How Enneagram Nines Handle Anger
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How Enneagram Nines Handle Anger

How Enneagram Nines Handle Anger Explosive isn’t really a word you would use to describe enneagram Nines. These types crave a peaceful co-existence with the world around them. Optimistic and contemplative, they enjoy seeing the good over the bad and becoming at one with the beauty in everything. Not sure what your enneagram type is?…

Here’s What Really Motivates You, Based on Your Enneagram Type
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Here’s What Really Motivates You, Based on Your Enneagram Type

As we’re living in one of the most purpose-driven eras ever, motivation is becoming a huge factor in the lifestyles we choose. The people we open up to. The risks we take. The emotions we feel. The mission statement we strive to discover and adopt as a core part of our identity. Each Enneatype has…