps the group free the plane from the moving castle with the rope tied around his stick. After Calcifer is free and the shoddy board falls down the mountain with the majority of the characters on it, Turnip Head jumps down and tries to stop it before the group dies. Turnip Head repeatedly shows up to help gain tangible results despite not having a voice himself. Once Sophie kisses Turnip Head, he transforms into Prince Justin because Sophie was his true love. However, Sophie is in love with Howl.” The Witch of the Waste states, “Looks like your true love is in love with someone else.” Prince Justin states in return, “One thing you can always count on is that hearts change, so as soon as this war is over I shall return.”

Find Out More About ISFPs: 24 Signs That You’re an ISFP, the Virtuoso Personality Type

Markl (ENFP)

ENFP Markl

Markl is a playful, wizard-in-training who attaches to the people in his life strongly and goes out of his way to tangibly help them. Extroverted Intuition (Ne) and Introverted Feeling (Fi) color his actions. Markl practices his magic by taking on a different persona as the need arises. He is able to manipulate himself into what the situation at hand needs.

Markl’s attachments are strong. When Markl first sees Sophie, he states, “What do you think you’re doing here, grandma?” He quickly grows frustrated with keeping after her, telling her to stop wandering around. However, Markl is impressed when Sophie gets Calcifer to cook because only Howl has been able to do that. Slowly, his respect for Sophie builds as he witnesses her real capabilities and soon follows Sophie wherever she goes to help her complete tasks.

Unlike Sophie, Markl isn’t the cleanest person. He races up to his room to hide the things he doesn’t want her to see before she can start her intense regimen, knowing she will be unhappy with what she finds and not wanting to disappoint her. When Howl is so depressed about his hair that he’s dripping ooze everywhere, Markle asks for Sophie’s help with Howl because he trusts her. Markle shows his true heart in blatant ways. Markl kindly interrupts Sophie while she’s sewing and tells her not to worry about Howl being gone because he tends to go away for days on end. He wants to comfort her. When Sophie’s mother comes to visit, Markl pleads with Sophie not to leave. He grabs her skirts and says, “I love you, you have to stay.”

Find Out More About ENFPs: The Courage of the ENFP Personality Type

Witch of the Waste (ESFP)

ESFP Witch of the Waste

The Witch of the Waste is bold, blunt, and while she doesn’t concern herself with social niceties, she can see fairly deeply into another person’s emotional realm. Extroverted Sensing (Se) and Introverted Feeling (Fi) seem her strongest elements. These are the top two mental functions of the ESFP.That said, the Witch of the Waste is a fairly unhealthy version of this type.

When the witch first encounters Sophie she states, “What a tacky shop. I’ve never seen such tacky little hats, yet you’re by far the tackiest thing here.” After Sophie tells her to leave, the witch casts a spell on her just to send Howl a message. She is also clear about her intentions and what she wants. She tells nearly every character she runs into that her main goal is to take Howl’s heart. People generally fear her because she is willing to cast spells on others to meet her ends. The Witch of the Waste likes being carried around by her minions and is put off when she has to walk up the endless palace stairs. The witch might not want to exert herself, but she does indulge in the sensory. When Sophie tells the witch to quit smoking the cigar from Madam Suliman because it’s smoking up the house for everyone, the witch states, “Don’t deny an old woman her pleasures.” The witch is much calmer after her powers are taken away, although she still wants Howl’s heart. She does snatch at Howl’s heart when she finally gets the chance, but gives it to Sophie when she asks. Of all the characters, the Witch of the Waste is the first to openly acknowledge that Sophie is in love with Howl, which Sophie had a hard time admitting to herself.

Find Out More About ESFPs: 24 Signs That You’re an ESFP, the Champion Personality Type

The King of Ingary (ESTP)

ESTP King of Ingary

The King only states one line in the film: “I’ve got a new battle plan, this time we’re gonna beat him to a pulp!” There seems to be a privileging of active force and tactical knowledge over the human side of war, which seem in line with strong Extroverted Sensing (Se) and Introverted Thinking (Ti). Madame Suliman’s comment that Howl’s disguised version of the King is “so eloquent” seems to convey that the (real) King has a much rougher demeaner than Howl was portraying.

Find Out More About ESTPs: 10 Reasons Why ESTPs Make Amazing Friends

Madame Suliman (INTJ)

INTJ Madame Suliman

Madam Suliman, the king’s cool-headed Head Sorceress, seems to privilege Introverted Intuition (Ni) and Extroverted Thinking (Te). Even under pressure, Suliman doesn’t become emotionally reactive. Her astuteness gives her the grace of good planning. Madam Suliman’s ability to look ahead allows her to anticipate the motives of her “enemies.” She finds a way to bring magic-bearers to the castle so that she can steal and utilize their power. With her strategical tactics, she forces the Witch of the Waste to walk up hundreds of stairs to the palace, weakening her in the process. The witch’s powers are taken afterwards. Suliman seems to take on an advisory role with most of her counterparts and even acknowledges Howl’s strengths and capabilities to Sophie. Suliman states, “Howl was the last apprentice I ever took on. I’ve never seen such a gifted student. I was thrilled to find someone talented enough to replace me.” Although the Sorceress admires Howl’s talent, she doesn’t believe he’s using magic appropriately. She even claims he has been using his magic “for entirely selfish reasons” as opposed to helping the kingdom in wartime. Suliman immediately “knows” that Howl is impersonating the king. She merely tells the false king that he’s being “so eloquent” as opposed to his usual manner.

Find Out More About INTJs: The INTJ Cognitive Function Stack

Heen (ISTP)

Heen is a non-expressive pup who mostly speaks in coughs. Heen appears motivated by Introverted Thinking (Ti) and Extroverted Sensing (Se). Sophie believes Heen is actually Howl in disguise and so carries Heen up the stairs. Sophie learns that he is an errand dog for Madame Suliman, but Heen ultimately chooses to go back to the moving castle with Sophie and Howl. When Sophie begins crying, uncertain of what to do to help Howl, Heen barks and indicates Sophie should look at her ring. The ring ultimately guides Sophie to where she needs to be. When Madame Suliman discovers that Heen’s allegiances have indeed changed, Heen doesn’t show much concern at her reaction.

Honey (Fanny Hatter) (ESFP)

ESFP Fanny Hatter

Honey (Sophie’s mother) is always on the move, seeking out one adventure after the next, much like fellow Extroverted Sensing (Se) and Introverted Feeling (Fi) users like to do. She likes to travel and, from Sophie’s reaction to her, isn’t consistently around. Upon arrival to the hat shop, Honey immediately shows off her hat to the girls, proud of its beauty. When Sophie transforms into an old woman and tells Honey she will stay in bed all day so that her mom can go on, Honey doesn’t fight her on it. “You sound ghastly, like a 90-year-old woman…well, if you insist” and leaves without much guilt.

Honey doesn’t seem to be the nurturing type. Later in the film, Honey runs to Sophie and cries. Honey says, “Thank goodness you’re here. I searched everywhere for you. Look at your, face you’re so old. Everyone’s saying it’s my fault that you left…You’ll forgive me, won’t you? Oh Sophie.” Honey appears concerned with how others are viewing her rather than how her daughter has been. Sophie ultimately comforts Honey, rather than the other way around, as if it’s a usual occurrence. Honey then states, “I forgot to tell you…I got married again! He’s a nice man and filthy rich too so we can all live together again!” Sophie says, “I actually like living here.” To which Honey responds, “Really?” The entire exchange showcases Honey’s preference for the material culture and an almost inability to see value in something if it doesn’t present adventure or money. After Honey leaves, we discover that the Madame Suliman put Honey up to the encounter and Honey merely followed through with it. “I did what I was told, now take me to my husband…Forgive me, Sophie.” Sophie, upon her mother’s departure states, “At least she cared enough to visit.” Little does Sophie know that Honey only came by because she was coerced.

Again, Honey is a rather unhealthy version of an ESFP. Healthy ESFPs are much more compassionate and responsible than the representations found in Howl’s Moving Castle.

Find Out More About ESFPs: 24 Signs That You’re an ESFP, the Champion Personality Type

Lettie Hatter (ESFJ)

ESFJ Lettie Hatter

Lettie appears approachable and kind, as many high Extroverted Feeling (Fe) and Introverted Sensing (Si) users do. When viewers first see Lettie, she is entertaining a large group of men who her want her attention as she sells them candy. She appears likable and giving. When Lettie hears that Sophie has just come into the building from the air with Howl, Lettie races to her and shows her concern, making sure she is all right. Lettie and Sophie walk to several locations while talking. Everyone Lettie runs into seems to know her name or offer her help—as the man who offered the use of his office did. Lettie ultimately tells Sophie she needs to be more careful and that Howl or the Witch of the Waste could have hurt her.

Find Out More About ESFJs: 24 Signs That You’re an ESFJ, the Defender Personality Type

Howl’s Castle (ENFP)

ENFP Howl's Castle

Howl’s Castle is inventive and sort of thrown together with various pieces moving in different directions, but like Extroverted Intuition (Ne) functions. The fact that the house moves is quite intuitive as it’s doing something far different than a house is typically used for. The front door of the house can also “change” to different shops based on a color wheel. Introverted Feeling (Fi) comes into play at the house’s dissolution. The house collapses when the heart (Calcifer) is gone. Although the house is sporadically put together, love is at its core. There’s no logical mechanism holding it in place.

What Are Your Thoughts?

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About the Author:

Jami Cannon
Jami Cannon is an MBTI® enthusiast who hopes to shed more light on the unique experiences of less-talked about types. She holds a very stereotypical degree in History (MA) and loves to learn all she can about the people around her.
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  1. I very much enjoyed this article, as it brought back happy memories of this movie, and added deeper insights. I am delighted that you included the house as a character! Thanks so much

    1. Hi Tiffany! There aren’t any INFJs in Howl’s Moving Castle so unfortunately we couldn’t put a character in for this type. I’m looking forward to analyzing more Studio Ghibli movies and hopefully finding an INFJ in one of them 🙂

  2. Hey hey, i may over read it but in the personality database the characters are voted as completely different types

    1. That’s true! The Personality Database is organized based on votes. People vote for the types they think the different characters are. Many of the people who vote are newbies to type, and others are extremely well-versed. Either way, the votes aren’t always accurate representations. This article is written by Jami who has over five years of extensive experience with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the cognitive functions. Her analysis may differ from that of people voting on Personality Database from time to time.

  3. A fascinating article! I will have to watch this movie now. I can see so much of me in your analysis of Howl above.

  4. I wish there was an analysis for the book version of all of them considering the movie is a lot more….friendly? In terms of characterization at least.

  5. I don’t agree with Sophie’s type. I totally get isfj vibe from her. She was an introvert, since she was always doing her own job and remember the first scene which she said she doesn’t want to go with those ladies. She was calm and quiet and she didn’t have that ambition which belongs to estjs. Also when she was cursed, she accepted her new situation very estj would go after that witch and take her revenge, but even after the witch did this to her, she still shows empathy for her ( when they were going to king’s castle and also when Sophie brought the witch in Howl’s castle and took care of her. Isn’t it enough to consider her as someone who has fe?☺️ just like Howel, she could make people do what she wants by being so kind to them. That was what she did to calcifer every single time. I don’t think someone who has te as the first function would just stand there and praise people. that’s my opinion.

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