Here’s the Bridgerton Character You’d Be, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type


I love a good romance, and the Bridgerton series is one that, although a guilty pleasure, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed. Upon watching the third season I decided it would be fun to attempt to type the characters in the show.

Discover the Myers-Briggs personality types of the Bridgerton characters. #MBTI #Personality #INFP

If you’re not familiar with Myers-Briggs® personality types, they are a way of classifying people into 16 different groups based on their preferences and tendencies. If you’re interested in finding out your type, you can take a quiz here.

Before you begin: The Myers-Briggs® Type Indicator is a thoroughly researched method for finding people’s personality preferences and understanding their decision making. As an MBTI® practitioner I don’t tell someone their personality type; I walk them through the process of understanding themselves until they come to understand and choose their best-fit type. I can’t conduct a type consultation with any of the characters in Bridgerton, and some characters are only shown for brief periods of time. Thus these typings are meant to be taken with a large grain of salt. These are estimations but they are fictional characters that we’re only seeing a glimpse of in a fictional setting. If you have alternate perspectives on their types be sure to let me know!

The Bridgerton Character You’d Be, Based On Your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type

The ENFP – Colin Bridgerton

ENFP Colin Bridgerton

Colin Bridgerton is the epitome of the charming ENFP personality type. He’s always quick with a witty comment and he has a talent for making people laugh. Yet he’s more serious than the typical fictional ENFP, wanting desperately to find his purpose and individual sense of meaning. He’s even willing to travel across the globe to try new things, see new places, and find himself. Colin is sensitive and caring, but sometimes out of touch with reality and more in touch with the potential he hopes for.

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The ENTP – Eloise Bridgerton

ENTP Eloise Bridgerton

Eloise Bridgerton is the wild child of the Bridgertons, and her ENTP personality is evident in her adventurous spirit and her knack for debate. She’s charming and intelligent, with a quick wit that often gets her in trouble. Like Colin, she also cares deeply about others and wants to see them happy. Yet she struggles with the pressures and limits placed on women during her time period.

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The INFP – Penelope Featherington

Penelope Featherington is an INFP

Creative and sensitive, Penelope longs to give her imagination a means to take flight. Although she doesn’t always make the best decisions, she tries to live according to an inner sense of what she believes is right and wrong (even when this flies in the face of the values her mother is trying to teach her). Finding an outlet for her creativity is essential to her, but she also idealistically longs for someone who she fears may not love her back. While she is often underestimated, she works behind the scenes to bring her creativity, intuition, and imagination to life.

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The INTP – Lord Debling

INTP Bridgerton character is Lord Alfred Debling

Curious, adventurous, and knowledge focused, Lord Debling captures the best qualities of the INTP. I, like many other viewers, felt so conflicted when Penelope had the option to marry him or follow her heart to Colin Bridgerton. INTPs seek out knowledge and mastery more than anything else; often putting personal relationships on the backburner to gain more insight and data. Lord Debling is a genuine, accepting, and kind person, like many INTPs can be, but he needs his independence and isn’t willing to put that aside for love. At the same time, he needed to know that his potential relationship with Penelope was built on a foundation of total loyalty.

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The ENFJ – Violet Bridgerton

ENFJ Violet Bridgerton

Wise and perceptive, Violet Bridgerton seems to know what’s bothering her children even when they aren’t explicitly verbalizing their struggles. She naturally serves as her children’s advisor, even when they don’t listen to her wise words. With just a knowing glance, we (the audience) can sense that she’s picked up on something we also know from behind-the-scenes. She wants to guide her children towards being the best they can be and marrying for love rather than status or money. Naturally she can sense the chemistry between people and can sense dynamics that others are trying to hide.

The ENTJ – Lady Danbury

ENTJ Lady Danbury

Lady Danbury is Simon’s mentor and one of the major influencers of her time. She is decisive, efficient, and ambitious, with a sharp mind and a quick tongue. In typical ENTJ fashion, she knows what she wants and she’s not afraid to go after it. She can easily see what’s going on beneath the surface for people, and she’s not afraid to speak blunt truths – even if they’re not popular.

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The INFJ – Francesca Bridgerton

Francesca Bridgerton is an INFJ

More reserved and mysterious than the other Bridgerton children, Francesca is known for her analytical mind and perceptive nature. Like most INFJs, Francesca knows how to read people and can often sense things that others’ are refusing to outright verbalize. More than the chatter and noise of the ballroom, she prefers the quiet isolation of the parlor where she can play her piano. She is curious about people and why they do what they do, but she’s sometimes blind to her own desires, something common with Feeling-Judging personality types. She often grapples with deciding between what she wants versus what she feels is ethically right according to the society she lives in.

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The INTJ – Kathani “Kate” Sharma

INTJ Kate Sharma

Kate is strong, no-nonsense, and insightful. She prefers blunt truths to sugarcoated ones and is unafraid to speak up against perceived injustices or oppressive thinking. She aligns her life with taking care of her younger sister and preserving her family’s well-being. Like most INTJs, she has an independent streak and can sometimes venture outside of social expectations in an effort to compete. Even though she’s a woman, she doesn’t feel quite at home with the social standards and pressures placed on women during her time.

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The ESFP – Siena Rosso

ESFP Siena Rosso

Fun-loving and ambitious, Siena Rosso will do what it takes to make her way in a world that is bent on rewarding social status over hard work. She’s a survivor, always quick to improvise and even quicker with a sharp tongue. She loves life and wants to enjoy every moment, but she’s not afraid to get her hands dirty. She knows what she wants and goes for it wholeheartedly.

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The ESTP – Jack Featherington

ESTP Jack Featherington

Playful and manipulative, Jack Featherington embodies many of the characteristics of the average to unhealthy ESTP. While he appears to be carefree and charming, he’s actually quite shrewd and calculating. He’ll do whatever it takes to get what he wants, even if that means using others. He knows how to improvise in any situation, coming up with short-term solutions and using his charms to achieve his goals.

The ISFP – Benedict Bridgerton

ISFP Benedict Bridgerton

Good-humored and thoughtful, Benedict Bridgerton is the quintessential ISFP. He has a romantic, artistic soul and longs for freedom and beauty on his own terms. He’s also one of the only people who understands Eloise’s unconventional wishes and desires. As an ISFP, he understands the need to be one’s own individual, even if it goes against the grain of society.

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The ISTP – Simon Basset

ISTP Simon Basset

Sharp-witted and principled, Simon Basset longs for a life of freedom and autonomy. He’s a man who knows his own mind and is unafraid to stand up for what he thinks, even if it means going against society’s expectations. He’s resourceful and practical, displaying a down-to-earth view on life rather than a stuffy or pretentious perspective. He likes to take life as it comes, making up strategies and solutions on the fly.

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The ESFJ – Daphne Bridgerton

ESFJ Daphne Bridgerton

The epitome of the ESFJ, Daphne Bridgerton is a kind and giving person who loves taking care of those around her. She appreciates the traditions involved with courting, and knows how to present herself in a favorable light. The queen instantly notices her poise and grace under pressure. Like most ESFJs, she has a strong sense of tradition and values family above all else.

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The ESTJ – Anthony Bridgerton

ESTJ Anthony Bridgerton

Serious and no-nonsense, Anthony believes he must sacrifice whatever he wants personally to uphold his responsibility as the oldest son in the Bridgerton household. Like many ESTJs, he struggles to be cognizant of others’ sensitivities, and he can come across as brusque and unfeeling, even when he cares very deeply. He’s a man of action, preferring to take direct and decisive steps rather than wasting time deliberating. ESTJs are often the backbone of society, and Anthony is no exception.

The ISFJ – Edwina Sharma

ISFJ Edwina Sharma

Courteous and kind, Edwina Sharma easily understands what’s expected of her and how to respond to people’s feelings. Like most ISFJs she is detail-oriented and thoughtful, taking care to notice and respond to the needs of those around her. She has a strong sense of tradition, valuing family highly. While she’s not as outspoken as some of the other characters, she definitely has a voice and is not afraid to use it when necessary.

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The ISTJ – Philip Crane

ISTJ Philip Crane

Diligent and responsible, Philip Crane steps in to take care of Marina Thompson when it seems like no one else will. He displays the qualities of a typical ISTJ – practicality, reserve, and a steady sense of responsibility. If you’d like to find out more about Philip Crane, you should explore the 5th book in the Bridgerton series, To Sir Philip, With Love.

ENTJ – Queen Charlotte

Queen Charlotte I had originally typed as an ESTP, but that was prior to the Netflix series “Queen Charlotte” being released. After watching that I knew I had to get back on here and switch her to ENTJ. Charlotte showcases the decisiveness, leadership, and visionary determination that all ENTJs share.

While ESTPs are pragmatic and can certainly be leaders, they have a more relaxed, charming demeanor. They like to have fun with life and to not be bound by any particular constraints. Charlotte, on the other hand, says exactly what she thinks and has no issue commanding, delegating, and organizing. Her first response to becoming queen is to figure out what duties and responsibilities she needs to organize, and when she can’t do that, she’s crestfallen. She is constantly scanning her environment, looking for productive things to do. She also cares little for society’s expectations of her and breaks the rules of social convention on several occasions; something types who have Introverted Feeling (TJs and FPs) are more likely to do than TPs or FJs. The “bossiness” that Charlotte demonstrates throughout the series is very typical of an ENTJ; they immediately know how to get what they want in the most efficient way, and will get others on board to attain it without hesitation.

What Are Your Thoughts?

Do you agree with these typings? Are there any insights or perspectives you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments!

Find out more about your personality type in our eBooks, Discovering You: Unlocking the Power of Personality Type,  The INFJ – Understanding the Mystic, The INTJ – Understanding the Strategist, and The INFP – Understanding the Dreamer. You can also connect with me via FacebookInstagram, or Twitter!

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  1. I’m so Kate with her sense of responsibility looking out for her family and not caring about society’s expectations about women. Her being was attractive to Anthony and I’m so in love with that.

  2. I find this series a little boring now.It is very slow. After the Duke, the rest are unnecessary….

  3. I loved your article Susan! As a huge Bridergton fan I binge watched the second season, which is the latest version we have in South Africa. I could so identify with your analysis of the characters. I am àcquainted with Myers-Briggs personality types, but not in any depth, also done the Enneagram, but again not in depth. Thank you again, Anne Bebington

    1. Thank you Anne! I’m so glad that you enjoyed this! I always get excited when I can get a deeper look at the personality of the characters in my favorite shows 🙂

    1. Respectfully disagree. ISFPs don’t rock the boat, they go with the flow as long as they can take a back seat and no one is getting hurt…

  4. I agree with you Pamela! Season 2 definitely had many more boring parts. And it’s almost a repeat of what happened in season 1 honestly! I feel like season 3 could be even worse 🙁

  5. Kate is def an extrovert. Look at the horse race scene, party scenes and Pall Mall scene, where she is very comfortable being around Bridgertons. They might not be strangers, but it’s too early for her to be comfortable in their company, even if Anthony is there. Maybe she felt a kindred spirit or something, but def not as fast as I see there, as an introvert.

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