About Me

About Me

My name is Susan Storm and I’m the founder of Psychology Junkie. As an MBTI® certified practitioner and Enneagram coach (certified through Beth McCord’s “Become an Enneagram Coach” program) I love to help people realize just how unique and one-of-a-kind they are. Through understanding Myers-Briggs® typology and the Enneagram I’ve been able to help people realize their potential and have more empathy for their weaknesses. In my years as a practitioner and coach, I’ve created this website as a resource that anyone can explore to develop their understanding of themselves and others.

Oh, and for the record, I’m an INTJ in the Myers-Briggs® system and a 3w4 (self-preservation) in the Enneagram system. I’m also a homeschool mom of five (yes, five) children. Using my knowledge of psychological type has helped me in every aspect of my life, from parenting to marriage to entrepreneurship. I hope it can help you, too!

My  Mission

I want to create a place where you can understand yourself in a whole new way. Through the knowledge of personality type, you can improve your self-awareness as well as your understanding of other people! We are each designed in unique and powerful ways. Each of us is mentally wired to bring special talents to the world. This is a place where you can discover those talents, hone them, and improve what you naturally do best.


Since beginning my mission, my writing has been featured in a number of places I love. I’ve written for Personality Hacker, Introvert, Dear, and the British Association for Psychological Type.  My work has been mentioned by Yahoo! Lifestyle, Lifehack, and Today.com

I’m available for interviews, media commentary, and other collaboration. Email me at [email protected]

Want More Ways to Connect With Me?

Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

Want to Get a Type Consultation with Me?

You can schedule a one-on-one type consultation with me anytime you’d like! Check out my scheduler below to book your session.

Discover More About Your Personality Type with My Ebooks!

You can dive deep into your personality type by exploring my eBooks:

Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type

The INFJ – Understanding the Mystic

The INFP – Understanding the Dreamer

The INTJ – Understanding the Strategist

Tranquility by Type: Stress Relief Tips for Your Unique Personality Type

Below you can see a copy of my MBTI® Certification:

This site is not intended to provide and does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. The content on Psychology Junkie is designed to support well-being and self-awareness. It is not meant to replace medical or psychiatric treatment. Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition.

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  1. Hey Susan. Thanks for the blog! I have 2 questions for you, if you can answer please. Is there a genetic link to personality traits? Like could you do a Punnett square for MBTI types? Also, which types are most responsive to or expressive with touch? (Touchy-feely types) Thanks again

    1. Hi Tony! Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. As of yet, there hasn’t been any conclusive evidence about genetic links and personality traits. It’s something that I think the people at CAPT are considering, but I’m not sure what studies are being conducted at this time.

      As far as physical touch, I know one blogger, Heidi Priebe, did a survey about which of the 5 love languages each personality type preferred. Physical touch was one of those love languages. You can see the results of her survey here: http://thoughtcatalog.com/heidi-priebe/2015/10/each-myers-briggs-personality-types-preferred-love-language/

      She has a pretty good following and that might help you to determine which types prefer that more.

      1. No problem. Thanks for the link. That helped. And yeah it’s a shame we can’t at least hypothesize a personality type for our kids. It’d be nice to know in advance. There’s joy in being pleasantly surprised though obviously

  2. Hi Susan,

    I really like your blog, it’s so interesting!
    I have a question, can someone’s personality type change to another type?

    1. Hi Suzanne! According to Myers-and Briggs’ theory, your personality type doesn’t change (for example, you can’t go from being an INFJ to an ENTJ). However, your personality type does develop as you grow older. As an INFJ, your cognitive functions are Introverted Intuition>Extraverted Feeling>Introverted Thinking>Extraverted Sensing. At a young age you will develop Introverted Intuition, and this will always be your most advanced function. Through your teen years you will develop Extraverted Feeling more. In your thirties you will really delve into Introverted Thinking and in elderly life Extraverted Sensing becomes more developed. The functions will still always be in the same order, but you’ll develop more maturity with each one as you get older.

      1. The cognitive functions you mention are new to me; I first heard of Myers-Briggs when I was a teen (20+ yrs ago) so maybe I just missed that part. Where can I read more on that? (BTW, I am a homeschool mom too – to 5 kids – so it needs to be user friendly! 🙂 Although I am a INTJ…) Thanks!

    2. Also, I forgot to mention that if someone is in chronic stress they may fall into the grip of their inferior function, and seem different from their normal type. For an INFJ this would make them seem more like an unhealthy ESTP. This is only in cases of extreme or chronic stress or prolonged illness though.

    3. I have found that though people’s personality types don’t change, they way they see themselves and the way that personality type and function stack manifests, changes itself.

  3. Hi Susan, I’ve heard of the reaction called the “INFJ Door Slam” and I am wondering what your thoughts are regarding how we are able to do this, and why. (or if this is really something that happens at all)
    I am also curious of how personality types can affect relationships between siblings.
    Thank you for your hard work and insight on this site! I’ve also noticed you tend to reply quickly to people’s comments. Thank you for that.

  4. Susan, thank you for your insight on this blog. I have heard of the “INFJ Door Slam” and I am wondering what your thoughts are regarding how we are able to do this, and why. (or if this is even a real reaction)
    I am also curious about how personalities affect sibling relationships.
    Thank you!

      1. Definitely books or gift cards to buy books. Kindle Unlimited membership to borrow books. Amazon Prime membership to shop from home. If I want to get away for a weekend, I prefer a cabin over a hotel. Bike rides or walks or just sitting in nature. Alone time with my thoughts. Intellectually stimulating – thought provoking items – could be as simple as a coffee mug. I don’t care to take the time to clean, so a cleaning service might be welcome. Coffee. Movies – Netflix (or Amazon Prime includes movies).

  5. Hi Susan are the different defence modes, fight, flight and playing dead, specific to any particular personality types. Are politicians mainly from one type . Our administration are playing dead in the face of a childhood mental wellbeing epidemic. We’ve always had a culture of emotional suppression towards children , be seen but not heard, this is changing slightly but the only children that people wish to hear are the happy cheerful extroverted ones. Our education system is totally set up to meet the needs of this narrow normal, everything else is pathologised because it is abnormal. Our emotional suppression culture came about due to centuries of being oppressed by firstly a foreign invader, then a strict religious regime. That religious extreme has been exposed as being highly abusive to children so in rebellion our adult population have overcorrected in the moral freedom and our administration are insecure in how to rebalance the moral normality and ethics. This insecurity is pervading the whole society and leading to a very anxious fearful population. We have also just come out of a boob bust cycle and rapid financial gain is again taking place, along with huge inequality in our society. I’ve seen in other rapidly expanding economise like China, the US, the UK that similar explosions in mental wellbeing issues also happened , ours is more extreme due to the big shift from a pursuit of reaching the ‘moral self’ pinnacle to the ‘rich self’ pinnacle due to moral over correction ( from conservative to very liberal). If our administration are not being true to their actual personality type because of the previous culture of emotion suppression, how can we convince them of this and get them to change to fight mode to save our beautiful children before it’s too late?

  6. Hello Susan! I have really been helped by all your articles! I am INFP married to ISTP. Furniture is a problem for us. I need time to think about how our home decor will fit into the theories of color and interior design which I value and have studied. I feel my husband just wants to have a dining room table with comfortable chairs. He picks one, I see many theoretical reasons it doesn’t fit and I don’t like it. But when I explain the one I want and theoretically why, I feel he doesn’t care and still wants the one he wants. So inside I feel forced to get what he wants since I hate conflict. Also I don’t feel comfortable forcing “my” way.

  7. Hi Susan,
    Your blog is superb! The articles you wrote on ENTJ were spot-on; like wow how did she know this?
    Will you be writing and publishing a book on ENTJ?

    Many thanks,
    ENTJ guy

    1. I would love to write a book for ENTJs 🙂 I’m very fond of this type! It might take me some time but eventually I hope to write a book for each type 🙂 Thank you for the kind words about my blog, I’m so glad you enjoyed it!!

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