24 Signs That You’re an INTP, the “Prodigy” Personality Type

Looking for signs that you’re an INTP personality type? As one of the rarest Myers-Briggs® personality types, INTPs make up a mere 3.3% of the U.S. population. These independent thinkers have a knack for cutting through denial and finding innovative ways to solve problems. Analytical, curious, and creative, they make the world a bigger and more progressive place just by being here.

So do you want to ensure that the INTP is your true personality type? Or maybe you want to understand an INTP in your life better! Either way, let’s start exploring some of the things that most INTPs will find relatable!

Get an in-depth look at what it's really like to be an #INTP. #Personality #MBTI

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Infographic about the #INTP personality. #MBTI #Personality

Signs That You’re an INTP:

#1 – You Spot Inconsistencies Instantly

When people’s words or conclusions don’t add up, you notice it like a glaring red light. It’s hard for you not to seem pedantic because you tend to point out these errors immediately unless you’re trying really hard to stifle your responses.

#2 – You Search for Precision

You hate generalizations and “good enough” words. When you’re trying to explain something you want to find the most accurate possible word to use. You may even pause mid-explanation and peruse your mind for the most precise word. Being able to explain something as concisely and accurately as possible is important to you.

#3 – You Must Have Logical Integrity

You don’t want to live with biases, clouded reasoning, or in servitude to traditions and social rituals. Living in accordance with your logical principles is something you prioritize. You have to know that you’re looking truth square in the face and not getting distracted by the whims of others.

#4 – Authority Doesn’t Impress You

People who pull rank or expect high levels of respect just because of their position irk you. Authority that’s gained by popularity, office, or position, mean very little to you. You look at each person individually. What creative ideas do they have to share? How powerful are their arguments? You can be impressed by the fast-food worker or the college professor equally if they have something interesting to say. But you have no interest in sucking up to authorities.

#5 – You Want to Understand the Universe

Your curiosity and focus on the big-picture lead you down many random paths of discovery. Ultimately you want to understand the truth and substance of the universe. Why are we here? How did we get here? “Why’s” and “How’s” run through your mind at an endless pace.

#6 – You Hate Redundancy

Repetition is mind-numbingly boring and irritating to you. At school, you probably hated repeating your times tables or reciting various lines over and over again. Once you know something you want to move on to something else rapidly. You have a steep learning curve and not too many people can keep up with it.

#7 – You’re an Architect of Ideas

Driven by a sense of creative genius, you thrive when you can construct new ideas and explore new theories in math, science, philosophy, and art. Being able to understand something new about life or the universe and refine your idea so that it’s accurate, coherent, and concise is something you enjoy.

#8 – You’re Seen as “Difficult to Know”

Because your thinking side is focused internally, you’re often underestimated or not seen for your true level of competency. What people are more likely to see with you is your intuitive side. They’ll see the ideas and alternatives you generate and the way you can argue a point from any angle. But your laser-sharp logic is often in the background, only shared with people who you have an airtight level of trust in. Because your judgments are more internalized than outwardly expressed, people can find you mysterious and hard to pin down.

#9 – You Crave Connection, But Getting There Can Be Tricky

You deeply desire intimate connections with other people, but forming those connections can seem like surviving a game of Jumanji. Trying to understand other people’s emotional and social expectations can be a daunting task, and if you jump through all those hoops and you still don’t have a connection, you can easily become cynical and jaded. Giving up your time and space on a gamble seems perplexing on many days. But don’t give up! The world needs your intellectual ingenuity and creativity. They need YOU, beautiful quirks and all.

#10 – When You Were Young, You Always Felt Like You Were Getting Scolded

You crave radical honesty in all of your interactions with people. Beating around the bush or walking on eggshells to make people comfortable isn’t your style. When you were a child, you probably felt like no matter how hard you tried, you were always on the wrong side of the conversation. The majority of people have a love-hate relationship with truth. They want their truths spoon-fed to them with a big lump of sugar. This can be damaging to your self-esteem if you feel like, despite your best efforts, you’re continually misunderstood and reprimanded.

#11 – Relational Neediness is Your Enemy

The enemy of your Introverted Thinking style is emotional overload and incessant relationship demands. People who crave all your time, embroil you in emotional chaos or manipulate you will tear down your ability to focus, analyze, and think clearly. Your dominant function requires regular alone time so that you can really delve into concepts, ideas, and problem-solving. Without this time to recharge your batteries, you feel drained, lethargic, and unfocused.

#12 – You Love Swapping Ideas with People

Getting tuned into your intuition and brainstorming new ideas with other people is deeply satisfying for you. While you’re an introvert, you still enjoy breaking down theories, exploring possibilities, and testing arguments through debate. These activities allow you to tap into your auxiliary Extraverted Intuition (Ne) and help you to stay balanced.

#13 – You Approach Almost Everything with Skepticism

You are rigorous with yourself to ensure that your ideas and opinions carry logical weight. You apply this same rigorous analysis to the outside world. Before you subscribe to anything, you need to make sure that you’re not getting swayed by your emotions or popular opinion. You have to break down ideas or rules and look at all the components to see if they really stand up to scrutiny.

#14 – You Don’t Like Organizing People

You’d rather work independently than be in charge of organizing anyone else. Your quiet and reserved nature often makes you feel uncomfortable dealing with a lot of people in a work capacity. You crave a flexible, autonomous lifestyle, and being responsible for people goes against the very things that make you comfortable. This doesn’t mean you can’t be a good leader though.

#15 – When Your Gifts Aren’t Appreciated You Become Cynical

Unfortunately, many INTPs aren’t readily understood by the majority. As a rare personality type, it can be easy for you to feel different and coerced into “fitting in” with the majority. When this happens, people with your type become cynical, negative, sarcastic, and critical. You may engage in arguments fully knowing that you won’t win any friendships by doing so.

#16 – You Hate Surprise Visits

There’s almost nothing worse to you than someone showing up unexpectedly at your house wanting to chat. You prize your alone time and are never quite sure what to do with people who appear unexpectedly and expect your time. You can feel awkward, distracted, and disappointed when you are spontaneously expected to socialize.

#17 – Friendliness and Positivity Calm You Down

Being around warm, gentle people gives you a sense of inner peace. You find yourself picking up on their joy and positivity and becoming more cheerful and friendly. Your inferior function, Extraverted Feeling (Fe), gets fed during these times and you’re able to break out of your shell a little bit and feel safe in expressing yourself.

#18 – You Are Tolerant and Open-Minded

Even though you test ideas with intense scrutiny, you prefer to accept people for who they are instead of changing them. Even though you can be inadvertently tactless sometimes, you try to be considerate of others and give them the opportunity to express themselves. You don’t want to interfere with other people’s lifestyle choices and personal truths unless you see them as doing real harm to themselves. You crave independence and personal freedom and so you aim to give that to other people as well.

#19 – You Are Plagued By Insecurity When You’re Extremely Stressed

If you have been chronically stressed and overwhelmed, you may have a “grip” stress reaction. When this happens, your inferior function, Extraverted Feeling, “takes the wheel” of your life. You suddenly become preoccupied with what other people think of you, whether they like you or hate you, and whether you matter to anyone. You may worry that your closest friends hate you or are going to abandon you. You may reach out to people with an anxious need for connection and affirmation.

#20 – You Have a Love/Hate Relationship with Practical Tasks

Attending to nitty-gritty tasks like washing the dishes, cleaning, or paying bills can feel aggravating and dull to you. But you absolutely love having all of that dealt with so that it isn’t taking up mental clutter in your mind. You enjoy having a comfortable, healthy lifestyle and often enjoy supplementing practical tasks with fun activities (like listening to an audiobook while cleaning house).

#21 – You Have a Vivid Imagination

You enjoy imagining new scenarios and looking at alternatives and options. You have a talent for evaluating the potential of something and seeing random connections that other people miss. As rumored INTP Albert Einstein once said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

#22 – You Crave Creative Freedom

You don’t like doing things by the book unless you’ve tested that it is truly the best single way to do something. You crave a lifestyle and career that allows you to experiment, innovate, and transform things. Routine and following a list of pre-ordained rules bore you.

#23 – It Can Be Difficult for You to Express Your Values and Needs

While you’re deeply aware of where your curiosity is guiding you, you’re not as in tune with your core desires and values. When people ask you to dig into your emotional world and explain it you can feel a sense of stage fright and insecurity. It’s easier for you to discuss theories, ideas, and facts than it is to make sense of the deeper emotions in your soul. That said, you appreciate people who hold space for you and give you a safe, judgment-free zone to express your heart.

#24 – You Enjoy Playing Devil’s Advocate

When everyone is ganging up against an ideology or idea, you naturally tend to take the side of devil’s advocate. You can see something from many different angles and perspectives, so it’s easy for you to play either side of an argument and point out discrepancies or biases in other people’s thinking. You don’t like anyone, or any idea, being picked on unfairly.

Other Articles You’ll Enjoy:

What It Means to be an INTP Personality Type

10 Things That Excite the INTP Personality Type

The Unhealthy INTP

What Are Your Thoughts?

How many of these signs did you relate to? Do you have any ideas or insights to share with other readers? Let us know in the comments! You can also find out so much more about your INTP personality type in Personality Hacker’s INTP Course!

INTP Starter Kit

Find out more about your personality type in our eBooks, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type,  The INFJ – Understanding the Mystic, and The INFP – Understanding the Dreamer. You can also connect with me via Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter

Get an in-depth look at what it's really like to be an #INTP. #Personality #MBTI

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  1. I always thought I was INTJ (I’d taken the Meyers-Briggs test once and that’s what I got) but I really disagreed with the methodical, organized attitude it said I should have (my schedule is literally chaos incarnate. Go with the flow is my motto). I read through this and related to every single one of these, so I decided to take your test to see if my result was different. Sure enough, I’m apparently an INTP, and I think it suits me far better. Also explains why I can’t play chess to save my life despite supposedly being the “strategist.”

    1. Howzit fellow INTP! Just wanted to comment on your ability to play chess. Try playing without a plan-of-action or strategy, instead use tactics. My buddy (INFP) and I play chess often and ive found that just reading the situation and where its heading should be enough to weasel out of traps and break their strategy. Often times i would think of the next 2 steps on either side and use some seemingly chaotic impulses, with small goals in mind ( “I want this piece on that side of the board soon.”, or “I see the trap being set, lets not set it off.”) Just do you bru.

    1. Every. Single. One.

      Like, to an obnoxiously ridiculous degree. This article made me feel so understood, in ways that no other human being ever has, including my own biological family or my husband.

      These are things that I pride myself on, always have, .. literally my personal views which I have a spoken out loud so many times..

      I have always been so perceptive and notice inconsistencies that go unnoticed by everyone else.( I personally am not a fan of this , as it ruins almost every person for me) .

      Authority means nothing, and nothing is worse to me then people who name drop or brag about their money. When I was younger I used to say ” I don’t care who it is- will never respect anyone , solely because theyre older than me”

      Redundancy IS mind-numbingly boring!

      …And …….. SURPRISE VISITS ARE THE WORST. Nothing will take you out of my good books quite like showing up unannounced. Even if you are my own mother. Just .. don’t.

      I actually *was* always getting scolded as a child!

      Then …. I just have to say, the whole relational neediness issue has been a major hurdle in my motherhood journey. …Same with the love/hate (mostly hate)relationship with practical tasks, and not liking to “organize” (aka control/micromanage) people … Considering it’s kind of the whole point of a mother…and when not doing so, would probably be considered a form of child neglect at worst, or careless/irresponsible behaviour at best.

      I could go on … Really …I could go on, and on, and on … But I’ll just sum it up by saying WOW… I’ve taken a few of these tests and always got INTJ , which I found resonated with me quite a bit, but there were a few things that seemed off. It all makes sense now .

  2. I think I’m a mix of personalities. Not all of the signs were correct for me, as I clearly indicated that I prefer a schedule and have my days planned as it makes my life easier (especially because of school and work). Although there are times that my life isn’t planned and I can let my day be at a flow, not all the time as I prefer to know when someone wants to hang out days prior to know if I’m able to go or not (and let others know). There were other statements that also didn’t fit me and were a maybe as it depended on the situation. I have taken two other prior tests and both came out as INTJ, and I feel like I’m both (but maybe a little bit more INTJ than INTP).

    1. You can’t be both ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
      Read more if you’re interested, but you’re not both, INTP and INTJ don’t even have a single function in common, and their functions are not in the same order even if you remove the extroverted / introverted part.
      If you want to know your type, read about it instead of doing more tests..

  3. Why doesn’t my comment show? I was going to add something to my comment, but I can’t see my comment.

  4. Just reviewed the INTJ information from this website and it does still show me that I’m more INTJ than INTP with a few differences that life has taught me and things I have learned. I do want to say the tests that I took could be more edited, as some questions can have added answer choices as just having two answer choices isn’t enough and some answer choices were maybe’s to me.

    1. If you want to be sure, just learn about it. Tests just give you an indication, a place to start. Tests don’t give you a definite answer.

  5. I’m an INTP but Due to my upbringing I have great respect for people of authority simple because of the important positions they hold, Like, principals, government officials, esp first responders and military/ veteran personnel. I also have respect for tradition since it is what our forefathers fought and labored for. Tho I am becoming more comfortable with questioning them

    1. “I also have respect for tradition since it is what our forefathers fought and labored for.” Yeah I wouldn’t put that quote at the beginning of an INTP profile.

      “Tho I am becoming more comfortable with questioning them” Becoming? More comfortable with questioning? …. ^^’ INTP indeed..

  6. “You Hate Surprise Visits” It happened once, I didn’t answer. It’s like.. no. Absolutely no. I’ll hide if I have to.

  7. The accuracy is way beyond me.
    Precision, hate for suprise visits, playing devils advocate, approach with skeptism… I could go on and on.
    I’m just glad I discovered this website early enough.
    Well done

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