Myers-Briggs® and the Enneagram – What’s the Same and What’s Different?
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Myers-Briggs® and the Enneagram – What’s the Same and What’s Different?

Myers-Briggs vs Enneagram. What’s the same? Are they related somehow? When it comes to the world of typology, two systems tend to be at the forefront of people’s minds: The Myers-Briggs system and the Enneagram. Some of us employ both systems to understand ourselves better, while others accept one and discard the other. But what…

The Enneagram 6 – The Loyalist

The Enneagram 6 – The Loyalist

The Loyalist (Enneagram 6) is a cautious and skeptical type who aims to be prepared for whatever life might throw at them. Sixes are detail-oriented and carry a whole library of guides for every possible scenario: from losing their phones to surviving doomsday. Their single-handed and greatest asset? Emotional intelligence. Typically associated with the warm…

The Enneagram 5 Type – The Investigator

The Enneagram 5 Type – The Investigator

The Investigator (Enneagram 5 Type) is an independent and curious maverick on an intellectual mission to absorb as much knowledge as their active minds can acquire. Fives seek to understand, through reading and thinking, the laws and principles governing the world. They can wholeheartedly attest to Socrate’s famous saying, “An unexamined life is not worth…

The Enneagram 4 – The Individualist

The Enneagram 4 – The Individualist

The Individualist (Enneagram 4) is an intense and creative artist, who works with tangible objects or intangible ideas to find meaning and discovery in themselves and in nature. Fours believe in creation over consumption, and will put up a fight against anyone who tries to convince them otherwise. They experiment with different ideologies, philosophies, and…

Here’s What You Were Like in High School, Based on Your Enneagram Type
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Here’s What You Were Like in High School, Based on Your Enneagram Type

Enter high school. You’ve got mountains of homework, cliques, extra-curriculars, teams, friends, foes, the magnificent lunch break, odd traditions, and everything in-between. For some, it was the prime time of their lives. For others, it was simply another chapter in their book; a stepping stone in their bigger career plan. Your experience may have resembled…